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2.1. Understanding Parking

Parking is a condition where a vehicle is not moving
temporarily because it was abandoned by the driver. According to Hobbs (1995),
Parking is defined as an activity for placing or storing
vehicle to a certain place, the duration of which depends on its completion
the needs of the driver.
Parking facilities are locations designated as stopping places
It is not temporary to carry out activities for a certain period of time
certain. Off street parking is a facility
parking vehicles outside the edge of a specially created or supporting public road
activities that can include parking lots according to the Directorate General
Land Transportation Year (1996).

According to PP no. 43 of 1993 parking is defined as a vehicle

which stops at certain places as indicated by signs
or not, and not solely for the purpose of increasing or not
unload people and goods. Meanwhile, another definition of parking is
a situation where a vehicle stops temporarily (unloads
or person) and stopped for quite a while.

As the level of travel increases, the need for it also increases

parking space, and good quality parking and sufficient parking space are needed
able to accommodate all vehicles. Apart from that, it is increasing
ownership of a vehicle can trigger an increase in parking capacity.

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2.2. Parking Terms

1) Parking (Parking)-

Vehicle stopping place for a certain period of time (according to

needs) or in other words temporary stopping of the vehicle

which is not currently in use.

2) Parking Lot (Parking Inventory)

The number of parking spaces available in a particular area

categorized as on-street or off-street parking spaces, used

for public or private or with other classifications.

3) Parking Generation Plots

The amount of parking that must be provided to serve businesses or companies


4) Parking Indicator (Parking Indicator)

Indicators used to evaluate the performance of

parking infrastructure, which includes:

a. Capacity
b. Turn over

c. Duration

d. Parking Index (parking index)

5) Capacity

The number of vehicles that can park at a location at a certain time.

6) Parking Availability (Parking supply)

The number of authorized parking spaces within a particular area of the system
a. Every once in a while

b. Unity of time

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c. Unity of time and progressive increase over time

7) Parking deficiency

The degree to which parking demand exceeds available parking spaces,

expressed in the number of parking spaces.

8) Parking demand or need

The number of drivers who wish to park in an area during a period

a certain time, often expressed as the number of vehicles during the hour

parking requirements for a particular day.

9) Excess parking space (Parking Surplus)

The degree to which the number of parking spaces exceeds parking requirements, stated

in the number of parking spaces.

10) Private parking (Private parking supply)

Parking spaces are provided specifically for employees or customers (guests) at

business centers or visitors to certain places and not for the public

11) Public Parking (Public parking supply)

Parking spaces are provided to the general public either free of charge or free of charge

12) Space-hour

Single parking space used by vehicles for 1 hour.

2.3. Parking Policy

Some parking policies implemented in various countries include;

1) Parking rate policy determined based on location and time and

activity centers will increase the higher parking rates accordingly

also getting higher and higher. This policy is directed at

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controlling the number of parkers in the city center and encouraging users
public transportation.

2) Parking space limitation policy, especially in city center areas or

hub. This policy is usually implemented in roadside parking
whose main purpose is to smooth traffic flow and limit
off-street parking space which is done through an IMB (Building Permit
3) Strict law enforcement policy against violators of provisions
parking is prohibited and stopping and parking outside of designated areas is prohibited

determined for this reason, forms of law enforcement can be carried out through
fines as carried out by the police.

2.4. Parking Management

One aspect that is directly related to the parking processing process
is: determining the maximum number of states that can be contained in one
parking area. The process of calculating the maximum number has
very strict rules, for example in matters of length, height, width, height
parking, and the distance between parking locations that must be considered. As is
these rules, then the maximum number of vehicles in a location
parking will be limited. These conditions create a management process
Parking is a very important thing to pay attention to.

2.5. Types of Parking

Parking classifications are generally divided into two, namely off-street

(off street parking) and parking on the road (on street parking) outside the body
Road parking can be in the form of parking in certain areas such as centers
shopping, business and offices that provide land facilities
public parking (Guidelines for Planning and Operation of Parking Facilities,
(Directorate General of Land Transportation 1998). Lack of parking facilities
(yards or buildings) in certain areas within the city cause roads

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into a parking lot which means reducing the effective width of the road and with
itself reduces the capacity of the road section in question.
So this is what is often referred to as an indication of a problem
very strange parking. Based on how it is placed and deep
daily operations, parking can be classified into two types, namely
parking on the street (on street parking) and parking outside the street (off
street parking). Problems that often occur in urban areas are:
lack of off-street parking facilities, either in the form of parking lots or
special parking area, resulting in the parking load accumulating on the body
road which results in a lack of road capacity as it is
chaos and traffic jams.

