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‭Strengthening Gender-based Violence (GBV) prevention and response services through an integrated‬

‭GBV and A/SRHR approach in the natural disaster prone areas of Bangladesh.‬
‭Work-plan Progress‬
‭2023 - Report No. 4‬

I‭ mplementing Partner‬‭:‬ ‭ ctionAid Bangladesh‬

‭UNFPA Department‬‭:‬ ‭Bangladesh - Dhaka (B6050)‬
‭WP Start Date‬‭:‬ ‭2023/1/1‬ ‭WP End Date‬‭:‬ ‭2023/12/31‬

‭Gender norms and gender-based violence and harmful practices‬

‭Workplan Indicators‬
‭Indicator‬ ‭Baseline‬ ‭Target‬ ‭Actual Value‬ ‭Comments (optional)‬
I‭ n Q4, 1 WFS was functional‬
‭Number of facilities (WFS,‬
‭at Chanandi union of Hatiya‬
‭ CC, UH&FWC) with‬
‭upazila of Noakhali district‬
‭competent service‬ ‭8‬ ‭1‬ ‭1‬
‭by the trained GBV team‬
‭providers providing GBV‬
‭who provided GBV‬
‭response services,. (SIS)‬
‭response services.‬
‭In Q4, a total of 773‬
‭beneficiaries‬‭, among them‬
‭Number of women and‬ ‭women-448, adolescent‬
g‭ irls accessed‬ ‭girls-155, pregnant and‬
‭14,472‬ ‭2500‬ ‭4043‬
‭facility-based services.‬ ‭lactating mothers-170‬
‭(SIS)‬ ‭accessed to 1 WFS of‬
‭Noakhali district and‬
‭received midwifery, PSS,‬
‬ 0‬
‭PFA, GBV case management‬
‭and referral services.‬
‭(Q1:1891, Q2:783, Q3:596,‬
‭ umber of service‬
‭providers gained‬
‭knowledge on GBV in‬
‭emergency response and‬ I‭ n Q4, no activity that was‬
‭prevention, GBV‬ ‭planned which is related to‬
‭0‬ ‭20‬ ‭40‬
‭survivor-centered case‬ ‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭management, and MHPSS‬ ‭there is no progress.‬
‭to provide services for GBV‬
‭survivors in UNFPA‬
‭priority locations. (SIS)‬
I‭ n Q4, a total of 9‬
‭organizations working with‬
‭ umber of organizations‬
N ‭people with disabilities‬
‭working with people with‬ ‭equipped with IASC‬
‭disabilities equipped with‬ ‭0‬ ‭10‬ ‭9‬ ‭guidelines on GBV and safe‬
‭IASC guideline on GBV and‬ ‭referral. The total number of‬
‭safe referral. (SIS)‬ ‭participants was 13, including‬
‭7 persons with disabilities.‬
‭(M-2, F-11).‬
‭Number of women-led‬
‭ SOs with increased‬
C I‭ n Q4, no activity that was‬
‭capacity to implement‬ ‭planned which is related to‬
‭0‬ ‭10‬ ‭10‬
‭gender transformative GBV‬ ‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭prevention interventions‬ ‭there is no progress.‬
‭Number of police officials‬
‭who have knowledge to‬
I‭ n Q4, no activity that was‬
‭provide services to GBV‬
‭planned which is related to‬
‭survivors following SOP‬ ‭0‬ ‭100‬ ‭100‬
‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭(DMP, Cox's Bazar,‬
‭there is no progress.‬‭1‬
‭Bandarban and Noakhali)‬

