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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Business Administration and Accountancy
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree



Mia Alimento
Joberlyn Dinopol
Gyzhil Flores
Haspa Harid
Erica Masalon
Rizal Mark Omongos

March 2022
College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City

Fiscal Daproza Avenue, General Santos City



This thesis proposal entitled “GREGG SHORTHAND: THE



SANTOS CITY”, prepared and submitted by Rizal Mark Omongos, Haspa

Harid, Erica Masalon, Gyzhill Flores, Joberlyn Dinopol, and Mia Alimento,

has been examined and is hereby recommended for acceptance and








Examiner Examiner

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

the Degree in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.


Dean, CBMA

College of Business Management and Accountancy

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City

Fiscal Daproza Avenue, General Santos City



This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through at

the pages of Thesis Proposal Study entitled “GREGG SHORTHAND: THE




By Name of Students;

Mia Alimento

Joberlyn Dinopol

Gyzhil Flores

Haspa Harid

Erica Masalon

Rizal Mark Omongos

Aligned with the set of structural rules that govern the composition

of sentences, phrases, and words English Language.

Signed this _th day of January 2022 at Holy Trinity College of


Santos City, Philippines




The researcher would like to express their deepest gratitude and

sincerest appreciation to those people for their invaluable help and

assistance for the completion of this study:

To their adviser, ______________________________, for her

guidance, patience, understanding, kindness, encouragement and

expertise on the whole duration of the study;

To their chairman of the panel, _________________________,

members of the panel, ___________________________________________,

for their guidance, valuable comments, suggestions and recommendation

during the defense;

To their college dean, ___________________________________, for

the acceptance and approval of this study;

To their beloved parents for the undying love, support, prayers and

moral support that pushes them to become the best version of themselves.

To their brothers and sisters for their encouragement, kindness love and

financial support;

To their friends and relatives for their understanding, inspiration,

assistance and laughter amidst all the challenges they had met along the

course of this study thus making all rough times seems light;

Above all, to our Almighty God, they gave thanks for the good health, for

all the blessings that he showered upon us.



Preliminary Pages Page

Title Page

Approval Sheet

Grammarian’s Certificate



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures



Background of the Study


Purpose of the Study

Research Questions

Theoretical Lens

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation

Organization of the Study



Research Design

Philosophical Assumptions

Role of the Researcher

Research Informants

Research Locale

Selection Process

Data Collection

Data Analysis


Ethical Consideration




Implications for Educational Practice

Future Research


Concluding Remarks



A Letter to the Informants

B Letter to the Validators

C Validation Sheet for the Interview Guide

D Interview Guide

E Transcript of Interview Responses



Table Description Page

1 Title of Table 1

2 Title of Table 2

3 Title of Table 3


Figure Description Page

1 Map of the Locale of the Study

Chapter I

Background of the Study

Students that want to finish their studies despite the global epidemic that

is currently affecting the general public have employment as one of their aims.

Students all around the world are experiencing significant difficulties as a result

of the abrupt change and transfer of the entire educational system from the

conventional face-to-face physical modality of education to the current, virtual

form of teaching. Students who are already focused on the physical learning and

teaching process and classes, as well as teachers and administrators most of

whom are from a certain age and spend a good deal of time training in various of

workshops in order to produce the highest possible experiential learning for their

students, must adapt to this new method of delivery.

Students have complained that this new type of learning delivery is far

more difficult for them to digest, causing them worry and anxiety, particularly in

classes that were formerly taught in physical classes. Gregg Shorthand, for

example, was originally taught in a four-corner corridor of classrooms but is now

taught remotely and digitally. As a result, many students encounter an

inevitability of difficulty, resulting in poor performance in their classes. Learning

something from scratch online and with no one to talk to leads to the building of

stress and worry. Because there are so many characters or phrases to

transcribe, Ibrahim (2021) noted that transcribing shorthand writing takes time

and can be difficult. Another issue is that shorthand writing can only be
understood and translated by a stenographer. In the realm of shorthand, there

has been a noticeable lack of basic research. Even the most seasoned

examiners might make mistakes when estimating the complexity of the questions

they are asked. The problem isn't limited to a single subject. I began to tackle this

problem as it related to shorthand speed tests sixteen years ago, and I've made

progress as opportunities to work on it have presented themselves (James,


Financially disadvantaged students find it significantly more difficult to

attend and comprehend Gregg Shorthand classes than those from stable

income-earning families, due to the current standard method of teaching, which

is asynchronous and online. According to Clemena (2016), government funding

for education, teacher quality, school management, school facilities such as

laboratories and libraries, learning environments, curriculum content, insufficient

books and science equipment, method of instruction, classroom shortages, and

other factors are all that is needed to be addressed to improve the deteriorating

quality of learning. They usually fail to meet the technical requirements of having

a multitasking device for incoming lessons, as well as internet connectivity, which

is essential for the new standard lesson delivery setup. The educational system

has failed to erase the persistent colonial mindset that pervades both inside and

beyond the academy (Barrows, 2007).

