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1 About the author

2 Publishing house

3 Introduction

4 Then book chapters review

5 critical analysis ( if required)

6 conclusion

7 recommendation

Book – root cause

International issue – collective approach , world community rol

Histrica roots

Regional approaches

International conventions , treaties

Human rights

Chapter 1

Defining childhood

- Need to be treated as separate right holders

- Separate rights
- Entity of parents
- Unable to raise their voices


1924 – first step by Geneva declaration - dealt with welfare not rights

Un initiative – 1959 crc – (importance of rights of children as well as involvemneta nd inclusion in

decisions affecting them )

Uncrc , 1989 - article 12 , children express views , state shall give due weight nut few states like Somalia ,
united nations were not signatory .—first time right based assiatance

Summit took place – 1990 unicef – held in new York and European convention on the exercise of child

Debate over age – various debates , under the age of 18

Ilo – technically defined for the first time – and also discussed about what can be considered as child
Child labour(prohibition and regulation ) actb, 1986 -age 14

Byt in united nations office on drugs and crime – age 18 not 14 – landmark document for child rights and
welfare , also taked about child soldiers

Challenges of a child and childhood

-human made , natural , economic crisis , natural disasters

- most vulnerable children

- child labour - affects phy and mental growth

- even though various steps done , still issue persists .

Declaration of child rights , 1924 --- promulgated by league of nations , children should be free from
poverty , hunger and all kinds of exploitation

- Health complexities , 66 percent to 80 percent of the world’s children suffered from iron
deficiency which affected them .
- America health considered as a social objective
- Article 5 of udhr also deals with right to avail a standard of living which is adequate for himself
and his family .
- Trafficking – present even in many so called metro cities . , internal parts of india as well as cross
border trafficking
- Geneva dec – fundamental issues , reorganization of matters , reffered to all men and women of
all nations
- Udhr 1948 – first time at an international level ,25 (2 )
- Crc 1959 – legal protection and essential rights
- Uncrc 1989

Status of girl child

Peculiar issues – long battle for separate identity

- Susset of childen by uncrc , subset of women by cedaw

- , no official and international binding convention which describes status of girl child .
- Nature of exploitation is different , different exploitation in developed country than in
developing country
- Victimized within family , society and culture , and hence across globe.
- Patriarchal system – if anyone against patriarchy is considered against societal norms
In rajasthan , banwaro devi gang raped by local men because she campaigned against child
marriage .
- Sexual exploitation , sex tourism , sale of organs , forced pregnancy , forced abortion , also from
their own family members
- Preference for son – boys carry family name , perform funeral rites , bring resources to family
- Created by society not nature , girls are groomed to be protectors , socialization of child child is
different from boy child
- Fgm in African states
- Education- lack of safety , dropouts , patriarchal setup , poverty -- miserable condition in few
states , jammu and Kashmir and bihar – below 60 percent and in tn – more than 80 -
ignorance of career , no economic independence
- Child marriage – affects health , education , adolescence pregnancy , not physically developed ,
form of child prostitution , honor killing – intercaste marriage , interreligion , pregnancy out of
wedlock , left to die slowly
- Data – un high commissioner for refugees , 80 percent of all refugees are women and children.
- SAARC – 1980s – decade of girl child
- Through ecosoc , cedaw, sws
- Article 26 of udhr ‘ everyone has right to education

Legal discourses

- Health steps :

In India

- Historical evidence
Harrapan – respectable , terracotta figurines of goddesses
Rig veda- patr. , women a symbol of war victory
Modknern India – bipin Chandra , only 2 percent attended school in 1921 , education ignored in
initial educational policies
- Traditional perception – girls as a temporary member , liability , female foeticide(also talked
about in chapter 4 and said that acc to article 3 of udhr 1948 , all human beings have right to
life , art 6 of iccpr states that every human being has the basic human rights to life an shall
protect this right with the law and legal processes , also in Indian consti article 21 sttes about
right to lfe and liberty – poor sex ratio , gender-based violence -- Haryana and Punjab ,
- Abortions carried by unprofessional
- Burden for family due to dowry system
- Marriage – kanyadan – gift of a virgin , ritually pure girl , no age for grooms , early marriage still
persists , rajaasthan - practices like akha teej , atta satta
- Child widows situation worsened . --- in ch 4 solved , article 16 of udhr and article 16 of cedaw
state the equal rights to enter into marriage and at te time of dissolving marriage . another step
is pcms for protection , prevention , prosecution along with he inclusion of state and non state
actors .
- Social reasons – always reminded that they are weak , submissive , health , nutrition neglect ,
emotional abuse
- Economic sphere – although participation in labor force is increased acc to wb (88) but not
wages .
- Educational sphere --- ADDRESSED IN CH 4 – Article 26 of udhr1948 , artice 13 of icescr , article
10 od cedaw and Beijing declaration in 1995
- Early marriage – affects health , rape , sexually harassed
- 92 – health of a girl child has been detererating not just because harmful traditions but also due
to constant discrimination .
- Child marriage – addressed by cmra 1929 – age 14 , many against that it shiuld not be
implemented in Indian society
- Now 18 , 47 percent marriages are child marriages , mmajor cause of domestic violence , control
over sexuality , poor literacy ,, religious beliefs , lack of awareness of health issues
- Religious dominance – kanyadan , gift of a virgin , before onset of menstruation
- Issue of immoral trafficking –
- Law and legal discourses: Article 25 of udhr – good health as right of every huan being . unicef
and who for health , for eg WASH Programme in india , ICDS (worked on water and sanitation
awareness in india) , In 1990s MCI
- ARTICLE 312 to 316 of ipc 1860 , immoral traffic(prevention)ACT1956, causing miscarriage
without female consent as punishable
- 1990s efforts of jaylalita
- Mwcd and UNICEF to address cross border human trafficking , various NGOs like Nirmala Niketan
, mahila smakhya programme , shiksha karmi , ssa, mid day meal , kgbv – for education and
awreness among all castes
- Chapter 5 – cultural relativism(customs and tradition of a society shpuld be judged on the basis
of society’s own culture rather than criteria of others )and violation of human rights of girls and
o Culture does not make people but people make the culture .
o Many int. and national initiatives provide justification for human rights as moral norms
and rights , and emphasize implementing these as legal rights
o Both cedaw and crc , advocate the basic rights of women nd children, neither makes
substantial reference to girl child rights .

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