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I. Introduction

Tocino, also known as burong babi, is a traditional filipino breakfast dish

(Natividad, 2020). It is a sweet cured of either pork belly or pork shoulder. It is often
paired with garlic fried rice. Lolita O. Hizon invented tocino, her neighbor who is a meat
vendor had some leftover meat, so he asked her to help him with preserving it. She
decided to ferment the meat using a traditional local method.

The natural preservatives used in tocino making are salt, sugar, spices, vinegar,
and soy sauce. The salt draws out moisture, inhibiting bacterial growth, while enhancing
the flavor and aids in curing the meat. Meanwhile, the sugar binds water, limiting
microbial activity, and contributes to caramelization. Spices such as Garlic, black
pepper, and paprika add more flavor to the meat. And lastly, vinegar and soy sauce has
acidity which prevents bacterial growth and adds tanginess to the tocino.

II. Method

The process of making Homemade Tocino begins with the creation of a

by combining brown sugar, salt, pepper, paprika (optional), minced garlic, lemon juice or
vinegar, and soy sauce. Thinly sliced pork butt or chicken breast is then meticulously
incorporated into the marinade, ensuring thorough coating. This mixture undergoes a
curing process within an airtight container for a minimum of 24 hours, or up to 2 days for
better flavor.

Cooking commences with simmering the cured meat in water until it reaches a
state of tenderness. In that process, vegetable oil is added to the pan, and the Tocino
pieces are fried until a golden brown, caramelized appearance is achieved. The
sweetness level can be customized by modifying the brown sugar content. Additionally,
it emphasizes the benefits of extended marinating time for a more robust flavor profile.
Uncooked, cured Tocino can be frozen for longer-term storage.

Figure 1. Ingredients used

Figure 2. Step 1

Figure 3. Step 2

Figure 4. Step 3

III. Guide Questions

The food sector relies on preservatives to extend shelf life, maintain quality,
promote safety protocols, and reduce wastage. Similarly, artificial sweeteners have
become essential due to their ability to provide calorie-free options, sustain sweetness
without added calories, and assist in regulating blood sugar levels. The interconnected
relationship between artificial sweeteners and food preservatives plays a vital role in
preserving the nutritional value of food items, improving their taste, and guaranteeing
safety standards.

Next, in the business setting, preservative usage is on the rise.

Profitability margins while lowering inherent risks, increasing market penetration, and
both. Conversely, artificial sweeteners enhance brand recognition, expand product
offerings, and promptly adapt to changing consumer tastes. In the constantly changing
commercial landscape, artificial sweeteners and preservatives provide tactical benefits
that extend product shelf life and boost marketability.

IV. References

Natividad, A. (2020, October 7). Tocino: Sweet cured pork for breakfast - Manila
Sun. Manila Sun.

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