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Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary

1.1 Site Description

1.2 Materials and Methods

- Table of coordinates VES stations in UTM format

- Map of VES Locations

- Contour map of the site

- Table of Results of geo-electric layers

- Geo-electric profiles

- VES data

- VES model

1.3 Results and Discussions


A geophysical investigation was carried out using Vertical
Electrical Sounding (VES) in part of MPAPE Area of F.C.T Abuja
to evaluate the subsoil thicknesses and competence for civil
engineering foundations.
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) curve interpretations is a
tool for revealing the thicknesses and depths of geo-electric
layers within an area. The result of this fieldwork enables
civil engineers to ascertain the requisite depth of soil
evacuation for the sustainability of structures within an area
where high rising engineering structures are intended.
A total of 15 VES stations were covered within the site area
using the Schlumberger configuration array with half current
electrode separation (AB/2) varying from 1m to a maximum of 120m
while the half potential electrode spacing (MN/2) varied by 0.3
m to a maximum of 5m.
The subsoil within the study area is composed of lateritic
topsoil, clayey sand and sandy soil layer overburdening a fairly
weathered crystalline rock layer of 0.1 to 7m thick. This layer
consists of an incompetent lower resistivity soft material that
underlies the entire site area. The final layer is the bedrock
layer which is composed of crystalline basement bedrock whose
thickness is deemed infinite.


The project site is a popular settlement in the Abuja Municipal

Area Council (AMAC) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT),
Abuja Nigeria. The geographical coordinates of Mpape are
latitude 9 08/ 45// and longitude 7 29/ 44//. In general, the
FCT is located between latitudes 80 25/ and 90 25/N of the
Equator and longitudes 60 47/ and 70 40/E of the Greenwich
Meridian. The heat experienced in the area is attributed to high
temperatures and relative humidity that characterize the Niger-
Benue trough. The average annual temperature in the area is 27.3
0C (FCT 2003).
The precipitation in Mpape is dominated by rainfall. The weather
condition of Mpape is also influenced by the peculiar terrain of
the area with prominent rock outcrops and inselbergs
occasionally causing mountain-induced precipitation in the area
(Abam andNgah 2013).
Mpape is underlain by the rock formations of the basement
complex. The basement complex consists essentially of
undifferentiated Precambrian rocks. This rock type underlies
about 90% of the FCT. The rocks are distinguished in broad terms
into migmatites, Older Granites, and meta-sediments. The meta-
sediments are generally restricted to the southeastern part of
the Territory and occur as isolated strip patches within the
granite massifs (Longpia et al. 2013).Due to persistent exposure
to different climate and seasonal conditions such as rainfall,
the heating effect from the sun, wind, etc
Rocks in Mpape often experience weathering that changes them
into Earth materials with different characteristics. Some of the
Earth materials include reddish mica with sandy clay, clay
minerals, and laterite underlain by variants of basement complex
rocks outcropping in many locations around the site location.

PASI EARTH RESISTIVITY METER which has the capacity to directly

measure apparent resistivity was used to collect resistivity
data for this fieldwork.
Vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique employing
Schlumberger electrode configuration was used. The current and
potential electrodes are collinearly arranged and have a common
midpoint, but the distance between adjacent electrodes varies.
The current and potential electrodes are planted with the inter-
electrode spacing expanding progressively about the station with
increasing sounding points (Lowrie, 1997). The apparent
resistivity was calculated using:

𝒂𝟐 𝒃 𝛁𝐕
𝝆𝜶 = 𝝅( − ) (1)
𝒃 𝟒 𝐈

1 1
Where, a= the distance between A and B, b = the distance
2 2

between M and N ∆V is the potential difference and I is the

Hence, by measuring AB (distance between two current electrodes)
and MN (distance between potential electrodes), the geometric
factor (K) for the array used is given as:
𝒂𝟐 𝒃
K = 𝝅( − ) (2)
𝒃 𝟒
A total of fifteen soundings were taken. The data obtained from
the electrical resistivity survey was plotted on a log-log graph
paper. The qualitative analysis was done to determine the curve
types exhibited by each sounding point. Employing the partial
curve matching technique, the qualitative analysis was achieved
together with their corresponding auxiliary curves (Zohdy,
1974). The actual resistivity and thickness of the subsurface
layers were obtained by matching the field curves on the log-log
graph with the two layer master curves and the corresponding
auxiliary curves. These parameters were then used for the
computer iteration technique using the wind Resist software to
give the actual resistivities, depths and thicknesses of the


Fig.1 Ves Locations
Fig.2 Contour map of the site
Table2. Summary of result of geo-electric layers

