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## Copilot

An earthquake occurs when there is a sudden release of energy within a limited

region of Earth's rocks. Let's delve into the causes:
- Faults and Tectonic Plates:
- Earthquakes primarily happen along geologic faults, which are narrow zones
where rock masses move relative to each other.
- The Earth's crust is divided into massive tectonic plates. These plates are
in constant, slow motion but get stuck at their edges due to friction.
- Stress and Friction:
- As the plates continue to move, stress builds up along the fault lines.
- When the stress overcomes the friction, there's a sudden slip on the fault.
This release of energy generates seismic waves that travel through Earth's crust.
- Energy Release:
- The energy can be released due to various factors:
- Elastic Strain: When rocks are deformed and store energy elastically.
- Gravity: Masses of rock suddenly shift.
- Chemical Reactions: Energy release from chemical processes.
- Motion of Massive Bodies: For example, volcanic activity or landslides.
- Magnitude and Impact:
- About 50,000 noticeable earthquakes occur annually worldwide, but only around
100 cause substantial damage near populated areas.
- Very powerful earthquakes occur approximately once a year.
Remember, these seismic events shape our planet and have fascinated scientists for
centuries! 🌍🔥
Learn more about earthquakes from Britannica ..

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