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1. bombard (v): oanh tạc, dồn dập tấn công (dùng cả nghĩa đen & nghĩa
bóng) BÓM BAR
2. conglomerate (n): tập đoàn KHỜN LÓ MƠ RỢT
3. consume (v) - consumption (n): tiêu dùng, tiêu thụ
4. dominate (v): chi phối, khống chế
5. Endorse= AGREE (v): ủng hộ, tán thành ÌN ĐORS
6. exaggerate (v): phóng đại
7. fallacy (n): ngụy biện, sai lầm PHÁ LƠ XI
8. gain popularity (collocation): trở nên phổ biến, thu hút sự chú ý
9. Merchandise=GOODS (n): hàng hóa, thương phẩm MỚ CHIN ĐAIS
10. obsolete (adj): lỗi thời ÓP SƠ LÍT
11. predecessor (n): người đi trước, tiền nhiệm, sản phẩm đời trước
12. processor (n): bộ vi xử lý PRÓ XẸT XƠ
13. revolutionary (adj): mang tính cách mạng, đột phá
14. saturate (v): bão hòa XÁ CHƠR RÂY
15. tuberculosis (n): bệnh lao TƠ BỚ KHIU LÂU XỊT

Recently, commercial advertisements (quảng cáo thương mại) have (1)

bombarded a variety of television channels, newspapers, magazines and
websites. While some claim( CHO RẰNG) that this trend helps
‘popularise( PHỔ BIẾN) new goods that enhance (NÂNG CAO-ÌN
HENS) people's living standards, I would contend that the main result is
the unnecessary (2) consumption of goods=merchandise by the public.
There is a common (3) fallacy that advertising is an important means to
introduce new and invaluable products to the public. People may argue
that in the past, a number of world-changing products (4) gained
popularity thanks to advertising
which were believed to have saved millions from (5) tuberculosis and
lung cancer. However, in more recent years, the market has become (6)
saturated, leaving very little chance that one can invent a (7)
revolutionary product that changes people's life.
because these channels tend to be owned, controlled or (8) dominated by
(9) conglomerates, who have no top priority other than promoting their
own (10) merchandise.
To meet (ĐÁP ỨNG) sales targets, large companies often (11) exaggerate
the usefulness of a small feature of their products when advertising. For
example, the latest Samsung mobile phone seems no different from its
(12) predecessor, except for a slightly faster (13) processor, but Samsung
marketers are skilful enough to convince (THUYẾT PHỤC) customers
that their older phones are (14) obsolete, and that these devices must be
upgraded to the latest version. Some other companies, including Unilever,
have hired celebrities to (15) endorse their products.

I endorse that Luong is the person I love the most

It’s fallacy that I do not love Luong
I do not think that Luong is a merchandise
I love Luong for nearly 2 years but it is not obsolete
Our love will not saturate or something because I love
him and he too.
16. censor (v/n) - censorship (n): kiểm duyệt/người kiểm duyệt, công tác
kiểm duyệt
17. dual (adj/n): đôi, kép ĐÍU Ồ
18. extract (n): đoạn trích ÉT XTRẠC
19. fall victim to (collocation): trở thành nạn nhân của việc gì đó VÍC
20. fierce (adj): dữ dội, khốc liệt FIA
21. gain an edge over (collocation): làm tốt hơn một chút, có lợi thế hơn
ai đó một chút
22. Identical=SAME (adj): giống hệt nhau AI ĐÉN TƠ KHỒ
23. impulsive =SLIGHT(adj): bốc đồng, hấp tấp ÌM PỐ SIV
24. in an attempt to (collocation): với mục đích làm việc gì
25. manipulate (v): điều khiển, lôi kéo
26. overstate (v): nói quá
27. Proliferate=RAISE=BOMBARD (v): tăng nhanh, sinh sôi nảy nở
28. Rational (adj): hợp lý, có lý lẽ RÁ SƠ NỒ RATIONAL REASON
29. rival (n): đối thủ RAI VỒ= COMPETITOR
30. vet (v): tìm hiểu, xem xét, hiệu đính