Between educational instruction and actual employment requirements,

there is a misalignment. This is a major issue at the tertiary level, and it is also

the cause of a big number of educated persons remaining unemployed or

underemployed. According to Sherman (2005), a shorthand system may employ

symbols to indicate certain sounds, thoughts, or letters, or it may utilize letters

with specific meanings, depending on the language. Many shorthand methods

are even tailored for a certain institution or business, guaranteeing that

confidential information is protected from prying eyes. Students' lack of passion

for shorthand, a shortage of instructional facilities, and inadequate teacher

encouragement are all obstacles and hurdles.

In light of the aforementioned issues, this research will assist

administrators in identifying the need for improved Gregg Shorthand class

delivery and accelerate the ability of future office administrators.


The obstacles that students studying Gregg Shorthand confront are

highlighted in this qualitative study. We wanted to do this study because,

according to Pham (2021), the pandemic has left a large void in the educational

system, which, if not addressed effectively, will inevitably take its toll, leading to

pupils becoming disinterested and struggling in this subject. Shorthand, as taught

in most schools today, is largely considered as a talent that is learnt mostly

through teacher education; yet, if each shorthand student is to have the

opportunity to develop his skill to its best potential, it must be efficient and

productive. To address the requirement for students to have a broad, general

foundation as well as the abilities, understandings, information, and attitude

necessary to earn a living through shorthand writing (Truong, 2021).

Purpose of the Study
Our study’s objective is to delve deeper into the issues that freshmen and

sophomores who are currently enrolled in the Gregg Shorthand course are facing

and experiencing this school year. To promote learner success, teachers and

students must address the problems they may face in an online learning


Our research could be extremely useful to school administrators and

practitioners in having a better understanding of how and why pupils are

encountering these issues. The information gained from our research can be

utilized to update and improve the quality of lessons so that students who will be

taking the course in the near future will have a much easier time understanding


Research Questions

The purpose of this research is to understand the challenges that students

from Bachelor of Science in Office Administration who are taking Gregg

shorthand courses are facing this school year.

1. What are the difficulties that students are facing when taking the course

Gregg Shorthand during this pandemic?

2. What are the actions they are taking to find the solutions for these


3. What lesson can be gleaned from these difficulties?

Theoretical lens

In order for this study to be well-understood in its most profound meaning

and to push forth clear perspectives on the issues at hand, we used McGrath's

(2020) Deficit Model theory (DM) to explain students' engagement in online

learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. . This concept (also known as the Deficit

Model) asserts that members of minority groups are always distinct from the

prevailing majority group because their culture is deficient in key areas.

Educational psychologists have long tried to figure out why ethnically diverse,

local learners perform poorly in school. The theory has helped us gain a better

grasp of this critical societal issue. As a result, the theory states that people who

belong in the minority are incomparable when it comes to performance in

learning than the majority people because their family culture is very different in

features. Students are more likely to participate in learning in classes that

recognize their differences from other groups. As a result, this hypothesis can be

utilized to explain how students' personal histories affect their motivation and


The Theory of the Instructional Setting by Loobarch (2015) was also

included. In order to be successful, instructional design must encompass the

learning environment, according to the idea. It comprises assessing learners'

requirements, setting teaching end goals and objectives, planning and organizing

assessment tasks, and designing and learning activities to provide high-quality

instruction. This concept encompasses the educational plan required to foster


As a result, the theories discussed above provided a prism through which

a reader may see learning as a thriving experience even when faced with

obstacles. Even when pandemics make it difficult to impart teachings, learning

never ceases.

Significance of the Study

The following will benefit from this research:

School Administrators. The findings of this study may aid school

administrators in establishing a complete and realistic understanding of the

challenges that learners in Gregg shorthand classes may have in learning.

School Practitioners. The result of this study may help practitioners in

identifying key problems that may be hindering their students from a wonderful

learning experience and formulate solutions applicable to their case.

Researchers. Our findings may aid us in identifying important challenges

that impede fellow students' learning and formulating remedies.