VES Longitude Latitude Resistivity(Ωm) Thickness(m) (Depth-to-bedrock)(m) Curve

Station (°E) (°N) ⍴1 ⍴2 ⍴3 ⍴4 h1 h2 h3 h4 d
EL Stratification

1 09 07 23.5 007 30 22.7 162 762 7079 - 1.7 2.3 - - 4.0 763 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

2 09 07 24.1 007 30 22.7 102 2407 758 150000 1.2 6.5 - - 1.2 7.7 - - 766 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

3 09 07 24.8 007 30 22.7 99 249 9391 - 0.41 4.9 - 0.41 4.31 - 768 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

4 09 07 25.6 007 30 22.7 65 739 6064 - 1.10 6.4 - 1.10 7.50 - 767 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

5 09 07 26.5 007 30 22.7 56 150000 - - 1.6 - - - 1.6 - - - 765 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

6 09 07 27.2 007 30 22.6 292 63 150000 - 1.3 4.5 - 1.3 5.8 - - 767 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

7 09 07 26.4 007 30 23.4 207 295 12905 - 1.6 3.5 - - 1.6 5.1 - - 768 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

8 09 07 25.4 007 30 23.8 285 598 1294 2523 .35 4.6 .96 - 5.91 753 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

9 09 07 24.5 007 30 24.2 285 133 681 157498 1.5 4.4 1.8 - 1.5 768 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

10 09 07 23.7 007 30 24.1 776 2487 3402 150000 1.7 7.0 1.5 - 1.7 8.7 766 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

11 09 07 22.1 007 30 24.9 155 571 609 2415 154012 .24 1.3 2.7 4.6 .24 4.24 765 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

12 09 07 23.4 007 30 26.4 81 75 147 150000 2.3.96 1.4 - 4.66 749 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

13 09 07 24.8 007 30 24.4 45 150000 - 3.3 - - - 3.3 751 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

14 09 07 24.5 007 30 26.4 81 232 432 154743 .51 4.1 5.3 - .51 4.61-- 769 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock

15 09 07 26.9 007025.24.7 54 544 150000 1.1 18 - - 1.1 745 topsoil-weathd basmnt-cryst rock
Ohm . m
45 10 m
10010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
29942 99 65 287 155 81 47 0m
162 102 56 292 207 285 776 70 45
39908 762 249 63 295 598 133 232
2407 739 1294 2487
49874 681 571 432
544 -10 m
69806 609
79772 758 2415 -20 m
109670 -30 m
129602 7079 150000 2523
9391 6064 150000 12905
139568 -40 m
159500 157495 150000 154012
150000 159451 150000 -50 m
-60 m

-70 m

-80 m

-90 m

-100 m

-110 m

X_scale = 1/ 250 Z_scale = 1/ 1000

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES01.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 2837.1 40 2.36 166
.5 2 799.8 41 11.78 229
.5 3 312.3 37 27.49 233
.5 6 130.4 38 112 379
1 6 255.5 39 54.98 379
1 10 154.9 37 156 678
1 15 66.6 24 352 1016
1 20 77.1 38 627 1340
1 25 49.1 30 980 1661
1 30 40.6 30 1412 1977
3 30 77.5 30 467 1977
3 35 36.6 19 637 2055
3 40 26.9 17 833 2173
3 50 22.9 23 1304 2160
3 60 16.6 21 1880 2522
3 70 10.3 14 2561 3142
3 80 7.3 11 3346 3592
3 100 5.1 11 5231 3960

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES01.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
162 1.7
762 2.3 1.7
7079 4

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES02.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 2230 46 2.36 114
.5 2 818.9 49 11.78 197
.5 3 193.4 23 27.49 231
.5 6 83.5 24 112 390
1 6 173.6 24 54.98 390
1 10 124.8 32 156 596
1 15 83 32 352 895
1 20 20.9 11 627 1167
1 25 21.1 18 980 1126
1 30 6.4 8 1412 1107
3 30 25.3 8 467 1107
3 35 26.9 12 637 1070
3 40 14.4 8 833 1124
3 50 58 50 1304 1134
3 60 17 17 1880 1409
3 70 14 16 2561 1680
3 80 19.8 25 3346 1987
3 100 9.3 13 5231 2805

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES02.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
102 1.2
2407 6.5 1.2
758 20 7.7
150000 150000 28
150000 150028