2.6. Parking Layout Criteria

In determining the parking layout, there are several criteria, including:

a) Parking is located on a flat surface of the site
Try to ensure that the parking area is on a flat surface. If
The surface of the land has a slope, so you need to think about it
use of grading with a cut and fill system . Flat surface location
in the parking area is intended to maintain vehicle safety
Park safely and don't roll.

b) Parking is not too far from the activity center

The achievement relationship between the parking lot and the building or place
activities should not be carried out too far. If the distance between parking spaces

with the center of activity quite far away, clear circulation is needed
directed towards the parking area. Judging from its use, parking space
divided into :
1. Parking of vehicles with more than 4 (four) wheels, for example buses and trucks.

2. Parking of 4 (four) wheeled vehicles, for example sedans and mini buses.

3. Parking of 3 (three) wheeled vehicles, for example bemos and sideboard motorbikes.

4. Parking of 2 (two) wheeled vehicles, for example bicycles and motorbikes.

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Viewed from the design point of view, the criteria and principles
Parking spaces in general must show the following factors:
1. Time of use and utilization of parking spaces.
2. The number of vehicles needed to determine the area of the place

3. Size and type of vehicle to be accommodated.

4. Has good security and is protected from radiant heat

5. Availability of supporting parking facilities, for example driver waiting area, parking area


c) The shape of the parking lot

There are several types of vehicle parking spaces, namely:

1) Perpendicular parking (Perpandicular)

Figure 2.1 Perpendicular (Perpandicular) Parking

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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2) Corner parking (Angel)

Figure 2.2 Corner parking (Angle)

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

3) Special parking for disabled people

Figure 2.3 Special parking for disabled people

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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4) Parallel parking (Parallel)

Figure 2.4 Parallel Parking (Parallel)

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

2.7. Parking Characteristics

Parking characteristics are intended as basic properties

provide an assessment of parking services and parking problems
occurred at the study location. Based on the parking characteristics, it will be known
Parking conditions that occur at the study location include volume
parking, Parking accumulation, Parking duration, Parking index, Turn Over Rate
parking, and parking capacity. Meanwhile, in terms of developing the parking area
more efficient analysis of parking characteristics is a must
carried out either by direct survey by observing each vehicle
will park and get out of the parking era.

1) Parking Volume
Parking volume is the number of vehicles in a place
parking within a certain time period. Parking volume can be calculated by
using a vehicle that uses the parking area within a certain time.
The number of vehicles included in the parking load is the number of vehicles
per certain time period, the time the vehicle is used for parking,

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in minutes or hours, stating the length of parking required to know

users of parking spaces at the research location. To help use

analysis of parking volume survey data, the following equation can be used:

Parking Volume = Ei – X

2) Parking Accumulation

Parking accumulation is the total number of parked vehicles

somewhere at a certain time and divided according to the type of purpose

journey. Where is the integration of accumulated parking during a certain period

shows the parking load (number of parked vehicles) in hours

vehicles per certain time period. Accumulated data can be presented in

form tables and graphs that have been analyzed so that accumulation can be illustrated

parking according to the trip purpose category. Parking accumulation value is not

the same place and at a certain time. When the value is accumulated

exceeds the available parking capacity.

Calculation of parking accumulation can use the equation:

Parking Accumulation (AP) = Ei (Entry) – Ex (Exit) + X


AP = Parking Accumulation

Hey = Vehicles entering parking

Ex = Vehicles leaving the park

X = Vehicles that already exist or are still parked

3) Parking Duration

Length of parking time or parking duration is the time spent by

parker in the parking space. Parking time is expressed in hours. A space

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parking will be able to serve more vehicles if used for

parking the vehicle in a short time compared to the parking space
which is used to park vehicles for a long time. According to time
used for parking, then parking can be classified as follows:
a) Short time parking
Short time parking is a parker who uses a parking space
less than 1 (one) hour and for shopping purposes.
b) Medium time parking
Medium time parking is a parker who uses intermediate parking spaces
1 (one) hour to 4 (four) hours and for trading purposes.
c) Long time parking
Long time parking is a parker who uses more parking space
from 4 (four) hours, usually for work purposes.
To calculate Parking Duration, you can use a simple equation
as follows:

