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Certainly! Let's explore the concept of deflection surveys and their
1. Definition:
○ A deflection survey is a technique used in surveying and
construction to determine the angle of deflection between two
lines or tangents.
○ It involves measuring the horizontal angle formed by the
previous and following lines.
2. Purpose and Applications:
○ Curve Design: Deflection angles are crucial for designing curves
in roads, railways, and other infrastructure projects.
○ Locating Points: They help locate points in different directions
relative to a reference line.
○ Structural Analysis: In civil engineering, deflection surveys aid in
assessing the deformation or displacement of structures due to
applied loads.
○ Road Diagnostics: For road assessment, deflection
measurements provide insights into permanent deformation
and structural integrity.
○ Safety and Stability: Monitoring deflection ensures the safety
and stability of structures.
3. Calculation and Measurement:
○ The deflection angle is typically measured in degrees.
○ It represents the angle between the tangents at the beginning
and end of a curve.
○ Engineers use deflection angles to determine the length and
shape of curves.
In summary, deflection surveys play a vital role in ensuring the integrity of
structures, aiding in design, and facilitating accurate measurements in
surveying and construction projects2 3..

1. Deflection Angle Formula in Surveying - Civil Engineering Information
2. Deflection Angle in Surveying - How to Calculate and Measure
3. 4. Survey and monitoring techniques - ROADEX Network
4. Deformation monitoring - Wikipedia

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