‬ 0‬
‭ umber of Women,‬
‭Children, Elderly and‬
‭In Q4, no activity that was‬
‭People with Disabilities‬ ‭71 (DMP – 24, Cox’s Bazar‬
‭ 2 (DMP-16, Cox's Bazar-9,‬
4 ‭ lanned which is related to‬
‭Service Desks with trained‬ ‭0‬ ‭– 22, Bandarban – 14,‬
‭Bandarban-7, Noakhali-10)‬ ‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭Police officials to provide‬ ‭Noakhali - 11)‬
‭there is no progress.‬
‭services to the GBV‬
‭survivors (SIS)‬
‭Number of women of‬
I‭ n Q4, no activity that was‬
‭reproductive age (WRA)‬
‭planned which is related to‬
‭benefiting from‬ ‭0‬ ‭2800‬ ‭2800‬
‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭age-appropriate dignity‬
‭there is no progress.‬
‭kits. (DFAT)‬
‭Number of female‬
‭emergency staff from‬
‭front-line organization,‬ ‭In Q4, no activity that was‬
‭non-GBV actors, and other‬ ‭ lanned which is related to‬
‭0‬ ‭20‬ ‭20‬
‭service providers‬ ‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭capacitated on GBV Basics‬ ‭there is no progress.‬
‭concepts, PFA and Safe‬
‭Referral (DFAT)‬
‭Number of frontline‬
‭personnel of DPHE, Union‬ ‭In Q4, no activity that was‬
‭WASH and Disaster‬ ‭ lanned which is related to‬
‭0‬ ‭20‬ ‭20‬
‭Management committees‬ ‭under this indicator, hence‬
‭gained knowledge on GBV‬ ‭there is no progress.‬
‭risk mitigation. (DFAT)‬
‭In Q4, 1,046 women with‬
‭disabilities and‬
‭Number of women with‬
‭gender-diverse populations‬
‭ isabilities and‬
‭(GDP) received life-saving‬
‭information on GBV referral‬
‭populations (GDP) on‬
‭0‬ ‭800‬ ‭1126‬ ‭pathway. Among them, the‬
‭received life-saving‬
‭number of women with‬
‭information on available‬
‭disabilities was 91 and‬
‭GBV referral pathway‬
‭information. (DFAT)‬
‭‘population‬‭was 30.‬

‬ 0‬
‭(Q3:80, Q4:1046)‬

‭Project ID /‬ ‭WP Amount‬
‭Activities‬ ‭Progress in the implementation of the activity‬ ‭Programmatic‬
‭Activity ID‬ ‭(USD)‬
‭ ay observation at‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭District: Day observation‬
A ‭(observance of IWD & 16‬ ‭0‬ ‭Not applicable for year 2023.‬ ‭0‭%
‬ ‬
‭B‬ ‭days of activism) at‬
‭district level‬
‭ AB‬ ‭and‬ ‭UNFPA‬ ‭Jointly‬ ‭organized‬ ‭a‬ ‭day‬ ‭long‬‭workshop‬‭in‬‭Dhaka‬‭at‬
‭Six‬ ‭Seasons‬ ‭Hotel,‬ ‭on‬ ‭December‬ ‭13,‬ ‭2023,‬ ‭to‬ ‭finalize‬‭the‬‭Soft‬‭Skills‬
‭Module‬ ‭for‬ ‭Gender-Based‬ ‭Violence‬ ‭(GBV)‬ ‭Prevention‬ ‭with‬ ‭9‬
‭Organizations‬ ‭of‬ ‭Person‬ ‭with‬ ‭Disabilities‬ ‭(OPD).‬ ‭13‬ ‭participants‬
‭from‬ ‭7‬ ‭OPDs‬ ‭participated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭consultation‬ ‭workshop.‬‭Among‬‭13‬
‭participants‬‭13,‬ ‭participants‬‭,‬ ‭11‬ ‭participants‬ ‭were‬ ‭women,‬ ‭and‬ ‭2‬
‭participants‬ ‭were‬ ‭men.‬‭‬ ‭The‬ ‭name‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭organizations‬ ‭are‬ ‭-‬ ‭SWID‬
‭Bangladesh,‬ ‭Access‬ ‭Bangladesh‬ ‭Foundation,‬ ‭Bangladesh‬ ‭Disabled‬
‭Development‬ ‭Trust‬ ‭(BDDT),‬ ‭Bangladesh‬‭Society‬‭for‬‭the‬‭Change‬‭and‬
‭Advocacy‬ ‭Nexus‬ ‭(‭B ‬ -Scan)_Joined‬ ‭Online,‬ ‭Visually‬ ‭Impaired‬ ‭People's‬
‭ raining and Capacity‬
‭Society‬‭(VIPS),‬‭Disabled‬‭Welfare‬‭Society‬‭(‭D ‬ WS),‬ ‭National‬‭Council‬‭of‬
‭building: Training and‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭Disabled‬ ‭Women‬ ‭(‭N ‬ CDW),‬ ‭Disable‬ ‭Child‬ ‭Foundation‬ ‭(DCF),‬ ‭Manob‬
‭Capacity Building‬
C ‭8,954‬ ‭Mukti Unnayan Songstha-Joined Online (Noakhali).‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭activities on‬
‭B‬ ‭The‬‭purpose‬‭of‬‭the‬‭workshop‬‭was‬‭to‬‭receive‬‭collective‬‭feedback‬‭from‬
‭Humanitarian GBV‬
‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭key‬ ‭points:‬ ‭1.‬ ‭The‬ ‭content‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭module;‬ ‭2.‬ ‭The‬
‭need of women with disabilities, 3. The implications of the training.‬