4) Parking Index
Parking index is another measure to express usage
parking lot stating the stated use of the parking lot
in percentage (%) of space occupied by parked vehicles. For
Determining parking needs can be determined from peak parking times and
parking index. Peak parking times give an idea of the magnitude
parking demand at a time when compared with normal capacity
can be known how much need can be met by infrastructure
parking available. By using the parking index, it can be seen whether
parking demand is proportional to available capacity, if value
parking index >100% means the parking space is greater than capacity. For
To analyze the parking index, the following equation can be used:

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Parking index ( IP ) = X 100%

5) Tunr Over

Turn over is the level of parking space usage in a period

particular obtained. The parking turnover rate will indicate the level

use of parking spaces obtained from the division between volumes

vehicles parked during the observation period. To analyze levels

turnover can be used the following equation:

TR =


TR = Turn Over (vehicles/lot/hour)

n = Total parking volume during the survey

R = Available parking spaces (SRP)

6) Parking Space Requirements

The need for parking space is the accumulation multiplied by the unit

parking space.

KRP = Vp x SRP

Where :

KRP = Parking Space Requirement

Vp = Maximum Accumulation

SRP = Parking Space Unit

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7) Maneuvering Space Requirements in On Street Parking

Based on the guidelines set by the Directorate General

Ministry of Transportation Land Transportation in CHAPTER II of 2008 concerning attachments

Technical Parking Management that discusses space requirements

maneuver the vehicle when parking on the road (On street Parking). Room

Maneuvering parked vehicles certainly provides space/maneuvering zones for

vehicles that want to park on the road other than that, which of course also

will use part of the road as a parking maneuver space. Existence

Parking maneuver space is generally in the form of a parking building or parking park

which is on the road. The aim of implementing these guidelines is to:

supports safety and smooth traffic flow, so it is necessary

The parking maneuver space in determining the parking location must be designed so that

does not interfere with the smooth flow of traffic. (Directorate of land transportation,

2008 ).

Figure 2.5 Maneuvering Space Requirements

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General of Transportation

Land, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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A = Width of parking space (m)

D = Effective parking space (m)

M = Vehicle maneuvering space (m)

J = Width of reduced maneuver space

W = Total Road Width

L = Effective road width

In this way, it can be seen that every vehicle is parked

on the road or using the road (On Street Parking) for parking
The vehicle will definitely be used as a road body for use
as a parking maneuver space for vehicles. To support smooth flow
traffic and does not cause congestion on the road itself.

2.8. Parking Space Unit

The parking space unit is the effective area for parking
vehicle (storage car, bus/truck, or motorbike), including space
free and wide door openings. SRP is used to measure space capacity
parking. In relation to vehicle safety against collisions or
scratches from other vehicles or building parts (pillars, walls or columns) then
Free space is required in the side and longitudinal directions. Space size
The free side direction ranges from 2-20 cm, while the longitudinal direction ranges from 20-20 cm.

40 cm. Generally, the free space in the side direction is taken to be 5 cm and the free space in the direction

extends 30 cm with details of the front 10 cm and parts

rear 20 cm while the size of the door opening is a characteristic function
vehicle users who use parking facilities. For example width
vehicle door openings of government office employees will be different from those of
the width of the vehicle door opening for visitors to a shopping center

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or spending. For shops or shopping activity centers. Size

the width of the door opening is generally maximum due to the relaxed atmosphere and presence

luggage, so that the width of the opening for the front/rear door
is approximately 75 cm. So to determine the SRP
based on considerations about:

1) Standard Vehicle Dimensions

Figure 2.6 Standard Dimensions for Passenger Car Vehicles

Source: Technical Guidelines for Organizing Parking Facilities, Directorate

General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

2) Free Vehicle Parking Space

Free space must be provided for vehicles parked in both lateral directions
and longitudinal vehicles. Free space intended for
Avoid collisions between vehicle doors when parking the vehicle
next to the vehicle parked next to it. Direction space
lengthwise provided in front of the vehicle to avoid collisions with
walls or vehicles passing through the alley. Clearance distance between doors
the vehicle is taken at O = 45 cm.