Recently, commercial advertisements have (1) proliferated in a variety

of television channels, newspapers, magazines and websites, as a result
of (2) fierce competition in the market.
To prevent this from happening, I believe the authorities should take
some definite actions, such as exercising stricter (3) censorship on all
forms of advertising.
I agree that customers often (4) fall victim to companies' advertising
campaigns( CHIẾN DỊCH - KHÁM PEN)
This advertising technique can be seen in the case of the latest Apple
Phone 7 Plus smartphone, which is nearly (6) identical to its (7)
predecessor, except for the new (8) dual-camera system and a slightly
faster (9) processor. (10) In an attempt to gain a competitive advantage
over their (11) rival Samsung's Galaxy S7, Apple's marketers used
emotional appeal to encourage (12) impulsive.
rather than (13) rational spending.
This can be done by establishing an authority (Ớ THÓ RƠ ĐI- CƠ
QUAN) specialising (CHUYÊN, PÉC SỒ LAI) in (14) vetting all new
advertisements. The censorship process should be stringent (NGHIÊM
NGẶC- ) enough so that all the (15) extracts that contain any form of
exaggeration are taken out before these advertisements are published
In brief, many businesses use advertising to (17) gain an edge over their
competitors rather than to fulfil ( ĐÁP ỨNG, LÀM THỎA MÃN) )
customers' needs.
TỐT HƠN) for this issue, in my opinion, is censoring all new
advertisements before airing them,in order to safeguard consumers
against (18) overstated information.

Luong loves me identical the way I love him

Luong is the slight person not a impulsive at all
We love each other in an attempt to support everyday
I would not be overstate that I love Luong than myself
Our love proliferate every moment
It is sound rational right?
I do not have any rival
31. ‘access (n): tiếp cận
32. accessible (adj): có thể tiếp cận
33. be less/more likely to do sth: có ít/nhiều khả năng
34. be likely to do sth: có khả năng (dự đoán)
35. Drastic=FIERCE= (adj): quyết liệt, nghiêm trọng ĐRÁ TỊC
36. Fi’nancially disad’vantaged (adjp): khó khăn về tài chính FAI NÉN
37. intellectual property (np): tài sản trí tuệ IN TƠ LÉC TU Ồ PRỐ PƠ
38. Mo’rality (n): đạo đức, giá trị đúng sai MO RÁ LƠ TI
39. pose a/an (adj) threat to: trở thành một mối đe dọa
40. Proclivity= TREND (n): xu hướng, khuynh hướng PRỒ KLÍ VƠ ĐI
41. Reap= GAIN - the benefits of (collocation): hưởng lợi từ THU
42. Severe=SERIOUS=FIERCE (adj): nghiêm trọng SỜ VÍAR
43. surface (v): nổi lên, nổi bật
44. unfeasible (adj): không khả thi ÂN PHÍ ZƠ BỒ

While some believe that there are certain advantages to this development,
I would contend that it may lead to (1) drastic consequences that far
outweigh (ẢNH HƯỞNG NHIỀU HƠN) any benefit it brings.
People may argue that the public can benefit from having free (2) access
to invaluable sources of knowledge. Those who are
(3) financially disadvantaged would then have equal rights to develop
academically, which may have been previously (4) unfeasible.
.As a greater diversity of music becomes more (5) accessible to a larger
However, I firmly (CHẮC) believe that there are (7) severe consequences
when copyrighted contents are distributed freely for everyone.
The (9) proclivity of taking others'work without permission is a form of
disregarding (KHINH THƯỜNG) their rights and stealing their work.
From a broader perspective, when authors'(10) intellectual property is not
respected, they (11) may be less likely to positively contribute to society.
To conclude, despite the belief that the public can (12) reap the benefits
of free access to intellectual content, I am of the opinion that
disrespecting copyrights is undoubtedly (CHẮC CHẮN- ÂN ĐÁO ĐỊT
LY) a negative development that (13) poses an alarming threat to society.