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES03.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 3034.2 55 2.36 131
.5 2 830.9 36 11.78 269
.5 3 259.5 30 27.49 235
.5 6 137.8 65 112 237
1 6 234.8 56 54.98 237
1 10 85.9 33 156 414
1 15 80.2 48 352 595
1 20 54 40 627 874
1 25 10.1 9 980 1084
1 30 13.1 16 1412 1170
3 30 43.7 16 467 1170
3 35 55.8 25 637 1322
3 40 45.4 24 833 1456
3 50 9.6 7 1304 1611
3 60 16.1 15 1880 1838
3 70 21.7 25 2561 2095
3 80 20.5 26 3346 2427
3 100 15.4 23 5231 3220

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES03.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
99 .41
249 4.9 .41
9391 5.3

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES04.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 2337.9 76 2.36 72.8
.5 2 608 60 11.78 120
.5 3 453.9 83 27.49 150
.5 6 145.4 66 112 247
1 6 285.5 60 54.98 247
1 10 198.8 77 156 383
1 15 82.9 51 352 549
1 20 36.4 32 627 685
1 25 33.5 36 980 860
1 30 36.7 48 1412 1040
3 30 107.2 48 467 1040
3 35 127.7 66 637 1208
3 50 19.3 14 1304 1711
3 60 26.1 26 1880 1886
3 70 10 13 2561 1994
3 80 8.1 14 3346 1908
3 100 7 15 5231 2477

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES04.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
65 1.1
739 6.4 1.1
6064 7.5

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES05.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 395.1 16 2.36 58.5
.5 2 109.1 17 11.78 77.7
.5 3 69.8 18 27.49 109
.5 6 24.3 16 112 175
1 6 49.8 16 54.98 175
1 10 32.5 17 156 300
1 15 21.9 17 352 448
1 20 17.2 17 627 625
1 25 14.6 17 980 826
1 30 12.1 17 1412 1011
3 30 31.7 17 467 1011
3 35 28 17 637 1225
3 40 24.1 16 833 1421
3 50 20.3 16 1304 1914
3 60 16.4 15 1880 2374
3 70 12.9 14 2561 2799
3 80 12.2 16 3346 3033
3 100 9.3 15 5231 3683

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES05.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
56 1.6
150000 1.6

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES06.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 1457.9 15 2.36 233
.5 2 362.4 14 11.78 296
.5 3 96.9 14 27.49 185
.5 6 10 14 112 81.7
1 6 20.4 14 54.98 81.7
1 10 11.1 15 156 119
1 15 7.8 15 352 178
1 20 6.3 17 627 236
1 25 4.9 15 980 312
1 30 4.4 17 1412 377
3 30 15.1 17 467 377
3 35 14.3 18 637 453
3 40 12.2 17 833 529
3 50 10.5 18 1304 689
3 60 7.8 16 1880 800
3 70 5.5 14 2561 897
3 80 6.5 18 3346 1091
3 100 5.5 16 5231 1586

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES06.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
292 1.3
63 4.5 1.3
150000 5.8

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES07.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 1955.5 22 2.36 210
.5 2 436.4 24 11.78 214
.5 3 237.6 26 27.49 251
.5 6 104.5 36 112 325
1 6 246.5 36 54.98 325
1 10 82 22 156 503
1 15 60 27 352 676
1 20 51 30 627 921
1 25 37.8 27 980 1186
1 30 33.7 29 1412 1418
3 30 123.3 29 467 1418
3 35 106.3 30 637 1612
3 40 78.4 26 833 1794
3 50 39.8 16 1304 2317
3 60 31 17 1880 2478
3 70 27.1 18 2561 2796
3 80 23.4 18 3346 3156
3 100 20.8 21 5231 3701

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES07.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
207 1.6
295 3.5 1.6
12905 5.1

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES08.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 3827.6 22 2.36 404
.5 2 535.6 11 11.78 569
.5 3 112.5 5 27.49 579
.5 6 85 15 112 638
1 6 170.2 14 54.98 638
1 10 149 33 156 673
1 15 104.6 31 352 1133
1 20 24.1 10 627 1475
1 25 22.5 13 980 1578
1 30 11.5 9 1412 1718
3 30 43.4 9 467 1718
3 35 53 16 637 1679
3 40 36 14 833 1688
3 50 30.1 16 1304 1858
3 60 24.2 18 1880 1959
3 70 18.4 16 2561 2280
3 80 14.2 13 3346 2717
3 100 16 18 5231 3582

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES08.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
287 .35
598 4.6 .35
1294 .96 4.9
2523 56 5.9
150000 62