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3) Vehicle Door Opening Width

The width of the vehicle door opening is a function of the characteristics of the vehicle user

who utilize the parking facilities. Width of office employee vehicle doors
will differ from the width of the vehicle door opening for visitors to the activity center
shopping. Characteristics of vehicle users who utilize the facilities
Parking is divided into three as shown in the table below:

Table 2.1 Vehicle Door Opening Width

Width of Door Openings for Users of Parking Facility Groups

Employees/office workers
Front door/
Guests/visitors I
Rear open stage
(office, trade,
initial 45 cm
government, universities)

Visitors (Places
Front door/ sports, center
entertainment/recreation, hotels, II
Rear open stage
wholesale/self-service centers,
full 75 cm
hospitals and cinemas)

The front door opened

full and added

People with disabilities III
for chair movement

(Source: Directorate General of Land Transportation, 1996)

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4) Determination of Parking Space Units (SRP)

Based on the considerations above, the Spatial Unit is determined

Parking (SRP) is divided into three types of vehicles and is based on determination

SRP for passenger cars is classified into three groups;

Table 2.2 Parking Space Units (SRP) for passenger cars

Transportation type Parking Space Unit (m²)

Passenger Car goal 1 2.3 x 5.0

Passenger Car goal 2 2.5 x 5.0

Passenger Car goal 3 3.0 x 5.0

Buses and Trucks 3.4 x 12.5

Motorcycle 0.75 x 2.0

(Source: Directorate General of Land Transportation, 1996)

Figure 2.7 Four-wheeled Parking Space Unit (SRP).

Source: Guidelines for Planning and Operation of Parking Facilities,

Directorate General of Land Transportation, KEMENHUB-RI.

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Information :

B = total width of the vehicle

L= total length of the vehicle

O = width of the door opening

a1, a2 = longitudinal clearance

R = lateral clearance

Table 2.3. Unit Size of Passenger Car Parking Space

B = 170 a1 = 10 Bp = B + O + R

Goal I O = 45 L = 470 Lp = L + a1 + a2

R = 5 a2 = 20 Bp = 2.30 Lp = 5.00

B = 170 a1 = 10

Goal II O = 75 L = 470

R = 5 a2 = 20 Bp = 2.50 Lp = 5.00

B = 170 a1 = 10

Goal III O = 80 L = 470

R = 5 a2 = 20 Bp = 3.00 Lp = 5.00

Source: Directorate General of Land Transportation, 1996

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Figure 2.8a. Parking Space Moment (SRP) for two-wheeled vehicles

Source: Technical Guidelines for Organizing Parking Facilities, Directorate

General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

Figure 2.8b Parking Space Unit (SRP) for two-wheeled vehicles

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

Parking Space Unit (SRP) for two-wheeled vehicles (in cm):

B = 0.70 L = 1.75

R = 0.30 LP = 2.00

A1 = 0.20 BP = 0.80

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A2 = 0.05

Information :

B : total width of the vehicle L: Total Length of Vehicle

R: Free Distance Lp: SRP width

a1, a2: Distance between vehicles Bp: Length of SRP

The width of the vehicle door opening is a function of the vehicle user

who utilize the parking facilities. For the various needs above, necessities

The size of the parking activity area differs from each other depending on the service and rates

implemented, people's income level, and so on. Based on the results

The Directorate General of Land Transportation's study determined parking requirement standards

for the various needs above. Parameters for determining the size of the parking area

required at each activity location is an SRP (Parking Space Unit).

which is the effective area for placing a vehicle including space

free and wide door openings. If community groups use the facilities

parking lot of the lower class can use the lower limit and if

most of the upper class can use the upper limit.

2.9. Mindset on the Road (On Street Parking)

To implement a policy related to parking, first

It is necessary to think about the parking pattern that will be implemented. There are several patterns

Parking has developed both in big cities and small towns. Pattern

The parking lots that have been developed are as follows:

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1) Parallel Parking Pattern

a) Parallel Parking Pattern in Background Areas

Figure 2.9. Parallel Parking Pattern on flat areas

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI

b) Parallel Parking Pattern in Uphill Areas

Figure 2.10 Parallel Parking Pattern in an incline area

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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c) Parallel Parking Pattern in Downhill Areas

Figure 2.11. Parallel Parking Pattern in the derivative area

Source: Technical Guidelines for Organizing Parking Facilities, Directorate

General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

2) Corner Parking Pattern

This parking method or pattern is applied if space is limited

if it can form an angle of 30o , 45o, 60o This parking pattern has power

accommodate more when compared to the parallel parking pattern (0º corner parking).

