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2 Introduces self Introduction:- I MYSELF ULFAT AMIN ( Paediatric nursing ,1st year student) from Introduction
& Topic MMINSR, SKIMS Soura.
TOPIC: “Balanced diet”

3 Introduces & What is balanced diet???

defines the Explanation. What is
Balanced diet.  A balanced diet means getting the right types and right amounts of foods and drinks balanced diet?
to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and
for supporting normal growth and development.

Discusses the NUTRIENTS:

2 NUTRIENTS Discussion
and its types. A substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth. What are
TYPES: nutrients?
Two types of nutrients-

1. Major or macro-nutrients: protein, carbohydrate, fats

2. Micro- minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium

4 OTHERS :-Vitamins- A, D, E, K, C, B group and Water

2 Explains the MACRONUTRIENTS: type of food required in large amounts in the diet and are Explanation What are
macro- consumed in large quantities by body for production of energy in the form of calories e.g. examples of
nutrients proteins, carbohydrates and fats. macronutrients?

3 Describes the PROTEINS: 10%-35% of calories in the human diet come from proteins. It is the major
proteins and constituent of most cells, making up more than 50% of the dry weight.
its sources 1. Helps in tissue and muscle building Description What are
and effects of 2. Boost up immunity sources of
its deficiency. 3. Helps to maintain fluid balance proteins?
4. Helps in wound Healing
5. Proteins may be used as a source of energy when carbohydrates are not present.
Deficiency of proteins- causes muscle wasting, weight gain, poor immunity and poor
wound healing.
Sources- milk and milk products, soya bean, beans, pulses, egg, chicken, meat and fish.

Explains the CARBOHYDRATES: 45%-60% of calories in human diet comes from carbohydrates .it is
2 carbohydrates, the main fuel source used by the body .when the body uses it for energy, it can use other What are the
its sources macronutrients for other jobs, like tissue growth and repair. Discussion functions of
and 1. Energy giving compound necessary for daily activity carbohydrates?
deficiencies. 2. Necessary for proper working of brain, heart, muscles, kidneys and nervous tissue.
3. Indigestible carbohydrates in the form of fiber are necessary for intestinal health and
proper bowel movements.
Types of carbohydrate:
A. Simple-They taste very sweet like fruit sugar or glucose
B. complex- they taste savory like starch in potatoes.
Sources: wheat, oats, potatoes, vegetables, whole cereals and fruits.
What happens if it is in excess or low??
Excess- weight gain, diabetes mellitus and CAD
Deficiency- constipation, low mental performance, Ketoacidosis

3 Explains the LIPIDS OR FATS: 20% -35% of calories comes from fats. They do not dissolve in water
fats and their and are necessary for survival
sources.  The main function is to give energy Description
 Important for transport of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K.
 Helps in the synthesis of cell membrane.
 Covers organs and acts as shock absorber and insulator to our vital organs like heart,
kidney, liver. What are
TYPES OF FATS: saturated and unsaturated. different types
 Saturated- solid at room temperature like ghee, butter, coconut oil. These fats are of fats?
bad for our health..
 Unsaturated-liquid at room temperature like omega 3 fatty acid, omega 6 fatty acid.
They are good for our health
SOURCES: olive oil, rice bran oil, Soyabean oil, groundnut oil, mustard oil
2 Good source of omega 3 fatty acid- almonds, fish, and walnuts.

Explains the DEFICIENCY- Vitamin deficiency, dry skin, nervous disorders What is RDA?
RDA EXCESS- weight gain, elevated blood lipid levels, CAD


 Carbohydrates- 65% of total diet
 Proteins- 1g/kg of body weight
 Fats – 3-4 tsp oil and 1 tsp ghee, approx 0.5-1 L/person in a family.

Discusses What if our daily diet lacks all these nutrients???

3 about  It leads to a condition called Protein energy malnutrition simply called as Discussion
deficiency of malnutrition.
nutrients.  In Madhya Pradesh alone, about 53% children are malnourished it include upper
middle class children also..
 Cases of cancers have increased two fold. Reason??? Lack of fiber in diet
 So what's the remedy???? Inclusion of Protein supplements in our diet. Inclusion of
high fiber supplements and food in diet.


micronutrients The nutrients that body requires in less amounts i.e less than 100 mg/day. Minerals Chart Name two
2 and Vitamins are two types of micronutrients types of
Discussion micronutrients?
Describes the Inorganic elements found in food that are essential to life processes. About 25 are essential
minerals and
its types.  RDA’s have only been determined for 7 minerals- calcium, phosphorus, sodium,
2 Potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc. Description
Explains Macro minerals: needed in larger amounts like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium,
calcium and potassium.
2 Micro nutrients: needed in traces like iron, copper, iodine, zinc, fluoride.

