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Change Management Gurus

1. Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change

In simple terms:
1. Create a sense of urgency.
2. Form a guiding coalition of leaders from all levels.
3. Form a strategic vision and initiatives.
4. Enlist a volunteer army
5. Enable action by removing barriers
6. Generate short term wins
7. Sustain Acceleration through long term run
8. Institute change to be a standard integral part

 Create a sense of urgency around the need for change.

 Form a powerful coalition of change leaders throughout your organization.
 Create an overall vision for the future that people can easily grasp.
 Embed your vision within everything you do.
 Check for barriers and remove obstacles in the way of implementing change.
 Create short-term targets (“quick wins”) to give your company an early taste of victory.
 Look for opportunities to build on quick wins and identify areas of improvement.
 Make change an integral part of the corporate culture

2. Daniel Goleman
the three most important personal abilities that distinguish the best leaders are
 self-awareness,
 self-management, and
 empathy

3. Jim Hemerling
5 Ways to Lead in an Era of Constant Change:

 Inspire engagement by connecting the need for change with a deeper sense of purpose.
 If cutting costs, look for ways to invest in talent and leadership development.
 Give people the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed during the
 Instill a culture of continuous learning and self-development.
 Create an inclusive environment of open debate and solicited suggestions.

4. Jeff Hiatt
Hiatt proposed the ADKAR model as a way to address employee resistance to organizational

 Awareness – Employees must be made aware of the need for change.

 Desire – Employees must have the desire to participate and support the change.
 Knowledge – Employees must have the knowledge of how to change.
 Ability – Employees must have the ability to learn new skills or implement the change
at the required performance level.
 Reinforcement – Leaders must reinforce the vision for sustainable change management.

5. Kurt Lewin:
developed a framework for managing change through three distinct stages, which he explained
using the analogy of changing the shape of a block of ice:

 Unfreeze – This stage involves preparing the organization to accept that change is
necessary, which may require challenging of organizational beliefs, values, attitudes,
and behaviors to break down the existing status quo before introducing a new way of
 Change – In order to accept the change and embrace the new direction of the company,
people need to understand how the changes will benefit them.
 Refreeze – After changes begin to take shape and are incorporated into everyday
business, the organization is ready to “refreeze” and lock in the processes as the
standard operating procedure.

6. Don James:
 Define what must change.
 Articulate why change must occur.
 Identify the change constituents.
 Develop a vision for the adopted change
 Define the change strategy
 Develop the change plan.
 Broadly communicate.
 Engage the organization
 Monitor progress
 Know when to call victory

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