‭ ne‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Participants,‬ ‭Mr.‬ ‭Uzzal‬ ‭from‬ ‭WDDF,‬ ‭recommended‬

‭incorporating‬ ‭basic‬ ‭information‬ ‭about‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭and‬ ‭gender‬ ‭into‬ ‭the‬
‭module.‬ ‭He‬ ‭emphasized‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭importance‬ ‭of‬ ‭male‬ ‭engagement‬ ‭in‬
‭applicability‬ ‭to‬ ‭adolescents,‬ ‭suggesting‬ ‭that‬ ‭it‬ ‭should‬ ‭cater‬ ‭to‬
‭different life stages.‬

‬ 0‬
S‭ hirin‬ ‭Akter,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Chairperson‬ ‭from‬ ‭WDDF‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭to‬ ‭restructure‬
‭also‬ ‭brought‬ ‭attention‬ ‭to‬‭the‬‭challenges‬‭of‬‭the‬‭government,‬‭such‬‭as‬
‭bureaucratic‬ ‭hurdles‬ ‭and‬‭red‬‭tape.‬‭She‬‭recommended‬‭referring‬‭to‬‭a‬
‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭need‬ ‭for‬ ‭simpler‬ ‭terminology‬ ‭and‬ ‭a‬ ‭Bangla‬ ‭version‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭module.‬ ‭Her‬ ‭emphasis‬ ‭on‬ ‭inclusivity‬ ‭was‬ ‭clear,‬ ‭advocating‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬
‭and impact.‬

‭ rif‬ ‭Hosen,‬ ‭from‬ ‭Visually‬ ‭Impaired‬ ‭Peoples‬ ‭Society,‬ ‭highlighted‬‭the‬

‭importance‬ ‭of‬ ‭incorporating‬ ‭an‬ ‭evaluation‬ ‭mechanism‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬
‭also‬ ‭suggested‬ ‭the‬ ‭inclusion‬ ‭of‬ ‭a‬ ‭section‬ ‭on‬ ‭mental‬ ‭health‬ ‭and‬
‭well-being, underlining its significance in the context of GBV.‬

‭ apacity Building:‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
‭Capacity Building‬
‭CAPDV22GAU‬ ‭1,642‬ ‭This activity was completed in Q3.‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭Activities (Gender TOC‬
‭indicator 2d)‬
‭Contingency for‬
‭emergency resp:‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭Warehouse cost for‬
C ‭prepositioned 1500‬ ‭1,545‬ ‭This activity was completed in Q3.‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭B‬ ‭Dignity Kits in Noakhali‬
‭district (Gender TOC‬
‭indicator 2d)‬