Future Researchers. The result of this report can be used as a starting

point for a study similar to this one. This research could provide useful

information to future researchers.

Scope and Limitation

The problems that Bachelor of Science in Office Administration students

who are taking the Gregg shorthand course confront were the topic of this

qualitative research study. To collect the data for our study, we created a

researcher-created interview guide. The project will enlist the help of willing

volunteers to act as informants. The study will be limited to five (5) students from

the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration, (2) two freshmen and (3) three

sophomores currently enrolled in the course. Due to the continuing pandemic, we

will conduct the interviews through the internet and video conferencing

applications such as Google Meet and Zoom. This is to keep us safe while we do

the interviews.

We accept that we cannot account for all of the challenges that Gregg

shorthand course students confront as a limit and restriction.

Organization of the Study

A narrative inquiry research approach will be used in this research. It

provides a study of the informants' responses to the challenges they faced while

teaching the Gregg shorthand course.

Chapter 1 covers the Background, Rationale, Purpose, Research

Questions, Theoretical Lens, Significance, and the Scope and Limitations of the


Chapter 2 includes an overview of relevant literature, as well as a

definition and concept.

Chapter 3 tackles the Design, Philosophical Assumptions, the

Researchers’ Role, the study Locale, and the Data Collection.



A number of important texts for this research are reviewed in this chapter.

The studies and researches cited are all selected after careful consideration of

the data's relevance and reliability.


Human civilizations have pursued the discipline of writing across countries

and time periods. Shorthand was invented in order to make the writing process

go faster. There are several components of a text that can have syntactic value,

according to Comput (2020). It is possible to employ characters, words,

concepts, and phrases. Shorthand is a skill that requires both the use of one's

hands and the use of one's mind. A shorthand reporter needs two abilities: the

capacity to jot down what he hears quickly and learn to comprehend everything

he has written. One phase is not more crucial than the other; the scanning will

not be a continuation of the transcribing unless outlines are adequately

articulated. Reading must always take second place to writing.

A handwriting lesson in a shorthand class would be a good place to start.

Both the teacher and the student, according to Comput (2020), must make a

serious and purposeful effort to produce a calm and fluent writing style. This sort

of writing will allow for the development of rapid reporting; information, as well as
a rapid response to verbal stimuli, should be there so that shorthand writing can

flow without hays and slowdowns, allowing the writer to conceive of an outline.

Gregg Shorthand

The English language's complexity is reflected in the range of applications

it has, both oral and written. Because of the social phenomena of any language,

Corder (2013) claims that varieties of discourse are frequently labelled as

"acceptable" or "unacceptable," "suited" or "inappropriate." As a result, language

functions are contained in parameters. Gregg Shorthand was designed to keep

up with the ever-evolving English language, which includes both standard and

non-standard varieties.

Without the frustrations that come with premature digressions into related

content with complicated shorthand outlines, students may and should be taught

proper shorthand writing habits in less time. Gregg shorthand instruction seeks to

develop a fluid, rhythmic writing response to the auditory cue of dictation. The

achievement of the goal appears to demand delivering auditory stimuli at a rate

that allows for the most efficient coordination of hearing, cognition, perception,

and response rates in short periods.

While teaching shorthand is similar in some respects to teaching typing or

reading, the latter two skills require the student to work with visual stimuli that he

can control. Shorthand instruction, on the other hand, uses aural stimuli, and the

student never has control over the dictation rate. When information is supplied

that requires varied quantities of answers in equal and consecutive minutes, it

may be challenging to produce "an organized flow of rhythmic effort" (Mursell,


Difficulties in Learning

School underachievement is a prevalent condition among teenagers from

low-income families. Children with learning difficulties frequently have issues with

working memory. The specificity of impairments associated with distinct forms of

learning difficulties, on the other hand, is uncertain. Individuals who have

difficulty learning may not receive information in the same way or at the same

rate as their peers because certain aspects of learning, such as the acquisition of

basic skills, may be challenging for them (Marlow, 2009).

Learning difficulties indicate that a person has to take an alternative

approach to learning. Because intellectual challenges – learning challenges

stemming from sensory impairments, developmental delays, or cultural,

economic, or environmental adversities – are not the same as intellectual

challenges, they are not indicative of intelligence in relation to their peers.

