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Jann Vherwel R.

1.) What particular industry would you like to be in?

• I would like to be in petrochemical industry. Why? Well, first, it's a field packed with
diverse job opportunities from research to process engineering. Plus, it's all about
innovation, where you get to work on cutting-edge tech and sustainable solutions. But
it's not just about the job, it's about making a global impact. Petrochemicals power
economies and provide essential materials worldwide. As a future chemical engineer,
I want to be a part of this critical process. Moreover, it's a field that's increasingly
focused on environmental responsibility. I can work on reducing the industry's
footprint, making a real difference. And let's not forget the financial rewards that
comes in this industry.
2.) What particular department?

• I'm all in for a career in petrochemical production as a chemical engineer because it's
where the action happens. I thrive on problem-solving, and the constant challenges in
production keep me engaged. Plus, I'm all about efficiency and sustainability, so
optimizing processes and minimizing waste is right up my alley. Safety is non-
negotiable, and I'm committed to ensuring a secure workplace and environment.
Teamwork and collaboration are how I roll, and in production, you get to work with a
diverse group of professionals, which I find incredibly enriching. Career growth
prospects are solid, global impact is undeniable, and job stability is a comforting bonus.
In short, petrochemical production isn't just a job; it's a dynamic, fulfilling journey, and
I'm ready for it.
3.) Centralized or Decentralized set-up?

• I prefer to work in a decentralized set-up as I can see different perspective that I might
not see. I love to work with people and working in a decentralized set-up gives me a
chance to grow also as a person and as an engineer. Working in a decentralized setup?
It's like stepping into a world of freedom and possibilities. You get the autonomy to call
the shots and run with your ideas, which is incredibly empowering. No more rigid 9-
to-5 routines; you can work from anywhere, anytime, making work fit around your life,
not the other way around. Plus, decisions happen at warp speed no more bureaucratic
red tape. It's a playground for creativity, where you can take risks and be a bit of an
entrepreneur within your role. You'll grow faster, both personally and professionally,
as you navigate the challenges of this dynamic environment. And hey, working with
folks from diverse backgrounds and cultures? It's like a global adventure every day.

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