My family at the present time is in financially

disadvantages, the value of my family is just my
intellectual property. I think if this thing spread for
along time it will reap the benefit of..
It is so severe, I think the situation is not unfeasible


45. arise from (collocation): phát sinh từ

46. as regards + N (collocation): về việc gì, liên quan đến việc gì
47. be placed under pressure (collocation): chịu nhiều áp lực
48. city-based / rural-based (adj): có cơ sở / làm việc tại thành phố -
nông thôn
49. commuter (n): người di chuyển, hành khách
50. commute (v): di chuyển
51. divert (v): chuyển hướng
52. downtown (adj/adv): trung tâm thành phố
53. governor (n): người đứng đầu (một quốc gia)
54. labour force (np): nguồn nhân lực LẤY BƠ FORS
55. mitigate (v): giảm bớt, dịu bớt
56. on the verge of (collocation): sắp sửa, bên bờ vực
57. relocate (v) - relocation (n): di chuyển - sự di chuyển RÌ LỐ KHẦY
58. Scenario=case=situation (n): trường hợp SƠ NÉ RI Ồ
59. shortage of (collocation): thiếu hụt SÓ ĐƠ CHỌP
60. substantial (adj): đáng kể, quan trọng SẬP STÉN SỒ

As regards my lover, his name is Luong. He is placed under

pressure at this time. 7 months ago, he divert from bio to car.
He is studying in a school in downtown. The labour force of his
major is very little now a day, so it is a chance or even a
challenge for him. But he said I am the reason mitigate his
tired, I hope it’s have a company that shortage of the labour so
it can help him to find job right away. The substantial detail is
that the economy now is a huge drawback for all of the



62. carry out (phr.v): thực hiện

63. deter (v): cản trợ, làm nhụt chí, ngăn chặn ĐÈ TỚ
64. empathy (n): đồng cảm, thấu cảm ÉM PƠ THY
65. equip sb with (collocation): trang bị cho ai điều gì Ơ KWÍP
66. have the intention of (collocation): có ý định làm gì
67. ‘instil (v): vun đắp
68. Of’fender (n): người phạm lỗi, phạm nhân
69. preventive (adj): phòng chống, ngăn ngừa PRÌ VÉN TIV
70. prospect (n): triển vọng RÓ SPẸC
71. ripple (adj): hiệu ứng dây chuyền, lan tràn
72. ripple (n): sự lan tràn của một tiếng động hoặc cảm giác
73. self-worth (n): giá trị bản thân
74. to earn a living (collocation): kiếm sống
75. undeniably (adv): chắc chắn, hiển nhiên, không thể chối cãi

7 months ago, I deter my sweetheart to not come Cao Thang,

but finallly he came there. This major equip him with an
abundance strange knowledge. I know he have the intention of
enter this school before, so I respect that. We in a status that
instil our love day by day. We prevent the argue btw us. The
prospect of his major is so huge.
Last week I made a lab that watch the ripple of the wave. We
have to update our self-worth and learn how to earn a living.
This is a thing undeniably.

76. associate with (collocation): liên quan tới

77. criminology (n): môn tội phạm học CRÍM MƠ NÓ LƠ GI
78. commit a crime = carry out a crime (collocation): phạm tội
79. criminals - offenders - delinquents - law-breakers (n): tội phạm
80. gather knowledge (collocation): thu thập kiến thức
81. holistic view (np): góc nhìn hoàn chỉnh/hoàn thiện HÔ LÍT STỊC
82. imprisonment (n): việc bỏ tù ÌM PRÍ SÂN MÂN
83. rehabilitation (n): việc cải tạo RÍ HƠ BI LƠ TÂY SÂN
84. remorseful: hối hận RÌ MÓT FUL
85. to deprive somebody of something: tước đoạt của ai cái gì ĐÌ PRAI
86. to inform somebody of something = to keep somebody informed
of something: cho ai biết về việc gì đó
87. the lens of science (noun phrase): góc nhìn khoa học
88. undergo (v): trải qua

In holistic view of mine, associate with imprisonment, also

rehabilitation, because a person commit a crime so he/she
should be take responsibility for their actions. It’s call the
criminals, some of them are remorseful, some not. They
deprive the right to live of many people. In the lens of science,
I can see the past of some offenders, they do not have a good
memories. The law-breakers may undergo very tragic.


