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neogothic architectural style - the recolectos seminary reflects few elements from the neo gothic
architectural features which is characterized by pointed arches infront of the seminary and
sense of verticality of design, specifically the windows, it also shows the intricate detailing seen
on the pediment of the building.

oval quadrangle - the seminary includes a wide oval wherein the 14 storyboard of the rising
christ is told through art surrounding the oval. This space is often used for communal areas for
gathering or contemplation.
Chapel and sculpture - The chapel of casiciaco recoletos was consecrated and dedicated to our
lady of the pillar which sculptures our lady of pillar. It intricacies the stonework and carvings
which showcases the significance of the sculpture to the seminary building

Stained glass

Casiciaco seminary building includes a door design with stained glass located before entering
the main chapel, this purpose is to signify and enhance the beauty of the church’s interior


The main door is elegantly designed with detailed decorative elements in order to make the
seminary historical

Narthex- a typical architectural element of a christian church is the narthex which is located
opposite to the main atlar or chapel of the seminary. an enclosed porch or meeting area just
inside the Western entrance of a Christian church.

Wood walls, column and ceiling

Wood walls, column and ceiling Interior of the seminary is purely and originally made out of
wood, this preserves the historical heritage that can last up to hundred years of age.
Arch and columns

Arch and columns Semicircular arches and columns could adorn the entrances, corridors, and
main architectural elements, contributing to the grandeur and elegance of the structure.

Patterned tiles

Patterned tiles Similar to other seminary buildings and churches along baguio city, the design
pattern of the tiles were designed by a Filipino architect specifically the flooring of saint vincent
parish near guisad.

Dormer WIindows and attic

Dormer WIindows and attic- Dormer windows and attic were introduced after renovating the
building due to the fire that occurred in the past. Though, in the first place, the seminary does
not include the attic and was only built after the fire happened.


The casiciaco seminary building was intentionally built to serve as a retreat or rest house for
religious people Philippine Vicariate of the Order of Augustinian Recollects which stands as an
significant historical architectural building and landmark. By taking this, it played a crucial role in
religious education and information for training students and individuals for leadership and
priesthood relevant to catholic churches. Over the years, the building exhibited a community
influence to intertwine and grasp historical significant events and movements that happened
through the times.

- nasunog, nakaroon ng attic pagtapos

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