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SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe a photograph that makes you happy 14 like to talk about a photograph that brings me a lot of joy. This picture captures a moment from a family gathering, and it's a cherished memory for me. The photo features a picnic in ‘a beautiful park on a sunny summer day. In the picture, you can see my family and me sitting ona checkered blanket, surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers. We all have big smiles on our faces, and my younger brother is holding a kite that's soaring high in the clear blue sky. | took this photo about three years ago during a weekend getaway to a nearby nature reserve Te was a perfect day with a gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping in the background. We had packed a delicious picnic with sandwiches, fruits, and homemade lemonadeAtter the meal, we decided to fly kites, and that's when this joyful moment was captireth, | don't look at this photo regularly, but i's saved in my digital album, soWeohe Across it from time to time. Whenever I see it, it instantly brings back the happinéss-and togetherness ‘we shared that day. It reminds me of the importance of spending qualityimé with family and appreciating the simple pleasures of life. ‘The reason this photo makes me happy is that it encapsulates the warmth of family bonds and the beauty of nature. It represents carefree moments aid of being with loved ones Every time I look at it, 'm reminded of how fortunate | aimt@yhave such wonderful ‘memories, and it never fails to bring a smile to my face. ‘Toi mun néi vé mgt bite din mang Iai cho ti Ya nhieu niém vui, Biéc hinh nay ghi lai mot Khodnh khic tir mot budi ty hop gia digh OAs 14 mot ky tee quy bau d6i véi t6i. Bite anh nay thé hign mot budi da ngoai tai mdt edne vién dep vao mot nga hé nding. Trong bit hinh, ban cé thé thay gia dinh t6i va t@f'dahg hgdi trén mot tim chan ké 6, bao quanh la cay e6 tuoi t6t va hoa lé day mau sic. Chfing toi/déu 6 nhing nu cudi twoi vui trén khudn mat va em trai t6i dang cdm mot cai diéu dang bay cao trén bau trai xanh trong. Toi chup bite anh nay. khdang’ba nam trade trong mét ky nghi cudi tuan tai mot khu bao ton thién nhign gin 46, D6 li mot ngiy hodn hao véi mét con gié nhe va tiéng chim riu rit phat ra tir phia xa. Chiifig i da chun bi mét bit picnic ngon lanh véi bénh mi sandwich, tréi ciy ‘va nude chan rnd, Sau bita dn, chiing t6i quyét dinh tha diéu va dé la lite khoanh Khe vui vvé nay dutoc. gh i ‘ToiKhOng xem bite Anh nay thurdng xuyén, nhuing n6 da duroc liu tron; 101, GV t6i thug xuyén tinh cé nhin thay n6. Mdi khi ti nhin thay n6, n6 ngay lap tire which was new to me, Despite the difficulties, I dedicated long hours to the project, sought help from colleagues when needed, and stayed committed to delivering high-quality results. When I finally presented the insights to our client, they were impressed with thé depth of analysis and the actionable recommendations we provided. I felt a great sense-of agcomplishment and pride in successfully completing this task. It reinforced my confidence-in my analytical skills and highlighted the importance of perseverance and teamwork injaehieving challenging, goals, ‘Mot nhiém vu day thit thach trong céng viée ma ¥6(dac biét tw hao khi hoan thanh la mot due 4n phan tich dtr ligu phite tap. Tdi kim vide Gittnedch Li nha nghién eit thi trumg va dy én nay lién quan dén viée phan tich dit ligu Khao Sat neu tiéu ding trén dién réng dé cung cap thong tin chi tit c6 gi tri cho khiich hang €tia chiing ti. Nhiém vu di hoi khit khe cha yéu do Khoi long dit ligu khong 1d va thar tian chat che. Toi phai lim sach va sip xép dit Ligu, thyc hign nhieu phan tich thdng ké kiie nhau va tao ra nhing hinh anh tre quan ¢6 ¥ nghia 48 trinh bay cae phat hign mot eéeh higu qua. khién