‬ 0‬
‭ issemination of‬
‭"Dissemination of‬
‭ ctionAid‬ ‭reached‬ ‭a‬ ‭total‬ ‭of‬ ‭1126‬ ‭women‬ ‭including‬ ‭ninety-one‬
‭life-saving information‬
‭women‬ ‭with‬ ‭disabilities‬ ‭and‬ ‭thirty‬ ‭gender‬ ‭diverse‬
‭to 600 women, 100‬
‭populations‬‭diverse'‬ ‭population‬ ‭through‬ ‭forty-three‬ ‭community‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
B ‭women with disabilities‬
‭outreach‬ ‭sessions‬ ‭and‬ ‭disseminated‬ ‭lifesaving‬ ‭information‬ ‭on‬
‭CORDN22GAU‬ ‭and 100 gender diverse‬ ‭1,621‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭available‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭referral‬ ‭pathway‬ ‭in‬ ‭Teknaf‬‭of‬‭upazila‬‭of‬‭Cox’s‬‭Bazar‬
‭BAAB‬ ‭populations (GDP) on‬
‭district in quarter four.‬
‭available GBV referral‬
‭Among 1126, AAB reached 1,046 women with disabilities and‬
‭pathway information‬
‭gender-diverse populations (GDP) and provided life-saving‬
‭inTeknaf, Cox's Bazar‬
‭information on GBV referral pathway in Q4.‬
‭(Gender TOC indicator‬
‭ AB‬ ‭and‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭implementing‬ ‭partner‬ ‭PRAAN‬ ‭emphasized‬ ‭on‬
‭ ommunity engagement,‬
‭community‬ ‭engagement‬ ‭and‬ ‭reached‬ ‭a‬ ‭total‬ ‭of‬ ‭4043‬ ‭individuals‬ ‭in‬
‭coordina: Emergency‬
‭GBV Prevention activity‬
‭through gender‬
‭sessions‬ ‭with‬ ‭a‬ ‭total‬ ‭of‬ ‭773‬ ‭individuals‬ ‭including‬ ‭448‬ ‭women,‬‭155‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭transformative approach‬
‭adolescent‬ ‭girls,‬‭and‬‭170‬‭pregnant‬‭women‬‭on‬‭the‬‭available‬‭services‬
C ‭in disaster prone areas to‬ ‭1,738‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭FAAB‬ ‭promote positive social‬
‭importance‬ ‭of‬ ‭engaging‬ ‭community‬ ‭in‬ ‭addressing‬ ‭GBV.‬ ‭PRAAN‬
‭and gender norms to‬
‭emphasized‬ ‭on‬ ‭reaching‬ ‭out‬ ‭women‬ ‭and‬ ‭girls‬ ‭at‬ ‭risk‬ ‭of‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭at‬
‭address GBV in Noakhali‬
‭Chanandi‬ ‭union‬ ‭even‬ ‭after‬ ‭achieving‬ ‭the‬‭target‬‭to‬‭promote‬‭positive‬
‭district (Gender TOC‬
‭social‬ ‭and‬ ‭gender‬ ‭norms‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭dire‬ ‭need‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭respective‬
‭indicator 2d)‬
‭disaster-prone area.‬
‭1 WFS was functional at Dhanshiri Ashryanan project of Chanandi‬
‭union of Hatiya Upazila in Noakhali district where GBV case‬
‭management, PSS/PFA services, integrated SRHR components are‬
‭available for women and girls. Midwife is providing SRHR services‬
‭ FS Activities: WFS Set‬
‭including first line Psychosocial First Aid for Intimate Partner‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
B ‭up & Community‬
‭Violence, sexual violence and rape survivors, referral, sexual and‬
‭CORDN22GFP‬ ‭engagement activities in‬ ‭7,113‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭reproductive health awareness, and safe referrals maintaining GBV‬
‭AAB‬ ‭Noakhali district (Gender‬
‭guiding principles and do no harm policy. The women volunteer is‬
‭TOC indicator 2d)‬
‭conducting community outreach to reach women and Girls for‬
‭awareness of GBV prevention initiatives.‬

‭During the project period 448 women, 155 adolescent girls, 170‬

‬ 0‬
‭pregnant mothers came to the WFS to receive services.‬

‭ uring this reporting period 47 GBV cases were managed by the case‬
‭worker, 427 women and girls received PFA, 16 GBV survivors‬
‭received referral to the police station, legal aid and other for legal‬
‭support and settlement of problems such as physical and mental‬
‭torture, dowry, maintenance cost, sexual abuse, psychological abuse,‬
‭polygamy and IPV.‬