 Helps in proper bone formation
Describes iron  Cells signaling, blood clotting, muscle contraction.
and Folic acid Sources – dairy products, Green leafy vegetables, beans, Fish. Discussion
2 Lack of calcium in diet leads to
Osteoporosis, frequent fractures, Muscle cramps, obesity.
RDA- 1-2 g/day

Iron and folic acid:

 Most important for proper hemoglobin levels in our body. Description
Explains  Its deficiency causes anemia.
sodium and Sources of iron : red meat, Egg yolk, beans and legumes, Dried fruits, fruits, ragi, bajra,
4 other minerals Jowar, jagrey, sprouted and Fermented food products What is RDA
RDA for iron: 30mg for calcium?


 A mineral that regulates body fluid volume, concentration and acid-base balance Iodine is
3 sources: table salt (sodium chloride), foods processed with table salt, milk, milk products, present in?
eggs and seafood’s

• Magnesium: A mineral found mainly inside muscles, soft tissues and bone. It
functions in many enzyme processes.
• Zinc: A mineral involved in wound healing, taste sensation, growth and sexual
5 maturation and part of many enzymes regulating metabolism What are the
Sources: meat, liver, eggs and seafood (oysters). two types of

Iodine: Iodine is needed for the normal metabolism of cells. Metabolism is the process of
Describes the converting food into energy. Humans need iodine for normal thyroid function, and for the
vitamins production of thyroid hormones.
Sources -Iodized salt is table salt with iodine added. It is the main food source of iodine.
Seafood is naturally rich in iodine. Cod, sea bass, haddock, and perch are good sources.
Deficiency – Hypothyroidism

Vitamins: Chart
 Are complex organic substances, helps in
 Normal growth, maintenance, and reproduction
 Your body cannot produce all vitamins you can get those by eating a
nutritious diet. discussion
2 - types
a. Fat-soluble vitamins: carried in fatty parts of foods and dissolve in fats (body
stores them in fat... build up can be dangerous) e.g, A, D, E, K
b. Water-soluble vitamins: dissolve in water (body does not store them) e.g, B-
complex and C
Fat soluble vitamins:
This group of vitamins needs fat for their absorption.
Deficiency of vitamin D lead to bone disorders
Deficiency of vitamin A leads to night blindness, poor eyesight, skin problems Chart
Deficiency of vitamin E leads to skin disease and problems
Vitamin K deficiency leads to poor blood clotting.
What is RDA
Water soluble: for sodium?
Deficiency and supplements:
 The normal RDA for mineral and vitamins are
 Calcium-1-2g/d
2  Iron-28-30mg.d
 Vitamin A-2400-3000 I U/d
 Vitamin E-10-15 mg.d
 Vitamin D-400-500 I U / d
 Vitamin K-50-80ug/d What are the
 Vitamin C-40mg/d various
 B12-3-2mcg/d problems of
 Sodium-2-3g/d nutrient
What if these entire nutrients are lacking in our diet???
deficiency and  Although all the mentioned vitamins are present in our daily diet but somehow or
suppliments? the other their absorption is not proper.
 Lack of vitamin c might leads to poor absorption of iron. Lack of vitamin d leads to Chart
calcium deficiency. How much
 Heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle leads to anemia percent of our
 So one cannot depend completely upon the food to meet RDA body is made of
 Here supplement play important role. water?
 It provides all the necessary amount of nutrients to our body. Discussion

Dietary Supplements –Benefits:

 Enhance immune system
 Antioxidants
 Reduce risk of CAD, stroke
 Decrease risk of Cancers
Explains  Decrease risk of Cataracts, Arthritis, Macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s
water as a  Improvements other chronic diseases
 Water is your body's most important nutrient, is involved in every bodily function,
2 and makes up 70- 75% of your total body weight. Water helps you to maintain body
temperature, metabolize body fat, aids in digestion, lubricates and cushions organs,
transports nutrients, and flushes toxins from your body. Explanation
 Daily minimum 10-12 glasses of water should be taken..
Tips for healthy diet: Explanation.

 A well balanced diet including food from all nutrients in correct form
 Engage in regular physical exercise at least 30 mins.
 Positive attitude
 Keep smiling always

o Summary & Conclusion:- Balanced diet…components of balanced diet, their

benefits. Sources and deficiencies.

1. Dorothy R.Marlow, Barbara A Redding: Text book of pediatric nursing. Elsevier Publishers 2009 .
2. Parul datta, pediatric nursing: Jaypee Publishers 2012
3. O.P.Ghai, Piyush gupta,V.K.Paul, Essential Pediatrics: New delhi CBC Publishers.
4. D.C.Dutta: text book of obstetrics. Central book publishers 6th Edition 2009
5. Wong’s nursing care of infants and children, 8th edition

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