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How to Sexualize a Conversation

by BGC

Guys, I came to a major insight yesterday.

The big insight is in the use of one single word -- BABY.

I’ll explain a little later.

For a long time I’d been trying to figure out how to sexualize a conversation
with a woman you want right from the start. Because you know how you’re
supposed to reveal your interest right away, right?

Well I experimented this week with telling chicks right off the bat, right after
meeting them, that I was going to try to get their number.

I did this using humor saying, "Well, you know, I really stopped by to ask you
about your shoes (I asked them a question about their shoes), but now that
I’m here, I’m going to have to get your number."

I thought this would be good because it would immediately reveal my interest,


But it didn’t work so well. In fact, right when I said I wanted to get her number,
she would withdraw.

There are a few reasons for this I think -- one, you’re revealing your
intentions; two, you’re indicating that it’s nothing about her personality that
you like, as you’ve just been talking to her for a second.

Anyways, so I was thinking, how can you sexualize a conversation right


And I realized you can do so by using a term of address: BABY.

When I first thought of this, I thought, nah, that can’t work, that’s clichéd, it’s
considered sexist, a chick will get offended, and more.

But then I realized that all of my negative thoughts about using that word to
refer to a girl came from cultural conditioning -- pretty much the feminist

And so I decided to try it. I addressed a hot girl using the term -- and
immediately she knew I was into her.

I said, "Hey baby, can you tell me what year your car is?"

And she immediately started playing with her hair, and more.
But I was still a little apprehensive about using the term. I guess I thought it
might offend some girls. But then I realized that really hot girls probably are
used to the term.

Plus using the word I think WILL SHOW THAT YOU HAVE COMPLETE

Because consider this:



Not ever.

Think about it.

You know what else; I realized I never addressed my ex-girlfriend, my first

girlfriend, using the word baby.

I never did because maybe the word "baby" immediately establishes you as a
dominant over the girl, and since she was my first girlfriend maybe I didn’t get
the confidence to go for that dominance...

Anyways, I would suggest that guys field test using this term.

And think about how very sexual it is. It’s pretty easy to say to a hot girl. But
imagine saying it to an older, dowdy woman!!!

No way, right?

Well that shows how very sexual the word is.

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