‭ otal 129 pregnant women received referral services to access SRH‬

‭related services, medicine as well as support for delivery and‬
‭ultrasonography at Sadar hospital, Upazila Health Complex, Union‬
‭Health & Family Welfare Centre, and community clinics.‬

‭Dignity Kit Distribbution:‬

‭ yclone‬ ‭Mocha‬ ‭hit‬ ‭the‬ ‭coastal‬ ‭areas‬ ‭near‬ ‭the‬‭Bangladesh-‬‭Myanmar‬
‭Border‬ ‭on‬ ‭14May‬ ‭2023.‬ ‭The‬ ‭heavy‬ ‭rains‬ ‭and‬ ‭strong‬ ‭winds‬ ‭led‬ ‭to‬
‭over‬ ‭2,000‬ ‭houses,‬ ‭and‬ ‭damaged‬ ‭more‬ ‭than‬ ‭10,000‬ ‭houses‬ ‭in‬
‭Chattogram‬ ‭division (in‬ ‭Chattogram,‬ ‭Cox's‬ ‭Bazar,‬ ‭Feni,‬ ‭and‬‭Noakhali‬
‭districts).‬ ‭At‬‭least‬‭2,522‬‭houses‬‭in‬‭Cox's‬‭Bazar‬‭were‬‭destroyed,‬‭with‬
‭ istribution of DK:‬
D ‭another‬ ‭10,469‬ ‭others‬ ‭damaged.‬ ‭On‬ ‭St.‬ ‭Martin's‬ ‭Island,‬ ‭700‬ ‭houses‬
‭Distribution of 2800 DK‬ ‭were‬ ‭destroyed‬‭and‬‭at‬‭least‬‭12‬‭people‬‭were‬‭injured‬‭including‬‭one‬‭in‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭critical‬‭condition.‬‭The‬‭cyclone‬‭impact‬‭was‬‭less‬‭than‬‭initially‬‭feared‬‭as‬
‭for host community‬
D ‭25,460‬ ‭the storm surge was less than anticipated.‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭women in Teknaf, Cox's‬
‭Bazar (Gender TOC‬
‭indicator 2d)‬ ‭ owever,‬ ‭women,‬ ‭girls,‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭intersectional‬ ‭identities‬ ‭including‬
‭Teknaf.‬ ‭To‬ ‭address‬ ‭this‬ ‭situation‬ ‭and‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭need,‬ ‭ActionAid‬
‭Bangladesh‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭support‬ ‭of‬ ‭UNFPA‬ ‭took‬ ‭an‬ ‭instant‬ ‭initiative‬ ‭to‬
‭reach‬ ‭out‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭and‬ ‭affected‬ ‭women,‬ ‭trans‬
‭communities,‬ ‭and‬ ‭persons‬ ‭with‬ ‭disabilities‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭earliest‬ ‭possible‬
‭and Saint Martin unions of Teknaf upazila.‬

‬ 0‬
‭ fter‬ ‭the‬ ‭distribution‬ ‭of‬ ‭2800‬ ‭dignity‬ ‭kits‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Q3,‬ ‭in‬ ‭Q4,‬ ‭AAB‬
‭completed the post monitoring and CFRM.‬

‭ mong‬ ‭the‬ ‭unions‬ ‭of‬ ‭Teknaf‬ ‭in‬‭Cox’s‬‭Bazar,‬‭the‬‭work‬‭of‬‭monitoring‬

‭and‬ ‭CFRM‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭completed‬ ‭in‬ ‭Baharchara,‬ ‭Teknaf‬ ‭Sadar,‬ ‭Saint‬
‭Martin‬ ‭and‬ ‭Sabrang.‬ ‭The‬ ‭post-monitoring‬ ‭assessment‬ ‭resulted‬ ‭in‬
‭positive‬ ‭feedback‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭participants.‬ ‭AAB‬ ‭received‬ ‭100‬
‭complaints,‬ ‭feedback,‬ ‭and‬ ‭admiration.‬ ‭AAB‬ ‭resolved‬ ‭all‬ ‭the‬
‭complaints‬ ‭received‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭participants‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭earliest‬ ‭possible‬
‭time after the distribution.‬

