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Yvonne C.


Fruit Gatherer by Fernando Amorsolo

Amorsolo is one of the most important painters in Filipino Art History. His paintings were able
to embody the simplicity of Filipinos, in its daily lives and beauty. Just by looking at this
painting, we can all say that the “Fruit Gatherer” is the original dalagang filipina.
“The women I paint should have a rounded face, not of the oval type often presented to us in
newspapers and magazine illustrations. The eyes should be exceptionally lively, not the dreamy,
sleepy type that characterizes the Mongolian. The nose should be of the blunt form but firm and
strongly marked. … So the ideal Filipina beauty should not necessarily be white complexioned,
nor of the dark brown color of the typical Malayan, but of the clear skin or fresh colored type
which we often witness when we met a blushing girl.”

Fernando Amorsolo

Upon seeing this artwork, it made me see more beauty in the simplicity of a Filipina, of us
Filipinos. The fruits symbolize the life of every Filipino with the blessing of our nature. It also
illustrates the simple life of our Filipino farmers. It tells us to appreciate and recognize the small
things in life. And additionally, it shows the beauty of a real dalagang Filipina.

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