89. activate (v): khởi động, kích hoạt ÁC TƠ VÂY
90. addictive (adj): gây nghiện / addict (v/n): gây nghiện, người nghiện
91. appeal (v) - appeal to (collocation): có sức hấp dẫn với ai
92. ascribe (v) - ascribe sth to sth/sb: quy cái gì cho ai đó, đổ tại cho ai
93. excessive (adj): quá mức, thái quá ỊTK ZÉT SIV
94. feasible (adj): khả thi PHÍ ZƠ BÔ
95. remedy (n): phương thuốc, cách điều trị, cách giải quyết RÉ MƠ ĐI
96. sedentary (adj): (lối sống) ít hoạt động SÉ ĐÂN TE RY
97. stimulate (v) - stimulating (adj): kích thích, khuyến khích MIU
98. tackle =handle(v): giải quyết (vấn đề nào đó) TÁC KHỒ
99. vivid (adj): sinh động VÍ VỊT

Our love is so vivid. Some excessive control of me but he just

stimulate it, he want to activate my bad. He maybe addict with
it. I always ascribe bad character to him. My only remedy is his
calm. He is a person who soooo sedentary. He tackle our issues
with calm. I think it is not feasible but he just pamper me like
a child so I love him so much.



1. a norm (n): quy phạm, chuẩn mực
2. a sound foundation (n): nền tảng vững chắc
3. be ascribed to (collocation): quy cho
4. ‘compre’hensive education (collocation): giáo dục toàn diện
5. defer (v): trì hoãn ĐỜ PHƠR
6. delayed parenthood (np): có con muộn
7. excessive bleeding (collocation): mất nhiều máu
8. health risk (collocation): nguy cơ về sức khỏe
9. interrupt (verb): gián đoạn ;interruption (n): sự gián đoạn
10. irreparably damaged: chịu tổn thất nặng nề, khó cứu vãn IN RÉ PƠ
11. prosperity (n): nền thịnh vượng PRỌTS PÉ RƠ TI
12. ‘prosperous (adj): giàu có
13. reap the benefits (collocation): gặt hái thành quả
14. the pre’natal and post’natal period: thời kỳ trước và sau khi sinh.
15. ‘valid=rational (adj): hợp lí, có cơ sở

A norm of my boyfriend is very strict. A sound foundation of this is

comprehensive education. I do not want my sweetheart prosperous or
anything. I want him from a person do not have anything in his hand to
become reap the benefits of himself. I also do not like a person who defer.
And I do not want to delayed parenthood or something, although it will
excessive bleeding and it has a health risk and interrupt a lot of normal
actions in our life. It can let to a consequences that you must irreparably
damaged about the days that you do not go to work. The prenatal and
postnatal period is so different. So it is your choose. It is so valid, right?