Empirical Studies

The need of entering text on mobile devices has driven numerous

inventions in text entry in recent years, although the majority has not been

properly researched with either theoretical or empirical human performance

studies. The researchers will focus on continuous gesture-based text input. The

idea of optimizing gesture for speed is embodied in the Unistrokes alphabet. In

Unistrokes every letter is written with a single stroke but the more frequent ones

are assigned with simpler strokes. If mastered, one can potentially write faster in

the Unistrokes alphabet than in Roman alphabet. The fundamental limitation of

Unistrokes, however, is the nature of writing one letter at a time.

. Text input - ranging from writing emails, filling forms, typing commands,

taking notes, to authoring articles and coding programs - constitutes one of the

most frequent computer user tasks. The QWERTY keyboard, for various

reasons, has been accepted as the standard tool to accomplish this task for

desktop computing. The emergence of handheld and other forms of pervasive or

mobile computing devices, however, calls for alternative solutions. Consequently

text input has been revived as a critical research topic in recent years. The two

classes of solutions that have attracted most attention are handwriting and stylus

based virtual keyboarding.

Handwriting is a rather “natural” and fluid mode of text entry, thanks to

users’ prior experience from writing on paper. Various handwriting recognition

systems have been used in commercial products. The fundamental weakness of

handwriting as a text entry method, however, is its limited speed. Such a speed

is good enough for entering names and phone numbers, but too limited for

writing longer text. Virtual keyboards, tapped serially with a stylus, are also

available in commercial products, typically in the familiar QWERTY layout. To

improve movement efficiency, stylus keyboard layout can be optimized either by

trial and error or algorithmically.

The literature on skill acquisition and human memory presents a variety of

theories, models and insights on how people learn and remember skills. A

compelling method from that literature that may be relevant and useful in helping

people to learn coding is practicing with expanding rehearsal intervals (Marhs,

2015). has been acclaimed as an important result in human memory research

and is also supported by recent thoughts in the field of skill acquisition and

memory .

Research Gap

As per our assessment, there are numerous researches on the Gregg

Shorthand; Rotas, E. E., & Cahapay, M. B. (2020) stating that throughout the

U.S, Gregg shorthand is by far the most widespread kind of pen stenography; its

Spanish variant is also rather prevalent in Central America. Ye, J. (2006),

Ibrahim, D. (2021), James, T. L. (2006), Salazar-Clemena, R. M. (2006),

explained that usage of shorthand has dramatically decreased in the corporate

and reporting world, thanks to the introduction of transcription devices, shorthand

devices, and the habit of CEOs composing their personal documents on laptops.

Several studies were conducted to study the effects of the new normal setting in

education; Sherman, M.A (2020), Le, H. T., & Truong, C. T. T. (2021) explaining

that learning opportunities have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic,

particularly those involving large groups or in-person connection with colleagues

and clients. Pham, V. P. H., & Vo, T. N. D. (2021) said that almost all of the

curricula has been converted to an electronic platform, with unforeseeable long-

term consequences. Abdulfatai, S. L. (2020) elucidated that The new style is

expected to have an impact on educational pedagogy, which will affect students

and teachers alike. In compared with the previous structure, when in-person

instruction may well be the focus, this necessitates a methodical strategy to

evaluating web - based learning adaptation. Various studies have also been

conducted on the difficulties faced by learners from different socio-economic

backgrounds; Brooks (2014), Muza and Ziatzinov (2012), Waters (2018).

Scholars are continuously looking for solutions to the educational issues that

many students face. Learning difficulties are caused by issues arising from poor

socioeconomic backgrounds. Yet, studies on educational issues are insufficient

to shed light on the global epidemic's effects on students. Because it is timely

and no previous research has been done specifically on Gregg Shorthand course

takers, we are interested in learning more about the issues that learners of the

said course experience.

Definition of Terms

The following concepts are defined operationally to help you understand

the key terms used throughout the study:

Gregg Shorthand

A type of stenography based entirely on elliptical forms and the lines that

cut them in half. Operationally, it is the focus of the study, how students deal with

lessons shifting to online learning modality.


The abbreviated symbolic figure writing approach improves writing speed

and brevity when compared to traditional writing methods. Operationally, it is the

main topic of the study, focusing on its Gregg variant, and how students are

dealing with lessons remotely.

Education Difficulties

The difficulties that pupils confront when learning. It can take the shape of

socioeconomic, cultural, peer pressure, motivation, and/or learning capability, all

of which obstruct pupils' learning growth. Operationally, this is what the

researchers are trying to uncover, what difficulties are experienced by students in

taking Gregg shorthand course.



