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Santa Sean dropping in (through the inbox this time, the chimney was clogged).

To say that whatever you're up to today...

Whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah or just good ol' Monday...

You've worked like a damn warrior this year, so in case no one's told you lately...

You're one of the most ambitious, charismatic, generous and charming people I know, your
smile lights up every room you walk into, you could melt mountains with just your gaze and
Santa better spoil you silly today or I'll personally fly to the North Pole and spank him bright red.


Don't forget to take some well-deserved time off to spend with friends and fam over the next
couple days.

You'll need to recharge those batteries to prepare for the MONUMENTAL launch I have
prepared for you for next year ;)

I spent my Christmas morning in Sydney with my girlfriend's family.

I've never seen so many presents under one tree. Seriously, they're like the Brady bunch. It's

Then we ate 7 different kinds of Christmas meats until I turned 7 weeks pregnant. No regrets, it
was delicious.

Then we played this violently competitive cup-flipping-clingwrap-unwrapping game and I won

some tissues and a chocolate bar.

I told you, this family is built different.

And then it was also our housemate Ryan's 30th birthday today, so we flew back home to Gold
Coast to surprise him.

He's been wanting a dog for a long long time.

So, we got him one.

Should've seen the look on his face! ha

Will send you doggo pics when we pick the little fella up after we get back from our Bali/ US trip
next month.

Then, I took everyone out to a nice Teppanyaki restaurant where we ate ourselves into a food
coma (again).

There was fire, exotic meats like crocodile and kangaroo, and a lot of failed mouth-food catching

Not to mention, nature gifted us with a hell of a light show throughout the duration of dinner.

Until it started bucketing down so hard that the wind was blowing bits of buildings off and
hurtling them into other buildings at light speed like a railgun.

There were no Ubers to take us home, probably cuz they'd all been blown away...

So we convinced a nice hotel worker in a big black Mercedes van to take us home.

*queue Dave and Central Cee - Sprinter*

And then we lit some candles and watched Home Alone 4 while watching the storm and drinking
protein hot chocolate.

All in all, it was a relaxing and wholesome as fuck day.

Until we saw 3 massive bolts of lightning strike the exact building that we were just having
dinner in 30 minutes ago

So yeah, typical Aussie Christmas haha.

Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

I've already taken up too much of your day.

So I'll let you get back to the festivities now.

Santa Sean has plenty of goodies up his sleeve for you before year's end. So keep an eye out
for my upcoming emails ;)

Love ya.

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