100. Adverse=unfavourable (adj): bất lợi, tiêu cực, có hại ÁT VỢT S
101. cope with sth (collocation): đối mặt với điều gì
102. developmental stage (collocation): giai đoạn phát triển
103. Dire=drastic=fierce (adj): tàn khốc, thê thảm ĐÁI Ơ
104. inadvertently (adv) - inadvertent (adj): ngẫu nhiên, vô tình
105. Indulge=pamper (v) - indulgence (n) - indulgent (adj): nuông
chiều - hay chiều theo IN ĐÁU Ồ CH
106. lenient (adj): khoan dung, nhân hậu, dễ dãi LÍ NI ÂN
107. over-indulgence (np): việc nuông chiều thái quá
108. parenting problem (collocation): vấn đề liên quan đến việc làm
cha mẹ
109. personal hygiene (np): vệ sinh cá nhân
110. preadolescent (adj): vị thành niên RÍ A ĐÔ LÉT SÂN
111. satisfy all the needs (collocation): thỏa mãn các nhu cầu
112. spoon-feed (vp): (nghĩa đen) xúc cơm; (nghĩa bóng) quá chiều
chuộng ai đó, tạo điều kiện quá dễ dàng cho ai đó
113. unfavourable (adj): bất lợi ÂN PHẤY VƠ RƠ BỒ
Indulging children has become a common (2) parenting problem
create some immediate (3) adverse impacts on children
it is possible that (4) over-indulgence causes some delay
the (6) developmental stage in which they should have already been able
to eat independently.
, the consequences are even more (9) dire as
If parents unconditionally (10) satisfy all the needs of their children,
they may (11) inadvertently make their children become ….
Furthermore, it is a norm that over-indulgent parents are (12) lenient
this (13) deprives children of the opportunities to learn from mistakes
produce a number of (14) unfavourable effects on children,
lacking the ability to (15) cope with problems.


16. Detrimentally=ADVERSE=UNFAVOURABLE (adv): bất lợi ĐÉ

17. discipline - indiscipline (n): kỉ luật - vô kỉ luật
18. educational quality (np): chất lượng giáo dục
19. Pro’active (adj): chủ động
20. sense of n/Ving (collocation): cảm giác, ý thức
21. undermine (v): làm tổn hại, gây ảnh hưởng AI
22. undoubtedly (adv): rõ ràng, chắc chắn ÂN ĐÁU ĐỢT LI

While some people think that disrespect and (1)

indiscipline are an unavoidable outcome of this
approach, I would contend it would result in increased
(2) educational quality.
enabling students to judge teachers may (3) undermine
students' (4) sense of respect and (5) discipline
The problem can be further (7) exacerbated when all
the students see their peers criticising the teachers


114. absorb knowledge (collocation): tiếp thu kiến thức ỌP GIÓ

115. an accelerating trend of sth (collocation): xu hướng tăng nhanh
116. appealing (adj): hấp dẫn
117. be better prepared for (collocation): được chuẩn bị tốt hơn
118. diverse cultural settings (np): môi trường văn hóa đa dạng
119. enter adulthood (collocation): mới trưởng thành
120. firm determination (collocation): quyết tâm mạnh mẽ ĐE TƠ MI NẤY
121. formal schooling (collocation): trường lớp chính quy
122. physically demanding job (np): công việc yêu cầu cao về thể lực
123. scarcity (n): sự thiếu hụt SKÉ SƠ ĐI
124. tertiary education (np): giáo dục sau phổ thông TỚ SI E RY
In today's world, there has been an (1) accelerating trend of students
taking a break from studying before pursuing (2) tertiary education. A
gap year may enable students to (3) enrich themselves with real-life
experiences, from which those who have just (4) entered adulthood.
As a result, the youngsters taking a gap year are (5) better prepared for
their future jobs.
Some may also travel the world and (6) absorb knowledge of (7) diverse
cultural settings
For example, a (8) physically demanding job can be exhausting
without (9) firm determination.
1. all-round (adj): toàn diện
2. assume (v): đảm nhận, giành lấy, giả sử, cho rằng
3. be ex’posed to + N/Ving: tiếp xúc với
4. concentrate on (collocation): tập trung
5. dilemma (n): tình thế khó xử, tiến thoái lưỡng nan ĐỜ LÉ MA
6. distinct (adj): khác biệt, rõ ràng, dễ nhận thấy ĐỜ STÍNG
7. evidently (adv): hiển nhiên, rõ ràng É VƠ ĐÉN TỒ LI
8. Fi’nancial management (np): quản lý tài chính
9. foster (v): bồi dưỡng, khuyến khích
10. home management (np): quản lý gia đình
11. multi-culture (n) - multi-cultural (adj): đa dạng văn hóa
12. over-reliant (adj): dựa dẫm RÌ LÁI ÂN
13. problem-solving (n-Ving): giải quyết vấn đề
14. residence (n) - resident (n): nơi cư trú - người cư trú
15. responsibility (n) - responsible (adj): trách nhiệm
16. self-reliant (adj) - self-reliance (n): tự lực