This chapter discusses how the researchers conducted their research and

how they went about it. Strategy, assumptions, the author's viewpoint, study

participants, research locale, selection technique, data collection, analysis of

data, reliability, and moral questions are all supplied for a specific reason.

Research Design

This study will utilize the research design known as Narrative Inquiry to

document the challenges that Gregg Shorthand students pursuing a Bachelor's

degree in Office Administration are facing. "Narrative inquiry," according to Ford

(2020), is a sort of qualitative investigation that focuses on individual tales.

Personal life narratives, eyewitness reports, oral history initiatives, memoir, auto

ethnography, and other narrative instruments for human existence are used to

examine the human experience. "Humans are storytelling organisms who,

individually and collectively, lead storied lives," write Connelly and Clandinin

(1990). The objective of narrative inquiry, as per Kim (2016), an academic

scholar, would be to draw readers into a domain of potential interaction with a

changing, incomplete, and shifting scenario, allowing them to examine and re-

evaluate their perceptions, biases, and perspectives.

We will investigate the obstacles that present Gregg Shorthand learners

who've been earning a Bachelor's degree of Office Administration confront in this

The questions they'll ask during the interviews are designed to capture

their informants' experiences through the stories they'll tell us. To avoid missing

any information, the researchers will ask the informants for permission to

videotape their interview session during the interviews. They'll also ask open-

ended questions and urge their sources to elaborate on their answers as needed.

To document their research, the researchers will maintain the recorded interview

sessions and take notes.

Philosophical Assumptions

The challenges that Bachelor of Science in Office Administration students

who are now enrolled in Gregg Shorthand will be recounted in this study. In the

following paragraphs, the researchers will go over the many philosophical

assumptions that they have in this study.

Epistemological Assumption means understanding and expressing how

and what they know (Crotty, 2003). It consists of researchers aiming to approach

the individuals as closely as feasible. As an end, subjective evidence is compiled

based on human perceptions. People gain knowledge in this way: by their

subjective experiences. Then, because these are key settings to comprehend

what the participants are saying, investigations must be undertaken inside the

"ground," in which the respondents live and work. The longer researchers invest

in the "ground" or connecting with people, the better they are able to "understand

what they know" based on first-hand facts.

The site of their research will be Holy Trinity College in General Santos

City. As a conclusion, doing their study on the school compound where they are

enrolled offers the benefit of giving us a chance to swiftly visit and inspect the

work environment of their informants.

Ontological Assumption as characterized by Moon&Blackman (2020) is

the inquiry of being, that is involved by what is in the environment that people can

learn about. Ontology aids researchers in determining their level of certainty

about the origin and nature of the objects they're looking at. People in their world

have a wide range of perspectives, perspectives, and interpretations. As a result,

the researchers will conduct interviews and observations based on their

informants' comments in order to learn something about their life experiences. It

will be tough since they would have to be more attentive in the art of probing

throughout the order to prevent uttering harsh words that may cause their

informants to respond violently. They'll build themes based on their informants'

claims and facts from a range of viewpoints to gain insight into the workings of

their experience. They'll use their words to interpret their reactions.

Methodological Assumption as stated by Creswel (2013) pertains to the

author's opinions about the qualitative research methodologies used. Before

going on to generalization, they start with precise features like descriptions of the

article's setting and thoughts about the material gathered during their interview.

They are able to gather raw text information that was reduced into a brief,

summary form, with clear linkages among research goals and summary findings

drawn from actual data, as just a result of applying an investigative technique.

Role of the Researchers

The researchers will act as the primary data collectors in their study by

conducting interviews with their informants and analysing their responses to the

questions they ask. They will tell the informants about the study's goal during the

data collection stage. The interview will be conducted electronically using Zoom

and Google Meet, two online video conferencing software programs. They'll also

go through what to expect during the interview and the types of questions they'll

ask. They will be asked to answer several guidance questions individually after

reading and filling out their online consent document using Google Docs. As the

interviewer, they'll help them answer the questions, clarify their answers, conduct

the interview online, and create a safe environment for them to feel more at ease.

They'll be videotaping the interview as they tell us about their jobs and how they

respond to the questions.

Research Informants

Five (5) Bachelor of Science in Office Administration students in their

freshmen and sophomore years who are currently enrolled in Gregg Shorthand

course will be the informants of their study. These students are outspoken and

willing to talk about their experiences taking the course online. According to

Dworkin (2012), a sample size of five (5) to fifty (50) people is enough to give

considerable, comprehensive data for the study.

