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Task 3–APRIL 6, 2024

Task 3: Developing a Lesson Plan that Integrates Social Issues into Mathematics

Context: You are a student teacher in a secondary school, about to take over a class
for a unit on linear functions. This is a critical juncture where students often struggle to
see the practical applications of math.

Challenge: Design a lesson plan following 7Es that teaches core mathematical
concepts (linear functions) while also incorporating a relevant social issue.

Social Issue Options:

 Income Inequality: Connect linear functions to understanding income disparity.

Students can analyze data on income distribution, model income growth over time, and
explore the impact of progressive taxes using linear relationships.
 Climate Change: Use linear functions to represent rising global temperatures, model
CO2 emission rates, and explore the impact of various mitigation strategies.
 Voting Systems: Analyze the mathematics behind different voting systems (e.g.,
ranked choice vs. plurality) using linear functions to model outcomes and potential

Task Requirements:

1. Content Integration: Clearly outline how the lesson plan will teach linear functions
while seamlessly integrating the chosen social issue.
2. Activities: Develop engaging activities that encourage students to analyze real-world
data, make connections between math and social issues, and solve problems using
linear functions.
3. Assessment: Create formative and summative assessments to gauge student
understanding of both mathematical concepts and their application to the social issue.

Understanding Schools & Social Institutions:

This task allows you to explore the role of education in responding to societal demands.
By integrating a social issue, you're making mathematics relevant and helping students
see its applications in the real world. This connects to the concept of schools preparing
students to be informed and engaged citizens.
Further Exploration (AKS - Answer, Know, and Solve):

 Answer (Social Institutions): Research the different social institutions (family,

education, religion, etc.) and how they influence our values and behaviors. How does
education play a unique role?
 Know (Mathematics in Society): Explore historical examples of how mathematics has
been used to address social issues (e.g., cryptography, social justice movements).
 Solve (Critical Thinking): Debate the pros and cons of incorporating social issues into
math education. How can it be done effectively without compromising core
mathematical skills?

Submission of Output: April 12, 2024 @ Google classroom

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