Many students are faced with the (1) dilemma of whether to live
From my perspective, a dormitory is (2) evidently the better
I believe some students may become (4) over-reliant on their parents
By contrast, students who live in dormitories must (5) assume responsibility in
all aspects of life.
Therefore, they may acquire(CÓ ĐƯỢC) the skills necessary for (6) self-
reliance, ranging from (7) financial management and (8) problem-solving to meal
planning and (9) home management, all of which are essential to (10) foster the
(11) all-round personal development
there are several (12) distinct advantages of choosing on-campus (13)
those living in student accommodation (14) are exposed to a diverse environment
with people
As a result, students are better prepared to live in today's (15) multi-cultural
125. abandon (v): bỏ đi, bỏ rơi Ờ BÉN ĐÂN
126. capability (n): khả năng KHẤY BƠ BÍ LƠ ĐI
127. critical (adj): quan trọng RÍ ĐƠ KHỒ
128. Ex’pose (v): bộc lộ, phơi bày
129. Extra/curricular activity (np): hoạt động ngoại khóa
130. Ex’traordinary (adj): đặc biệt, phi thường,
131. figure (n): nhân vật quan trọng, người nổi tiếng (music and sport
figures: người nổi tiếng trong giới âm nhạc và thể thao)
132. mandatory (adj) >< optional (adj): bắt buộc >< không bắt buộc
133. mental illness (np): bệnh về tinh thần
134. mindset (n): quan điểm, thái độ
135. potential (adj/n): tiềm năng
136. provision (n): cung cấp, sắp đặt
137. satisfy (v): thỏa mãn, đáp ứng SÁ ĐỢT PHAI
138. suffer from (collocation): mắc phải (căn bệnh), chịu đựng điều gì
139. treat (v): đối xử
140. be treated as (collocation): được đối xử như là

My capibility is love Luong. Before I felt myself

abandon; but now I never have that felling again, Luong
is a critical person, I can expose my love for him
clearly. We often join in extracurricular activity, my
mindset is Luong just a bit silly hihi. I m must suffer
from the brat of him. I am be treat as a pamper child.


141. a wealth of sth: rất nhiều điều gì đó
142. brain-drain (np): chảy máu chất xám DREN
143. breakthrough (n): phát kiến, tiến bộ,
144. Com’pel (v): bắt buộc, thuyết phục
145. driving force (np): động lực thúc đẩy
146. establish (v): thành lập, tạo lập
147. ‘expert (n/adj): chuyên gia / thành thạo
148. framework (n): khung, cơ cấu
149. instil (v): vun đắp
150. migrate (v) - mig’ration (n): di cư MÁI RÂY
151. offer sb sth: đưa / trao tặng cho ai điều gì
152. prioritise (v) - priority (n): ưu tiên RAI Ó RƠ TAIS
153. phenomenon (n): hiện tượng PHƠ NÓ MƠ NON

(1)Establishing an appropriate national education (2)

framework is of (3) paramount importance
language education (4) offers students access to (5) a
wealth of knowledge
(8) because it may (7) instil



154. alternative (adj/n): thay thế

155. consume (v) - consumption (n): tiêu thụ, sử dụng
156. demand for (collocation): nhu cầu đối với cái gì
157. efficient (adj) - efficiency (n): hiệu quả, năng suất
158. exploit (v) - exploitation (n): khai thác
159. fossil fuels (n): nhiên liệu hóa thạch (bao gồm than, bùn, dầu thô
và khí tự nhiên)
160. generate (v): tạo ra, phát ra, sản sinh
161. lower (v): làm giảm đi
162. thermal power station (np): nhà máy nhiệt điện
163. tremendous (adj): khổng lồ, dữ dội, lớn lao
164. vast (adj): to lớn, mênh mông

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