Research Locale

This research will take place on the grounds of Holy Trinity College in

General Santos City. General Santos City's Holy Trinity College is a prominent

educational institution and a globally recognized provider of outstanding,

accessible, and relevant education aimed at the holistic development of its

graduates. It is situated in the heart of General Santos City, which is the

Philippines' southernmost city and the 15th most populous. It is the regional

commerce and industry hub for the Soccsksargen region, geographically located

within the province of South Cotabato but administered independently.

The city of General Santos aspires to be successful, healthy, and

welcoming. Furthermore, the city gives chances for people from all walks of life to

be active and accountable shareholders, based on their values of justice and


Figure 1: Study Locale Map

Selection Process

In this paper, the researchers will use the judgement selection method

to locate the respondents. It is a sampling method in which study participants are

picked depending on the researcher's judgement on the students (Frey, 2018).

The goal of this strategy is to randomly choose the respondents for the study

through the eyes of the researchers. The judgement will be the basis in picking

the respondents. The study will consist of five (5) people. Google Meet & Zoom

will be used to conduct and record interviews. There'll be no danger to the

participants, and there would be no coercion or intimidation with this setup.

Data Collection

The researchers will collect relevant data during the study while

adhering to school campus’ requirements in keeping its high ethical standard.

First step after gaining HTC panellists approval for their proposed research would

be to draft a letter of request of permission to the College Dean of CBMA. Once

authorization has been obtained, they shall send out letters of request to the

participants through email, seeking approval to carry their study online.

Informants will receive the written consent request through email.

Both written and verbal authorization from the respondents will be collected to

validate the consents given. Signed consent forms include a short summary of

the research, the expected outcomes, the mode of interview that will be utilized,

and the length of the interview session. In addition, it will be stated that all

identifying information will be handled with the utmost care, and any inscription

from any information used during their research which include identifying

information will be destroyed.

In addition, the K.I.I. (Key Informant Interview) will take place.

Personal interview questions, often known like in interviews, are just a scientific

method for acquiring specific qualitative data from "respondents" capable of

providing knowledge about the nature of issues and offering solutions (Ibeh,

2018). During the first day of the collection of data, they shall examine (2) two

respondents for the early session and (1) one respondent in the late session. On

the second day, they'll examine (2) two respondents in the early session.

Everything spoken during the discourse will be taped. The recording will be a

very useful guide in verifying the fluency of the information acquired.

Analysis of the Data

The researchers will be utilizing the Narrative Inquiry to investigate the

accounts of the respondents. Narrative Inquiry is used among investigators

because of its flexibility to generate collected data themes, as per Clark&Braune

(2013). It provides a customizable and flexible method to the individual needs of

diverse projects, providing the data-rich but complex account of the collected

data because it will all be coming from personal accounts of each respondent.

According to Nowell et al. (2017), this technique is adaptive because it is not tied

to a specific research design. Narrative Inquiry can help with articles, insight,

qualitative descriptive investigation, and textual analysis, to mention a few. This

data management method employs simple techniques that seem to be thorough

enough to extract relevant knowledge from personal data, making it suitable for

both novices and experts (Moran, 2021).


They will secure and sustain overall trust in the research they have

obtained by emphasizing reliability, adaptability, and validity. The level of

satisfaction with the data, analysis, and procedures used to keep a study safe is

known as the trustworthiness (Pilot & Beck, 2014). They'll use methods to gather

accurate findings from the informants to ensure dependability. Informants will

receive a consent form emphasizing that their participation is strictly voluntary

and that they would be free to leave at any time.

Furthermore, the researchers will document the complete data gathering

as order to provide an accurate documentation of how conducted and concluded

their research. The degree toward which subjective study results can be

expanded or used to numerous contexts or circumstances is referred to as

transferability. It also examines whether the results can be applied in other

situations and can be used in various ways. The researchers will gather sufficient

context-specific information and properly communicate it so that their visitors can

make transferability decisions.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers will guarantee that all ethical concerns are addressed as

indicated by the School's Ethical Working Group in order to avoid engaging in

behaviors that may be construed as implicit or explicit maltreatment of those with

whom they wish to do research.

Before conducting their virtual interview, they would explain to their

participants about the study's aim and the importance of their opinions. They'll

next offer them a detailed overview of the article's methodology and ask for their

permission to act as sources and collect data.

To maintain discretion, the researchers would provide each informant a

code that will hide and secure their genuine identities. Moreover, they will collect

the data without obtaining any private or personally identifiable information that

could jeopardize the informants' safety, and they will ensure the information they

collect is solely for research purposes.


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