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Being a grade 9 student is an exciting and and a fun life. Along with the responsibilities of
schoolwork and extracurricular activities, I also have to learn how to manage my allowance
wisely and carefully. In this report, I will share how I allocate my daily allowance of P50.00 and
how I adjust my budget when my allowance is cut in half.

Daily Expenses:
On a typical school days, I have several expenses that I need to consider. With an allowance of
P50.00 per day, I need to make sure I spend it wisely to cover my essential needs and save some
for future expenses.

1. Going to UC Main:
To get to my school, UC Main, I spend P10.00 on transportation. This covers the fare for a one-
way trip. I usually take a jeepney or a tricycle to reach the campus. It is important for me to
arrive at school on time to attend my classes and participate in various activities.

2. Class Funds:
As a responsible student, I contribute P20.00 to the class funds. These funds are used for
various purposes such as organizing class events, buying materials for projects, and supporting
our class representatives. By contributing to the class funds, I actively participate in creating a
positive and engaging learning environment.

3. Snack:
During break time, I allocate P10.00 for a snack. It is important for me to have a nutritious and
energizing snack to keep me focused and productive throughout the day. I usually choose a
healthy option such as a fruit or a sandwich.

4. Fare to Go Home:
After a long day at school, I spend P10.00 on transportation to go back home. Similar to the
morning commute, I take a jeepney or a tricycle to reach my house safely and comfortably.

Budget Adjustments:
In the event that my allowance is cut in half, I need to make adjustments to my budget to ensure
that I can still cover my essential expenses while also saving some money.

1. Fare to go to UC Main:
With a reduced allowance, I allocate P10.00 for transportation to UC Main. This allows me to
reach school effectively, without compromising my punctuality and attendance.
2. Fare to go Home:
Similar to the morning commute, I spend P10.00 on transportation to go back home. This
ensures that I can return home safely and efficiently after a day of learning.
3. Savings:
To adapt to the reduced allowance, I allocate P5.00 to save. Saving money is an important habit
that I am cultivating as a grade 9 student. It allows me to build a financial safety net and
prepare for future expenses or emergencies.

Managing my allowance as a 9th Grade student requires careful planning and budgeting. By allocating my
daily allowance carefully and wisely, I am able to cover my essential expenses such as transportation and
snacks while also contributing to the class funds. In the event of a reduced allowance, I make adjustments
by prioritizing my transportation expenses and saving a portion of the remaining amount. Through these
kind of practices, I am developing important financial skills that will benefit me in the future.
The reason for the reduction in my allowance to 30 PHP is
because my family is currently budgeting our expenses.
This change in my allowance has had a significant impact
on my daily expenses, especially when it comes to going to
school. Due to the limited amount of allowance, I had to
make certain adjustments to accommodate the new
One of the noticeable changes is in my morning routine.
Since my school is just a few minutes away from our
house, I have started waking up earlier to allow myself
enough time to walk to school instead of spending money
on transportation. This has become a regular part of my
daily routine, and although it requires extra effort, it has
helped me save money while still ensuring that I arrive at
school on time.
In terms of snacks, I am fortunate that my family owns a
mini store. This allows me to conveniently get my snacks
from our family business. Instead of spending money from
my reduced allowance on purchasing snacks outside, I can
rely on the store and choose from the available options.
This not only helps me save money but also supports our
family business.
Overall, the reduction in my allowance to 25 PHP has
required me to adapt and make changes in my daily
routine. Through waking up earlier and utilizing the
snacks available at our family store, I have been able to
manage my expenses effectively while still meeting my
needs as a Grade 9 student.
I have understood that a small variation in the economy can have
significant impacts on people's lives in various ways, and how they manage.
Here are ways how people managed to stabilize.

Employment: A small variation in the economy can affect the job market,
with businesses cutting back on hiring or even laying off workers during
economic downturns. This can lead to higher unemployment rates, which
can cause financial stress and impact people's ability to pay bills, support
their families, and maintain their standard of living, it depends on the
people how much allowance they are saving, for me, my family stabilizes
and manages it effectively.

Consumer spending: Economic fluctuations can also impact consumer

confidence, leading to changes in spending habits. In times of economic
uncertainty, people may be more hesitant to make big purchases or invest
in stocks and other financial assets. This can have a ripple effect on
businesses, particularly those that rely on consumer spending, leading to
lower sales and profits, for my opinion, It would be rather best to be wise,
and to be careful what to buy and to spend on something, even your
allowance is reduced.

Housing: Economic changes can also impact the housing market, with
fluctuations in interest rates, property values, and availability of financing.
This can impact people's ability to buy homes, refinance mortgages, or
invest in real estate, leading to changes in where people live and how much
they pay for housing, for this, my family spends a substantial amount of
PHP, depends on how much expenses for the electricity and water supply.

Health: Economic changes can also impact people's health, particularly in

my family those who are vulnerable due to poverty, lack of access to
healthcare, or increased stress. Economic downturns can lead to cuts in
social services and healthcare programs, which can impact people's ability
to receive necessary medical care and support.

Overall, small variations in the economy can have a domino effect on

various aspects of people's lives, including employment, consumer
spending, housing, and health. As such, it is important to pay attention to
economic trends and take steps to mitigate the impacts of economic

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