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Exercises: Polymorphism

Problems for exercises and homework for the "C# OOP" course @ SoftUni".
You can check your solutions here:

1. Vehicles
Create a program that models 2 vehicles (a Car and a Truck) and simulates driving and refueling them.
Car and truck both have fuel quantity, fuel consumption in liters per km, and can be driven a given
distance and refueled with a given amount of fuel. It's summer, so both vehicles use air conditioners and their fuel
consumption per km is increased by 0.9 liters for the car and with 1.6 liters for the truck. Also, the truck has a tiny
hole in its tank and when it’s refueled it keeps only 95% of the given fuel. The car has no problems and adds all the
given fuel to its tank. If a vehicle cannot travel the given distance, its fuel does not change.
 On the first line – information about the car in the format: "Car {fuel quantity} {liters per km}"
 On the second line – info about the truck in the format: "Truck {fuel quantity} {liters per km}"
 On the third line – the number of commands N that will be given on the next N lines
 On the next N lines – commands in the format:
 "Drive Car {distance}"
 "Drive Truck {distance}"
 "Refuel Car {liters}"
 "Refuel Truck {liters}"
 After each Drive command, if there was enough fuel, print on the console a message in the format:
 "Car/Truck travelled {distance} km"
 If there was not enough fuel, print: "Car/Truck needs refueling"
 After the End command, print the remaining fuel for both the car and the truck, rounded to 2 digits after the
floating point in the format:
 "Car: {liters}"
 "Truck: {liters}"
Input Output
Car 15 0.3 Car travelled 9 km
Truck 100 0.9 Car needs refueling
4 Truck travelled 10 km
Drive Car 9 Car: 54.20
Drive Car 30 Truck: 75.00
Refuel Car 50
Drive Truck 10
Car 30.4 0.4 Car needs refueling
Truck 99.34 0.9 Car travelled 13.5 km
5 Truck needs refueling
Drive Car 500 Car: 113.05

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Drive Car 13.5 Truck: 109.12
Refuel Truck 10.300
Drive Truck 56.2
Refuel Car 100.2

2. Vehicles Extension
Use your solution of the previous task for the starting point and add more functionality. Add a new vehicle – Bus.
Add to every vehicle a new property – tank capacity. A vehicle cannot start with or refuel above its tank capacity.
If you try to put more fuel in the tank than the available space, print on the console "Cannot fit {fuel
amount} fuel in the tank" and do not add any fuel in the vehicle’s tank. If you try to create a vehicle
with more fuel than its tank capacity, create it but start with an empty tank.
Add a new command for the bus. You can drive the bus with or without people. With people, the air-conditioner is
turned on and its fuel consumption per kilometer is increased by 1.4 liters. If there are no people on the bus, the
air-conditioner is turned off and does not increase the fuel consumption.
Finally, add validation for the amount of fuel given to the Refuel command – if it is 0 or negative, print "Fuel
must be a positive number".

 On the first three lines you will receive information about the vehicles in the format:
 "Vehicle {initial fuel quantity} {liters per km} {tank capacity}"
 On the fourth line - the number of commands N that will be given on the next N lines
 On the next N lines - commands in format:
 "Drive Car {distance}"
 "Drive Truck {distance}"
 "Drive Bus {distance}"
 "DriveEmpty Bus {distance}"
 "Refuel Car {liters}"
 "Refuel Truck {liters}"
 "Refuel Bus {liters}"

 After each Drive command, if there was enough fuel, print on the console a message in the format:
 "Car/Truck travelled {distance} km"
 If there was not enough fuel, print:
 "Car/Truck needs refueling"
 If you try to refuel with an amount ≤ 0 print:
 "Fuel must be a positive number"
 If the given fuel cannot fit in the tank, print:
 "Cannot fit {fuel amount} fuel in the tank"
 After the "End" command, print the remaining fuel for all vehicles, rounded to 2 digits after the floating point in
the format:
 "Car: {liters}"
 "Truck: {liters}"
 "Bus: {liters}"

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Input Output
Car 30 0.04 70 Fuel must be a positive number
Truck 100 0.5 300 Fuel must be a positive number
Bus 40 0.3 150 Cannot fit 300 fuel in the tank
8 Bus travelled 10 km
Refuel Car -10 Cannot fit 1000 fuel in the tank
Refuel Truck 0 Bus needs refueling
Refuel Car 10 Cannot fit 1000 fuel in the tank
Refuel Car 300 Car: 40.00
Drive Bus 10 Truck: 100.00
Refuel Bus 1000 Bus: 23.00
DriveEmpty Bus 100
Refuel Truck 1000