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES09.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 1650.1 15 2.36 260
.5 2 320.6 12 11.78 315
.5 3 114.6 15 27.49 210
.5 6 26.8 16 112 188
1 6 62.1 16 54.98 188
1 10 18.8 11 156 235
1 15 19.3 20 352 300
1 20 14.9 21 627 393
1 25 5.5 8 980 595
1 30 6.2 12 1412 644
3 30 14.9 12 467 644
3 35 18.8 16 637 831
3 40 14.8 15 833 912
3 50 21.6 29 1304 1078
3 60 10.7 16 1880 1396
3 70 10.5 17 2561 1756
3 80 11.9 22 3346 2009
3 100 5.5 10 5231 3194
3 120 6.1 14 7535 3645

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES09.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
285 1.5
133 4.4 1.5
681 1.8 5.9
157495 7.7

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES10.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 4693.28 14.12 2.36 784
.5 2 842.34 10.28 11.78 965
.5 3 527.106 14.64 27.49 990
.5 6 185.74 13.79 112 1509
1 6 314.427 13.28 54.98 1509
1 10 131.703 12.29 156 1938
1 15 80.567 14.4 352 2283
1 20 62.256 17.49 627 2587
1 25 38.92 14.35 980 3081
1 30 30.546 14.68 1412 3405
3 30 92.735 14.31 467 3405
3 35 68.686 12.93 637 3807
3 40 40.579 8.92 833 4263
3 50 66.366 18.22 1304 5343
3 100 36.213 21.32 5231 9995

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES10.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
776 1.7
2487 7 1.7
3402 15 8.7
150000 24

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES11.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 2744.62 19.33 2.36 335
.5 2 935.528 23.98 11.78 460
.5 3 449.48 24.29 27.49 509
.5 6 108.54 22.91 112 531
1 6 171.69 18.43 54.98 531
1 10 70.362 20.11 156 566
1 15 26.951 14.71 352 669
1 20 17.738 14.4 627 801
1 25 14.725 17.8 980 841
1 30 15.411 24.01 1412 940
3 30 55.52 24.06 467 940
3 35 33.922 18.87 637 999
3 40 23.832 15.43 833 1122
3 50 33.951 26.24 1304 1471
3 100 38.77 45.87 5231 3855

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES11.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
155 .24
571 13 .24
609 2.7 13
2415 4.6 16
154012 21

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES12.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 1418.36 32.44 2.36 103
.5 2 211.02 31.84 11.78 78.1
.5 3 69.67 25.73 27.49 74.4
.5 6 21.89 34.04 112 72
1 6 44.74 34.1 54.98 72
1 10 26.846 39.55 156 106
1 15 19.169 39.27 352 172
1 20 12.302 30.79 627 250
1 25 9.97 27.54 980 354
1 30 12.15 35.57 1412 482
3 30 33.169 35.54 467 482
3 35 25.845 29.05 637 627
3 40 21.763 25.85 833 776
3 50 20.247 25.38 1304 1151
3 60 12.522 18.03 1880 1445
3 70 26.865 39.89 2561 1908
3 80 22.326 34.57 3346 2391
3 100 14.1 24.4 5231 3345
3 140 16.146 31.27 10258 5861

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES12.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
81 2.3
75 .96 2.3
147 1.4 3.3
150000 4.7

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES13.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 2543.66 119.72 2.36 50.1
.5 2 447.05 112.88 11.78 46.7
.5 3 152.464 110.39 27.49 38
.5 6 47.407 108.43 112 49
1 6 88.396 108.47 54.98 49
1 10 42 83.61 156 85.7
1 15 22.726 61.06 352 143
1 20 26.84 87.11 627 211
1 25 21.61 78.54 980 295
1 30 16.11 65.74 1412 378
3 30 51.08 65.96 467 378
3 35 62.06 88.62 637 466
3 40 54.34 83.59 833 565
3 50 34.914 63.69 1304 746
3 60 19.865 43.83 1880 890
3 70 35.24 85.53 2561 1102
3 80 38.424 99.81 3346 1345
3 100 29.06 81.13 5231 1956
3 140 7.362 24.22 10258 3255

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES13.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
45 3.3
150000 3.3

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES14.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 5000 114 2.36 104
.5 2 1292.8 77 11.78 199
.5 3 740.4 112 27.49 182
.5 6 345.4 184 112 210
1 6 634.3 185 54.98 210
1 10 319.2 179 156 309
1 15 194.8 191 352 399
1 20 107.6 159 627 471
1 25 71.8 141 980 556
1 30 49.3 116 1412 667
3 30 161.9 116 467 667
3 35 153.2 127 637 790
3 40 160.6 152 833 899
3 50 103.9 127 1304 1096
3 60 99.3 130 1880 1475
3 70 91 123 2561 1938
3 80 87.7 123 3346 2454
3 100 113.6 166 5231 3677
3 140 85.2 143 10258 6273

