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I think the most screwed people in online marketing are boys & ghouls who declare:

"I'm done buying, time to implement! I am not buying anything else and I am just going to focus
on implementing what I have!"

I'm not saying that's a good or bad idea.

But if they are in that position at all, then in my experience with dealing with these kinds of
people over the past 22+ years up in this business... they still never do anything and will
continue not to do anything.

Their problem is not too much great info that can make them money.

A problem that I still, to this day, do not understand.

How can you have too much info that makes you money?

It boggles my mind but I have seen enough people take that attitude to know it's not a fluke
either. And that is why I personally don't think they have an implementation problem like they
think they do as they pound their desk rebuking themselves. Instead, I suspect what they have
is a self respect problem. Something many people far wiser than I will ever be have been
teaching as a danger for those in selling, business, etc for decades.

In this case, due to bad wiring or whatever it is:

They won't allow themselves to be successful.

So then they never do anything more than the bare minimum to make the exact amount of
money they are psychologically comfortable with, and lack the self awareness to recognize this
is going on and do something about it. That then creates their knee-jerk reaction to attack the
symptom and not the disease, and think they are somehow going to change anything long term.

Just a theory though.

It could just be they are simply flakey (certainly how they always sound) for all I know.

But either way:

This is on my mind because I just heard from such a person recently. And it got me to thinking
about how many other people I've known, been friends with, hung out with, sold to, and even
bought from who suffer from the same problem. This is one reason I don't like selling to people
who are not first on my email list, who do not already have a business and an offer, and who are
total newbies. I just don't relate to the ones who flit from one thing to the next then complain
about info overload.

I admittedly don't understand their plight nor do I care to.

I've never had "too much" great info that I benefit from.

So it makes no sense to me at all.

If anything it always just sounds like rationalization hamster spinning.

My opinion.

Speaking of valuable information — I got some free info to report on.

One of the things we give to anyone who gets a free BerserkerMail test drive is an eBook:

“12 ‘Fast-Cash’ Ways To Profit From Email — Even During a Worldwide Financial Crisis”

I wrote this primarily with one thing in mind, and on thing only:

What would I recommend to a loved one who sells with email during a horrifyingly bad
economy? And so I wrote it down in an eBook that is inside the BerserkerMail mobile app (you’ll
need an Android or iPhone or iPad to access the eBook). And we give it to anyone who merely
gets a free test drive so you don’t have to even be a BerserkerMail client to benefit from it.

Maybe one day I will take it down and charge for it.

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