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What is it?
Water energy, also known as hydroelectric energy, is the power generated by capturing the energy of
moving water. This can be accomplished through several methods, such as hydroelectric dams, tidal
power stations, and wave energy converters. And I am going to explain the different types to you now.

1. Wave Energy: Lithuania's Baltic Sea coast offers potential for wave energy.
However, low wave energy compared to open ocean regions may pose challenges for
installing wave energy technology.

2. Hydropower: Lithuania's small rivers have been used for small-scale hydropower
installations. Small hydropower plants can still contribute to the renewable energy


Now moving onto advantages and disadvantages


 Renewable: It uses natural water flow, constantly replenished by rainfall and snow, making it
 Low greenhouse gas emissions: It generates electricity without releasing greenhouse gases,
helping fight climate change.
 Energy independence: By using local water resources, Lithuania reduces reliance on
imported fossil fuels, boosting security.
 Creates jobs: Building and operating hydropower plants create employment and stimulate
economic growth.
 Flexible: Hydropower adjusts quickly to meet demand changes, enhancing the energy
system's flexibility.
 Long-lasting, low costs: Hydropower facilities have a long lifespan and lower operating
expenses, ensuring stable electricity prices.

Overall, investing in hydropower supports Lithuania's move towards sustainable energy, with
environmental, economic, and social benefits
While water energy, offers numerous advantages, there are also some disadvantages associated with
its use in Lithuania:

 Environmental impact: Hydropower projects can harm ecosystems, alter rivers, and affect
wildlife. And this leads to habitat loss and less biodiversity.
 Land use and displacement: Building dams and reservoirs requires land, and this can
displace communities, impacting land itself and relaxing areas.
 Dependence on water: Hydropower’s output relies on water availability, which can vary due
to seasonal changes or climate shifts.
 Water quality issues: Dams can trap pollutants, affecting downstream water quality and
 Limited Expansion: Lithuania’s small size limits the potential for more hydropower,
considering environmental and social concerns.

Despite these challenges, careful planning, environmental protection measures, and community
involvement can help with these issues and promote sustainable development.


How does water energy in Lithuania impact the overall renewable energy landscape?
Water energy plays a crucial role in shaping the overall renewable energy landscape in Lithuania.
It is one of the primary sources of renewable energy, alongside wind and solar power. The
utilization of water energy helps diversify the energy mix, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and
contributing to a more sustainable future. By harnessing the power of water, Lithuania can
generate clean electricity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote a greener and more
environmentally friendly energy sector.
What role does it play in Lithuania's efforts to achieve energy independence? Lithuania has
been actively working towards energy independence by diversifying its energy sources. They
have invested in renewable energy projects and reduced their dependence on imported energy.
How does Lithuania ensure the sustainability of its hydropower project?
Lithuania ensures hydropower sustainability via pre-construction environmental assessments,
strict water management regulations, ongoing monitoring, fish migration solutions like ladders,
community engagement, and fostering innovation for small-scale projects.
What efforts is Lithuania making to increase the use of hydropower?
- Lithuania is trying to increase the use of hydropower by developing and modernizing existing
hydroelectric power plants, as well as considering options for building new ones.

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