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Once upon a time, in a beautiful blue sky, there

was a little cloud named Cloudy. Unlike other

The little clouds, Cloudy was always sad and lonely

because everyone seemed to turn away from
The sun, the moon, the stars and even the other
clouds never stayed close to her.

Every morning, Cloudy watched the sunrise in
the sky, shining brightly and spreading heat
Cloudy wondered:
-Why can't I be like the other clouds? white and
spongy that are light and dance with the sight,
instead I am heavy, cloudy, full of water and
gray in color.

Cloudy wanted to change her appearance to be

he desperately wanted to be as radiant as the
sun, hoping that maybe then she would be loved At night, Little Cloud watched the moon and
and accepted. then Cloudy said to himself: stars rise, the resplendent beauty of her
-One day, I will be as bright as the sun, and captivating the night sky. She envied the allure
people will love me too. of her resplendent and silently wished she could
shine like the stars.
Cloudy would whisper:
-Someday I will shine like the stars and
everyone will notice me.
Cloudy was attracted by her smile and
enthusiasm and decided to follow the girl as she
One day, as Cloudy floated in the sky, reflecting
jumped and laughed.
on her loneliness and longing to change from
her, she noticed a girl named Emily playing in a
field below. Emily had a twinkle in her eye and a
smile that could brighten up any room.
Little Cloud hesitated for a moment, not
knowing if she should tell him the cause of her
sadness, but realizing that she had nothing to
Emily, full of joy and curiosity, noticed the fluffy lose, she replied:
cloud floating above her.
-I feel alone because I'm different. I want to
-Hi little cloud! You see sad. What's the matter? change my appearance to be like other clouds so
Emily asked, her eyes wide with concern. that I can be accepted.
Emily looked at Little Cloud kindly and said: Little Cloud reflected on Emily's words and
began to understand that maybe being different
-Oh, Little Cloud, being different is not a bad
wasn't such a terrible thing after all. She realized
thing. In fact, it's what makes you special. Just as
that she had tried too hard to be someone she
each cloud has its unique shape and beauty, you
wasn't, instead of embracing her own beauty.
also have your uniqueness. You don't need to
change to fit in.
Emily said: - When the sun is at its brightest point you have
to go, drop your rain and see what happens.
-Besides, there is something that you can do and
the other clouds cannot, something really -Of course, Emily, I'm going to go now and I'll
beautiful. wait until tomorrow to do it.
- What is Emily?! - exclaimed with doubt and cloudy left very excited, she and she wanted to
enthusiasm Cloudy. find out what would happen
Emily and Cloudy became the best of friends and
went on countless adventures together. They
sailed across the sky, danced with the wind, and
even made shapes out of the clouds.
Cloudy began to appreciate her softness, her
sweetness, and the refreshing rain she brought
to the world.

Cloudy, just as Emily told her, got under the sun

when it was at its brightest and released a light
rain forming a beautiful rainbow in the blue sky
the vivid colors under the cloud were radiant
making all the other clouds, the sun, the moon
and the stars will look at her amazed and
amazed by her beauty, Emily felt very proud of
her little fluffy friend.
Cloudy welcomed them with open arms,
teaching them the importance of accepting and
As the days passed, other clouds began to notice
embracing each other. The sky was filled with
the change in Cloudy and to accept it. They saw
laughter, friendship and a new sense of
her happiness and how she embraced her
uniqueness. They realized that being different
was not something to fear, but something to
celebrate. Slowly, the other clouds began to get Since then, Cloudy understood that it was okay
closer to Cloudy, wanting to be friends with her. for her to be different.
She learned that being accepted has nothing to
do with changing yourself but with finding

The end
people who appreciate and love you for who you
are. And so Cloudy lived happily ever after,
knowing that being different was what made her
truly special.

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