3. Raiding
Your task is to create a class hierarchy like the one described below. The BaseHero class should be abstract.
 BaseHero – string Name, int Power, string CastAbility()
 Druid – power = 80
 Paladin – power = 100
 Rogue – power = 80
 Warrior – power = 100

Each hero should override the CastAbility() method:

Druid - "{Type} - {Name} healed for {Power}"
Paladin - "{Type} - {Name} healed for {Power}"
Rogue - "{Type} - {Name} hit for {Power} damage"
Warrior - "{Type} - {Name} hit for {Power} damage"
Now use the classes you created to form a raid group and defeat a boss. You will receive an integer N from the
console. On the next lines, you will receive {heroName} and {heroType} until you create N number of heroes.
If the hero type is invalid print: "Invalid hero!" and don’t add it to the raid group. After the raid group is
formed you will receive an integer from the console which will be the boss’s power. Then each of the heroes in the
raid group should cast his ability once. You should sum the power of all of the heroes and if the total power is
greater or equal to the boss’s power you have defeated him and you should print:
Else print:

Use the Factory Design pattern to instantiate the classes.

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You need to create heroes until you have N amount of valid heroes.

Input Output
3 Paladin - Mike healed for 100
Mike Druid - Josh healed for 80
Paladin Warrior - Scott hit for 100 damage
Josh Victory!
2 Warrior - Mike hit for 100 damage
Mike Rogue - Tom hit for 80 damage
Warrior Defeat...

4. Wild Farm
Your task is to create a class hierarchy like the one described below. The Animal, Bird, Mammal, Feline, and
Food classes should be abstract. Override the method ToString().
 Food – int Quantity
 Vegetable
 Fruit
 Meat
 Seeds
 Animal – string Name, double Weight, int FoodEaten
 Bird – double WingSize
 Owl
 Hen
 Mammal – string LivingRegion
 Mouse
 Dog
 Feline – string Breed
 Cat
 Tiger

All animals should also have the ability to ask for food by producing a sound.
 Owl – "Hoot Hoot"
 Hen – "Cluck"
 Mouse – "Squeak"
 Dog – "Woof!"
 Cat – "Meow"

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 Tiger – "ROAR!!!"

Now use the classes that you have created to instantiate some animals and feed them.
Input should be read from the console. Every even line (starting from 0) will contain information about an animal in
the following format:
 Felines - "{Type} {Name} {Weight} {LivingRegion} {Breed}"
 Birds - "{Type} {Name} {Weight} {WingSize}"
 Mice and Dogs - "{Type} {Name} {Weight} {LivingRegion}"

On the odd lines, you will receive information about a piece of food that you should give to that animal. The line
will consist of a FoodType and quantity, separated by whitespace.
Animals will only eat a certain type of food, as follows:
 Hens eat everything
 Mice eat vegetables and fruits
 Cats eat vegetables and meat
 Tigers, Dogs, and Owls eat only meat

If you try to give an animal a different type of food, it will not eat it and you should print:
 "{AnimalType} does not eat {FoodType}!"

The weight of an animal will increase with every piece of food it eats, as follows:
 Hen - 0.35
 Owl - 0.25
 Mouse - 0.10
 Cat - 0.30
 Dog - 0.40
 Tiger - 1.00

Override the ToString() method to print the information about an animal in the formats:
 Birds - "{AnimalType} [{AnimalName}, {WingSize}, {AnimalWeight}, {FoodEaten}]"
 Felines - "{AnimalType} [{AnimalName}, {Breed}, {AnimalWeight},
{AnimalLivingRegion}, {FoodEaten}]"
 Mice and Dogs - "{AnimalType} [{AnimalName}, {AnimalWeight}, {AnimalLivingRegion},

After you have read the information about the animal and the food, the animal will produce a sound (print it on the
console). Next, you should try to feed it. After receiving the "End" command, print information about every animal
in order of input.

Input Output
Cat Sammy 1.1 Home Persian Meow
Vegetable 4 Cat [Sammy, Persian, 2.3, Home, 4]

Tiger Rex 167.7 Asia Bengal ROAR!!!

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Vegetable 1 Tiger does not eat Vegetable!
Dog Tommy 500 Street Woof!
Vegetable 150 Dog does not eat Vegetable!
End Tiger [Rex, Bengal, 167.7, Asia, 0]
Dog [Tommy, 500, Street, 0]

Mouse Jerry 0.5 Anywhere Squeak

Fruit 1000 Hoot Hoot
Owl Tom 2.5 30 Mouse [Jerry, 100.5, Anywhere, 1000]
Meat 5 Owl [Tom, 30, 3.75, 5]

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