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES14.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
81 .51
232 4.1 .51
432 5.3 4.6
154743 9.9

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES15.WS3
Shift on new MN

Field data and calculated values

MN/2 AB/2 DeltaV I K Resistivity
[m] [m] [mV] [mA] [-] [ohm·m]
.5 1 1740.9 70 2.36 58.9
.5 2 483.6 88 11.78 64.9
.5 3 271.2 89 27.49 83.5
.5 6 207.6 103 112 226
1 6 465.7 103 54.98 226
1 10 175.1 74 156 337
1 15 79.1 78 352 324
1 20 42.8 68 627 360
1 25 39.8 83 980 428
1 30 26.3 67 1412 501
3 30 66.4 67 467 501
3 35 44.6 55 637 563
3 40 51 69 833 666
3 50 45.6 74 1304 876
3 60 41.4 79 1880 1069
3 70 31.8 68 2561 1304
3 80 33.6 80 3346 1520
3 100 23.2 71 5231 1860
3 120 17.4 62 7535 2306
3 140 19.5 84 10258 2588

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3

Electrical sounding Schlumberger - GEOTECH-MPAPE-VES15.WS3
Shift on new MN





.1 1 10 100 1000 AB/2 [m] 10000

Resistivity Thickness Depth
[ohm·m] [m] [m]
47 1.1
544 18 1.1
150000 19

W-GeoSoft / WinSev 6.3


The result of the geophysical study is presented in Table2 and

some of the vertical electrical sounding (VES) curves are as
shown in Figures depicted from VES01-15. The electro
stratigraphy of the study area reveals a total of three to four
geoelectric layers across the fifteen VES stations. Also the
values of resistivity, thickness and depth of the subsurface
layers are revealed and vary for the various soundings. K, Q, KH
and QK curve types were observed with K been the dominant.
The resistivity of the first layer ranges from 45ohm-m to 292Ωm,
with the 292Ωm obtained in VES6. The thickness and depth of this
layer range from 0.1 to 1.7 m and on the average is relatively
low. The lithology of this top layer can be said to be made up
of clay, sandy clay and lenses of lateritic soil deposited
recently due the action of rainfall-runoff comprising of
silicate, mica, iron and aluminium hydroxide and is expansive in
nature. The thickness and depth of the first layer hovers around
1.5 m except in VES 12 and 13. Generally, the first layer will
be harmful to foundation of engineering structures within the
study area, unless escavated and refilled with sand, gravel and
laterite. Table 2 and at the base of model VES1-15 is the result
of variation in resistivity in the layers with moderate
resistivity observed in the northwestern as well as southwestern
part of the site with some locations showing potential for
groundwater occurrence.
This uneven distribution of resistivity can result in an uneven
distribution of stress. The thickness of the top layer is higher
in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the site area.
Generally, the spread of resistivity in the site area depicts
nearly homogeneous nature of the subsurface. The moderately high
resistivity zones may indicate the presence of a highly
weathered geo-material. The second layer has remarkable high
resistivity range of 63 to 150000 Ωm which is evident of
weathered to fresh crystalline bedrock. The relative thickness
and depth of this layer range from 2.3 to 7.0m, respectively.
The variation of electrical resistivity across the second layer
is as shown in Figure 3. The high resistivity is observed to
spread across the northwest-southwest. This is a reverse of what
is observed in the first layer. The second layer thickness
(Table2) is higher in the western part of the site area that has
high resistivity while high thickness is observed in the
northeastern part of the site area. It may be inferred that this
layer is suitable for engineering structures. The second layer
which is highly resistive with fairly weathered bedrock can be
delineated as a reliable layer for building foundation.
The third layer is the last layer of most of the VES stations
with resistivity values ranging between 147 to 150000 Ωm with
thicknesses ranging between 1.8 to 4.6m. It is an extension of
the weathered crystalline bedrock layer with fairly high degree
of compactness, lesser in void, porosity or permeability and
less like to be a moisture bearing geo-material. This third
layer is more resistive than the second layer but less
conductive than the fourth layer is composed of partly weathered
crystalline to fresh crystalline bedrock which can be described
as a reliable layer for a stable substructure.
The value of the fourth layer ranges between 150000 to 154743 Ωm
representing fresh and monolithic crystalline basement bedrock.
This highly resistive layer shows the highest degree of
compactness, poor fracturing, zero or no weathering, SINGLE
STRATIFICATION whose thickness is regarded as infinite. This
resistivity values correspond to the rocks of basement complex
which includes migmatite, gneiss as well as older granitic
rocks. This layer is the most stable and reliable for
emplacement of any kind of substructures.

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