nhigm nay ts nén khé khiin hon nda la dit ligu ban dau khéng c6 céu tric tt ‘va t6i phai danf thi gian ding ké dé don dep va chuyén d6i n6 thanh dinh dang c6 thé sit dung duge. Ngodira, t6i cn phai hoe va str dung mot s6 phn mém phan tich dat ligu nang cao, phin'mém hy cén méi di véi t6i, Bat chap nhiig khé khin, t6i da dinh nhigu thai agian cho Wy 4a, tim kiém sir gidp d3 ti déng nghiép khi cin va luén cam két mang lai két quit chit urong Gao. Cudi cing, khi t6itrinh bay nhimg hiéu biét séu sic cho khéch hang, ho da rit an tuomg véi chiéu sau phan tich va nhimg 42 xuat hirw ich ma chiing t6i dua ra, Toi cam thay rt vui va te hao vi da hodn thanh xuat séc nhigm vu nay. Né cling c6 ste te tin cia ti vao KY rng phan tich ciia minh va nhan manh tim quan trong cia su kign tri va tinh than déng 461 trong vige dat duro cdc mue tiéu day thach thit. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe a time something changed your life in a good way One significant event that had a positive impact on my life was when I decided to pursue higher education abroad. It was a pivotal moment that transformed my life in a remarkable way. This change occurred a few years ago when I was contemplating my future. I had completed my undergraduate studies in my home country and was working in a job that didn't provide the career opportunities I aspired to. I realized that furthering my education abroad could open doors to a more fulfilling and promising career. ‘The decision to study abroad was not easy. It involved rigorous research, preparing for standardized tests, and navigating the complex application process. Moreover, thére wete financial and logistical challenges to overcome. However, the positive impact ofthis decision became evident after I started my master's program in a foreign country. IYéxposed me to diverse cultures, expanded my horizons, and provided access to world-élass tducation and resources. | developed a global perspective, improved my languageskills, anid made lifelong friendships with people from all over the world, Most importantly>this experience broadened my eareer prospects and eventually led to a job that I am passionage)about, It instilled in me a sense of independence and self-confidence that continues to shape my life in a positive way. ‘Mét str kin quan trong c6 tie déng tich cue dén eude.d3¥66i ta khi t6i quyét dinh theo dudi con dutémg hoe van cao hon 6 nude ngoai. é fa ing>khoanh khie quan trong da thay déi Sir thay di nay-xay ra cich diy vai nim khi t6i dang suy tinh vé tuong lai ciia minh, T6i 4a hodn thigh ehuromg trinh hoc dai hoc & qué nha vi dang Lam mt cng vige khong mang lai eg hoi igh nghigp ma t61 mong mudn. Toi nhdn ra ring vige tiép tuc hoe tp 6 muse ngoai 64 the'm6 ra cénh cita cho mot sir nghigp diy hira hen va ‘ron ven hon, ude di t6i mot cach ding cht Quyét dinh di du hoekhehg,fé dB dang. Né lién quan dén nghién cru nghiém ngat, chuan bi cho cfe bai kiém sf y8u chuan hoa vi diéu huéng qué tinh dang ky phi tap. Hon nia, cin 6 nhting thach thite v8 tai chinh va hu cin phai vuot qua. Tuy nbién, tic ding tich cue cia quyét inh ndy wg mén 1 ring sau khi 6i bit du chuomg trinh thae si & muse ngoai. Nb {i tidp xtiex6i C4 nén van héa da dang, mé rng tim nhin cia ti va mang Iai co’ hoi tiép én nén giéo-duc va nguén luc ding cap thé giéi. Toi da phit trién tim nhin todn cu, cai thiga k\niing ngon ngit ciia minh va két ban léu dai véi moi ngwdi tir khip noi trén thé gigi Quan wong nhét, tii nghiém nay da mé rong trién vong nghé nghiép cia t6i va cudi cing din <4én migt cOng vige ma toi dam me. No truyén cho t6i cam gide-d6¢ lap va ty tn, diéu nay iép tue dinh hinh cude séng ca t6i theo huémg tich cur IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing One memorable instance when I had to wait a considerable amount of time for something, wonderful was during a family vacation