Ease and comfort for the driver to maneuver in and out

the parking space is larger compared to 90° corner parking.

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a) 30° Angle Parking Pattern

Figure 2.12 Corner 30 Parking Pattern

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

b) 40° Angle Parking Pattern

Figure 2.13 Corner 45 Parking Pattern

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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c) 90 Angle Parking Pattern

Figure 2.14 90 Angle Parking Pattern

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI

3) Parking Prohibition

a) For 6 meters before and after the foot crossing or

designated bicycle crossings.

Figure 2.15 Parking arrangement in the Crossing Zone

Source: Technical Guidelines for Organizing Parking Facilities,

Directorate General of Land Transportation, KEMENHUB-RI.

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b) 25 meters long before and after sharp bends with a radius

less than 500 meters.

Figure 2.16 Parking arrangement near the corner

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

c) For 100 meters before and after the Senidang crossing.

Figure 2.17 Parking arrangement near the bridge

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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d) For 100 meters before and after the level crossing

Figure 2.18 Parking arrangement on railway tracks

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

e) Along 25 meters before and after the intersection

Figure 2.19 Parking arrangements at intersections

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f) 6 meters long before and after building access.

Figure 2.20 Parking arrangement near building access

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

g) 6 meters long before and after the hydrant/ fire extinguisher

or similar sources.

Figure 2.21 Parking arrangement near Hydrant

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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2.10. Parking pattern in available lots

This is different from the parking pattern on the road (on street parking) .

clearly utilizing part of the road shoulder to be designated as land

parking. The following parking pattern is the parking pattern determined by

The Directorate General of Land Transportation uses parking lots or areas

parking available by the management which is intended for

accommodate the maximum number of vehicles. But in pattern

the parking is with a parking pattern on the road (on street parking) not far away

different as well as using a perpendicular parking pattern, parking pattern

cornering and facing parking patterns.

1) Parking Pattern Perpendicular to Face

Figure 2.22 Parking pattern perpendicular to each other

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

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2) Facing Corner Parking Pattern

Figure 2.23 Opposite corner parking pattern

Source: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Parking Facilities, Directorate General

Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation-RI.

In the facing corner parking pattern, its application is not only

45ÿ corner only but other corner parking patterns can also be applied such as

30, 60, and of course 90ÿ .

2.11. Parking Lot Planning

1) Type of Parking Designation

Parking area requirements differ from one person to another according to

its designation. In general, there are 2 types of parking designations, namely:

a. Fixed Parking Activities

1) Parking Trade Center

2) Office Center (Private/Government)

3) Retail Trade Center or Supermarket

4) Market

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5) School
6) Recreation Area \
7) Hotels and Accommodation
8) Hospital

b. Temporary Parking Activities

1) CinemaVenue
2) Performance
3) Sports Match Venue
4) House of Worship

2) Standard Parking Requirements

For the various needs above, a large parking area is required

differ from each other depending on the service, rates applied,
availability of parking spaces, vehicle ownership level, income level
society, and so on. Based on the results of the Directorate General's study
Land Transportation sets standards for parking requirements for various activities
mentioned above. Parameters for determining the required parking space area
each activity location is an SRP (Parking Space Unit) which is
The effective area for placing a vehicle includes free space and width
open the door.

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Table 2.4 SRP values for various types of activities

Allotment SRP Parking Space Requirements (Passenger Cars)

Parking Trade Center

Shops 3.5 – 7.5 Per 100 m2 effective floor area

Supermarkets 3.5 – 7.5 Per 100 m2 effective floor area

Market 3.5 – 7.5 Per 100m2 effective floor area

Office Center

Non-General Services 1.5 – 3.5 Per 100 m2 of floor area

Public service 1.5 – 3.5 Per 100 m2 of floor area

School 0.7 – 1.0 Per number of students/students

0.2 – 1.0 Per number of rooms

Hospital 0.2 – 1.3 Per number of beds

Cinema / place of worship 1.0 – 0.4 Per number of seats

(Source: Directorate General of Land Transportation 1996)


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