S‭ enowara‬ ‭Akter,‬ ‭one‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭receivers‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭dignity‬ ‭kits,‬ ‭said,‬ ‭“the‬
‭mosquito‬ ‭net‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭items‬ ‭are‬ ‭very‬ ‭useful.‬ ‭It‬ ‭would‬ ‭be‬‭great‬‭to‬
‭receive the items just after the cyclone.”‬
S‭ taff Salary: HR Cost:‬ ‭Salary has been incurred from January to December 2023 as per the‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭Implementing Partner‬ ‭approved AWP. In Q4, salary has been charged for the following‬
‭23,226‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
F ‭(AAB) Staff Cost (Gender‬ ‭positions: Deputy Manager Finance, one Program Officer from‬
‭TOC indicator 2d)‬ ‭(October to December 2023) from AAB.‬
‭Human Resource: HR‬
S‭ alary‬‭has‬‭been‬‭incurred‬‭from‬‭January‬‭to‬‭December‬‭2023‬‭as‬‭per‬‭the‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
B ‭cost: Implementing‬
‭approved‬ ‭AWP.‬ ‭In‬ ‭Q4,‬ ‭salary‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭charged‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬
‭FIELD22GAUB‬ ‭Partner (AAB) Staff Cost‬ ‭11,299‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭positions:‬ ‭Technical‬ ‭Officer,‬ ‭three‬ ‭Community‬ ‭Women’s‬ ‭Protection‬
‭AAB‬ ‭(Gender TOC indicator‬
‭Facilitators from (October to December 2023) from AAB.‬
‭Salary of Local IP staff:‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ I‭ mplementing‬‭partners‬‭charged‬‭the‬‭salary‬‭partially‬‭for‬‭the‬‭position‬
‭Staff Salary: Local IP of‬
F ‭15,943‬ ‭of‬ ‭Finance‬ ‭Officer,‬ ‭and‬ ‭one‬ ‭hundred‬ ‭percent‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭positions‬ ‭of‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭AAB (Gender TOC‬
‭AB‬ ‭Caseworkers, and Female Volunteers as per the approved AWP.‬
‭indicator 2d)‬
‭Operations: Office‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
‭Supplies and logistics‬ ‭ lanned expenses for office supplies, and stationeries materials‬
‭GOPER22GAU‬ ‭2,701‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭(Gender TOC indicator‬ ‭have been incurred.‬