to an amusement park. It was a hot summer day, and ‘my family and I were excited to visit a renowned theme park that was known for its th tides and captivating shows. As soon as we arrived at the park, we could see that it was bustling with people, all eager to experience the attractions. We decided to start with the park's most famous roller coaster, which had a notoriously long queue, The line stretched (on seemingly forever, winding through various twists and turns, ‘The wait tured out to be much longer than we had anticipated. We stood in line for over two hours under the scorching sun, growing increasingly impatient. However, our Patience paid off when we finally reached the front of the line and boarded the rolleF coaster. The exhilarating ride with its twists and loops was absolutely worth the wait What made this, experience special was the anticipation and the shared exeitementwith my'family. Waiting for that ride, despite the discomfort of the long queue, made the eventual enjoyment of the roller coaster even sweeter. It taught me the value of patience-and savoring the anticipation of something delightful ‘Mot vi du dng nhé khi t6i phai ché doi mt khang thai gian ding ké dé c6 duve digu gi a6 tuyét voi ld trong ky nghi gia dinh & céng vin gil tri, Bo 1A mot ngay hé néng nuc,t6i va gia dinh rit hao himg dén thim mot cong fign gai tri ndi tiéng, noi ni tiéng véi nhimg trd choi ccim gide manh va nhimng chuong tein bigu dign hip din, Vira dén cong vien, ching t0i da thay noi diy tap nép ngudi qua déu hao hire mudn trai nghiém nhimg diém tham quan. Ching ti quyét dinh b&& dau Yoi tau Ivon siéu téc ndi tiéng nhat cha cng vién, noi c hang ngudi dai noi tiéng, Hiaong dy kéo dai dung nhur v6 tn, uén lwgn qua nhigu khitc quanh khéc nhau, Sut ché doi h6a ta hon nhiéu so véi ching t6i dur dosin. Ching t6i dimg xép hing hon hai tiéng déng hd dugi cai nding nh thiéu 46t, cng ngay céng mat kign nhin. Tuy nhién, su kién nhiin ota ching t6i 48 duoc dén dap khi cudi cing chiing t6i 48 dén duroc du hing va lén tau ugh Sigu tbc. Chuyén di thi vi véi nhing khiic quanh va vong lip hoan todn dang dé chis di, Didi khién trai nghigm nay tro nén dc bigt li sur mong doi va chia sé niém phan Khich v6i ga dinh t6i. Vike chis doi chuyén di d6, bat chap sur khé chiu cia vige xép hang dai, da ign cho cam gide thieh thi khi di tau luom sigu tc cdng tro nén ngot ngio hon. Né day ti si tricia sur kién nhdn va tan hung niém mong cha vio di IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe a book you want to read again. One book that I really want to read again is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It's a classic novel that left a lasting impression on me. The story is set in a small Souther town in the United States during the 1930s and revolves around the lives of the Finch family. The ‘main character, Scout Finch, provides a unique perspective on social issues, prejudice, and racism prevalent at that time. ‘What captivated me the most was the profound portrayal of human nature and the complex characters in the book. Atticus Finch, Scout's father, is a moral compass and his wisdoin, taught me valuable life lessons. The way the author weaves the plot is simply remarkable” keeping me engaged from start to finish. The vivid deseriptions of the town afd i people transported me to that era, making it an immersive experience. Moreover, "To Kill a Mockingbird” encourages readers to reflect on thei on attitudes towards others and challenges us to stand up for what is tight, even inthe face of adversity. Revisiting this book would allow me to rediscover the nuanges.that.Dmight have missed during my first read and deepen my understanding of its thentes. Yo Kill a Mockingbird” is a thought-provoking and timeless literary work that I gan'twaitto delve into again. ‘Mot cudn sich ma t6i thye sw mudn doc lai la "Giéteon