‬ 0‬
‭ onitoring and Travel:‬
‭monitoring (travel) for‬
‭ he‬‭expenses‬‭incurred‬‭are‬‭related‬‭to‬‭the‬‭transportation‬‭cost‬‭of‬‭the‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
B ‭providing technical‬
‭project‬ ‭staffs‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭Programm‬ ‭Officer‬ ‭for‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭and‬
‭MEREG22GAA‬ ‭support, project‬ ‭2,939‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭supervision‬ ‭purpose‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭technical‬ ‭support‬‭to‬‭ensure‬‭a‬
‭B‬ ‭monitoring, reporting‬
‭proper service provision at WFS in Noakhali district.‬
‭and coordination of the‬
‭implemented activities of‬
‭ActionAid staffs (Gender‬
‭TOC indicator 2d)‬
‭ he‬‭expenses‬‭incurred‬‭are‬‭related‬‭to‬‭the‬‭transportation‬‭cost‬‭of‬‭the‬
‭ onitoring Travel: Field‬
‭project‬ ‭staffs‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭Technical‬ ‭Officer,‬ ‭Deputy‬ ‭Manager‬ ‭–‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬ ‭Monitoring visit in‬
‭Humanitarian‬ ‭Response,‬ ‭Head‬ ‭of‬ ‭Humanitarian‬ ‭Response,‬
M ‭Teknaf, Cox's Bazar‬ ‭7,265‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭Community‬ ‭Women’s‬ ‭Protection‬ ‭Facilitators‬ ‭for‬ ‭community‬
‭BAAB‬ ‭(Gender TOC indicator‬
‭outreach‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭assessment‬ ‭and‬ ‭post-monitoring‬ ‭visit‬ ‭after‬
‭dignity kit distribution and orientation sessions.‬
‭ onitoring Travel:‬
‭Programme Monitoring,‬ I‭ mplementing‬‭partner‬‭PRAAN‬‭continued‬‭regular‬‭monitoring‬‭through‬
‭Communication,‬ ‭regular‬ ‭field‬ ‭visits.‬ ‭As‬ ‭the‬ ‭WFS‬ ‭of‬ ‭Noakhali‬ ‭district‬ ‭is‬ ‭situated‬ ‭in‬ ‭a‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬
‭Programme Operations‬ ‭remote‬ ‭place‬ ‭at‬ ‭Chanandi‬ ‭union‬ ‭of‬ ‭Hatiya‬ ‭upazila‬ ‭of‬ ‭Noakhali‬
M ‭1,017‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭Cost for 6 Local IPs to‬ ‭district,‬ ‭the‬ ‭IP‬ ‭management‬ ‭ensured‬ ‭regular‬ ‭communication‬ ‭with‬
‭monitor day to day‬ ‭WFS‬‭team‬‭to‬‭assure‬‭quality,‬‭quantity,‬‭and‬‭timely‬‭implementation‬‭and‬
‭activates (Gender TOC‬ ‭documentation of project activities.‬
‭indicator 2d)‬
I‭ n‬ ‭Q3,‬ ‭AAB‬ ‭completed‬ ‭this‬ ‭activity.‬ ‭ActionAid‬ ‭followed‬ ‭the‬ ‭global‬
‭ rocurement:‬
P ‭emergency‬ ‭procurement‬ ‭policy‬ ‭to‬ ‭complete‬ ‭the‬ ‭procurement‬ ‭of‬
‭Procurement of Dignity‬ ‭dignity‬ ‭kits‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭and‬ ‭disadvantaged‬ ‭women‬ ‭of‬
‭Kits (DK) for the most‬ ‭reproductive‬‭age.‬‭To‬‭do‬‭so,‬‭AAB‬‭sent‬‭request‬‭for‬‭quotation‬‭(RFQ)‬‭to‬
‭vulnerable and‬ ‭fifteen‬ ‭vendors‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭selected‬ ‭vendor‬ ‭list.‬ ‭Among‬ ‭them,‬ ‭five‬
‭BGD10MRG /‬
‭disadvantaged women of‬ ‭lowest‬ ‭bidders‬ ‭had‬ ‭been‬ ‭chosen‬ ‭and‬ ‭collected‬ ‭samples‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬
P ‭93,457‬ ‭100‬‭%‬
‭reproductive age, and IT‬ ‭chosen‬ ‭vendors.‬ ‭After‬ ‭checking‬ ‭the‬ ‭quality,‬ ‭ActionAid‬ ‭issued‬ ‭the‬
‭equipment for project‬ ‭work‬ ‭order‬ ‭and‬ ‭procured‬ ‭the‬ ‭dignity‬ ‭kits‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭earliest‬ ‭possible‬
‭staffs deployed in Teknaf,‬ ‭time.‬ ‭The‬ ‭whole‬ ‭procurement‬ ‭procedure‬ ‭took‬ ‭only‬ ‭twelve‬ ‭days‬
‭Cox's Bazar(Gender TOC‬ ‭considering‬‭the‬‭need‬‭and‬‭urgency‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Mocha‬‭affected‬‭women‬‭and‬
‭indicator 2d)‬ ‭other intersectional identities.‬
‭Additionally, AAB has purchased a laptop for proper documentation‬

‬ 0‬
‭of the project for the project staff in quarter three.‬
I‭ P Support Cost: IP‬
‭ GD10MRG /‬
‭Support cost for AAB‬ ‭11,321‬ ‭IP support cost incurred as per the approved AWP.‬ ‭0‭%
‬ ‬

‭Action:‬ ‭Action by:‬ ‭Date:‬

‭GPS WPR ID: B6050-2023-PN6747-1-109739‬

‬ 0‬

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