chim nhai” cia Harper Lee. DS la a Cau chuyén ly béi canh tai ‘mot thi tran nhé mign Nam nuée My vao,ahimg nam 1930 va xoay quanh cude sng cita gia inh Finch. Nhn vat chinh, Scout Finth, indng dén mot géc nhin dée dio vé céc van dé xa hoi, dinh kién va phan bigt ching f6c phO-ien vao thoi diém a6. Bidu khién t6i say mé nhipa si{qpiéu ti siu séc vé bin chét con ngudi va nhing nhan vat phite tap trong cuén séel, Atticus Finch, cha cia Scout, la mot chiéc la bain dao dic va str hn ngoan ciia Ong daUay.cho tOi nhtmg bai hoc cude sing quy gid. Cach tée id dét c6t truyén don giana dang\eha ¥, khién t6i bi cuén hut tir dau dén cudi. Nhing mé ta song dong vé thi tn viyeon.ngui cia n6 da dura t6i dn thai dai d6, khién n6 tro thanh mot trai nghigm sing ding Hof nda, "Giét con chim nhai" khuyén khich ngudi doc suy ngim vé thai d6 cua chinh ho di ‘vobngubi khée va thich thie chimg ta dimg lén bao vé I8 phai, ngay ea khi di mat v6i nghich ciinh, Xem lai cudn sch nay s& cho phép t0i khaim pha Iai nhiing s thé da bd 16 trong Hin doc di tign va higu sdu hom vé ede chi dé eta n6. "Giét con chim hai" 1a mot tée phim van hge kich thich tr duy va e6 gid tri vugt thoi gian ma t6i néng long ‘mudn tim higu thém mot lan nia, c thai ma t6i c6 IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe a crowded place you have been to. ‘A crowded place that I vividly remember visiting is a bustling marketplace in the heart of my city. It was during a festive season, and the atmosphere was electrifying. The market was teeming with people from all walks of life, eagerly navigating through the colorful stalls. ‘The vibrant chatter, accompanied by traditional music playing in the background, added to the liveliness of the scene. As I meandered through the thronging crowd, I couldn' help but notice the array of products on display — from exquisite handicrafts to tantalizing street food. ‘The vendors passionately advertised their wares, creating a buzz of excitement. The air was filled with the aroma of delicious treats, tempting even the most health-conscious indiiduals, Amidst the chaos, I felt a sense of unity and diversity as people from diverse eéluiteSand backgrounds interacted harmoniously. Though it was crowded, there wasnyuaspoken understanding of personal space, and everyone respected each other's bdtundaries. This experience left a lasting impression on me. The vivid sights, sounds, nd Seats of the bustling marketplace created a truly memorable day, and I look forward tb visiting agai to relish the energy and uniqueness of such a crowded place ‘Mot noi dng dic ma t6i nhé rit ro di ghé thm La mgt kbu.She nhon nip 6 trung tém thanh phé cia t6i. Bé 1a trong mot mia 1 hoi, va bau khéng Rbi S6i dng. Khu cho dy ép nhimg ngudi thude moi ting l6p xa hoi, héo hite di quealitmig gian hing dy mau sic. Cude trd chuyén s6i néi, cing véi am nhac trayén théitg phat trong nén, lam tang thém sw s6ng déng cho khung cénh, Khi len ldi qua dim dong, ti khong thé khong chit ¥ dén hang loat sin phim durge tring bay — tr nhing mén(@é thi’eéng my nghé tinh xo dén nhitng mén an during phé hip din, Nhong nguéi bai ng say stra quing céo sin phim cia ho, tao ra mot tiéng vang phan khich. Khéng’khi tairhgép mii thom cia nhiing mon an ngon, hap dan ngay cca nhimg nguoi quan tim gén Sf hoe nhat, Gitta sir hn loan, t6ftedm nbn duce sir théng nhit va da dang khi moi ngudi ti ede nén van ha va nguén g6e kite hhau tong tae hai hoa, Mae di déng dite nhung van o6 su higu biét vé khéqie wial)e4 nhdn va moi ngudi tn trong ranh gidi cia nhau. Trai nghiém nay 48 é lai An trong lain dai trong t6i. Khung canh, am thanh va mii hurong séng dng cia khu chy hon nip dictao nén mot ngay thu sy ding nhé va toi mong sém durge ghé thm mot in nit d2 tan, hong nang long va sy déc dao cua mét noi déng dite nhu vay. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe a game you played in your childhood. Asa child, I used to adore playing "Hide-and-Seek" with my friends in our neighborhood. It ‘was a thrilling game that brought us immense joy and excitement. The rules of the game ‘were simple, One person would close their eyes and count to a certain number, usually ten or twenty, while the others scattered to find hiding spots. Once the counting ended, the seeker ‘would begin the quest to find the hidden players. I have fond memories of the adrenaline rush I felt as I searched for the perfect hiding spot. Behind trees, in bushes, or even inside someone's backyard, we explored every nook and cranny to outwit the seeker, The th intensified as the seeker got closer, and we had to stay as quiet as possible to avoid being discovered. ‘The best part of the game was the laughter and camaraderie we shared. Eachsonnd would end with lots of teasing and cheers as we congratulated the seeker or prafsed those who remained hidden until the end. "Hide-and-Seek” was not just a games it wash way for us to bond and create cherished memories together. Even now, when Krecall those carefree days of ‘my childhood, I can't help but smile and feel a sense of nostalgia forthose wonderful times. Khi cn nh, t6i rit thich choi tro "Trén tim" véi cae ban trong x6m. Dé la mot trd choi ci gidc manh mang Iai cho ching tdi niém vui vas pbaakhich v6 cing. Cac quy tiie cua tro choi rat don gidn. Mét ngu6i sé nhim mat ya'dém ch mét con s6 nhat dinh, thong la mudi hodc hai muvi, trong khi nhimg nguéi khae ehaytan loan dé tim ché an np. Khi qua trinh ddém két thic, ngudi tim kiém sé bit du nhiém vu tim kiém nhimng ngudi choi én, Toi ¢6 nnhitng ky nigm dep vé cim gidc adrenaline dang trio khi tim kiém mot chd trén hodn hio. ‘Bang sau nhiing cai cd, trong by FAAThode tham chi trong san sau cla ai do, chiing toi khm pha moi ngée ngach dé dank I ke tim kiém, Cam gidc hoi hop tng lén khi ngui tim kiém én gin hon, vi ching t6i phaibgit im ling nhét c6 thé 48 tranh bi phi hign, Phan hay nhat gia te6-choi la tiéng cui va tinh ban than thiét ma ching t6i da chia sé. Mdi vvong sé két thief nhigu Ioi tréu choc va 6 vi khi ching t6i chite ming ngudi tim hoc khewngdiahiing ngudi vin fn minh cho dén cudi cing. "Trin tim" khéng chi Ia mot tro choi; 464d mde cach dé ching t0i gin két va tgo ra nhting ky niém ding nhé ciing nhau, Bén ‘Gmba¥ gid) khi nhé Iai nhimg thing ngay vd tw cia tudi tho, 101 vin khong khoi mim eu va cain ihdy hodi nigm vé khodng thai gian tuyét vai do. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 3 9-12 NEW Describe a happy experience in your childhood that you remember well. One of the happiest memories from my childhood that I can vividly recall is the time I spent at my grandparents’ house during summer vacations. It was an enchanting experience filled ‘with warmth and joy. Every year, my parents would send me to my grandparents’ quaint countryside home. As soon as I arrived, the aroma of freshly baked cookies and the sight of blooming flowers welcomed me. The love and affection showered by my grandparents made ‘me feel cherished and special. During those blissful days, my grandfather would take me on leisurely walks by the nearby lake, He would tell me fascinating stories of his own childhood and share valuable life lessons. My grandmother, on the other hand, was a skilled cookand I spent hours with her in the kitchen, learning how to prepare delicious meals and desseht The ‘most exeiting part of my stay was playing in their vast garden, filled with colorful Guterflies and chirping birds. My grandfather had set up a swing for me, and I would Spendiours swaying gently, feeling carefree and content. As the sun would set, the entire family would gather on the porch sharing laughter and anecdotes. Those evenings were filled with love and bonding>

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