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Le Hong Phong Highschool Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien

1. environment (n): môi trường → …PRESERVATION.………. (n): sự bảo quản

→ ……ENVIRONMENTAL……………..…………. (adj) 13. be disappointed with Sb/Sth : thất vọng = feel let
→ ……ENVIRONMENTALIST…………. (n): nhà môi down
trường → ……DISAPPOINTING…………………..…………. (adj)
🡪 environment-friendly (adj): thân thiện với môi → ……DISAPPOINTMENT………………. (n): sự thất vọng
trường → ……DISAPPOINT…..…………. (v): làm ai thất vọng =
2. dump (v): đổ rác thải 🡪 dumping (n): việc đổ rác let Sb down
thải 14. to spoil – spoilt – spoilt: phá hỏng, làm hỏng, hư
→ garbage dump (n): nơi đổ rác thải=dumping ground thiu
= junk yard 🡪 spoil a child: làm hư hỏng 1 đứa trẻ
→ dumper (n): xe đổ rác 15. divide INTO Sth: chia thành…
3. …DEFORESTATION…………………….………. (n): 🡪 If you divide 21 BY 3, you get 7
nạn phá rừng ≠ reforestation (n): việc trồng cây gây rừng → ……DIVISION…………….…………. (n)
(= afforestation) → …DIVISIBLE……………………………. (adj): có thể chia
→ deforest (v) được ≠ indivisible (adj)
4. forest ranger: nhân viên kiểm lâm 16. fill Sth ……WITH……..……. Sth: làm đầy cái gì
→ forestry (n): lâm nghiệp 🡪 fill ……IN……/ OUT…..…….. a form: điền vào đơn
5. dissolve (v): hòa tan → be full ……OF……..…… Sth: đầy ắp
6. pollution (n): sự ô nhiễm = contamination 17. collect (v)→ ……COLLECTION………………. (n)
→ …POLLUTE…………………………. (v) Sb/Sth WITH Sth : → …… COLLECTOR……………………. (n): người sưu tầm
gây ô nhiễm = contaminate 🡪 ……COLLECTIVE……………………. (adj): chung, tập
→ …POLLUTANT….……. (n): chất ô nhiễm = thể
contaminant 18. kind (adj) …TO….Sb: tử tế với ai ≠ …UNKIND… (adj)
→ …POLLUTED……………. (adj) (= contaminated)≠ → …KINDNESS……. (n) ≠ ……UNKINDNESS……. (n)
unpolluted (adj) → …KINDLY……………. (adv) ≠ …UNKINDLY………..
→ …POLLUTER…………..(n): cá nhân/tổ chức gây ô (adv)
nhiễm 🡪 Formal request: Would you be kind enough to…?
7. dynamite (n): thuốc nổ 19. shore (n): bờ biển (shore / beach / coast: đường
→ to dynamite (v) bờ biển / seaside: miền biển, vùng biển) → ashore
8. fish (n) → plural: fish (adv)
→ ……FISHING…….…………. (n): viêc đánh bắt cá → go/come ashore: lên bờ
→ ……FISHERMAN……. (n): ngư dân e.g. a. The hotel has its own …………BEACH….
→ fishery (n): ngư nghiệp ………………
9. to spray Sth ON / ONTO / OVER Sth (v): xịt, phun b. I grew up in a ……SEASIDE…….…………….town.
10. pest (n): loài gây hại c. The island is only three miles off ………
→ …PESTICIDE……………………. (n): thuốc trừ sâu SHORE………………
→ herbicide (n): thuốc diệt cỏ d. She lives in a town on the south …COAST…..
11. conserve (v): bảo tồn …………….of England.
→ ……CONSERVATION………. (n): sự bảo tồn e. The children are collecting seashells on the …
→ ……CONSERVATIONIST……………. (n): nhân viên bảo BEACH………
vệ môi trường 20. provide Sth …FOR……. Sb = supply Sth TO Sb
12. preserve (v): bảo quản
Le Hong Phong Highschool Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien
provide Sb …WITH……. Sth = supply Sb WITH Sth → do no harm to Sb/Sth: không gây hại
🡪 …PROVISION……………………………. (n): sự cung cấp → ……HARMFUL………. (adj) TO Sb/Sth: có hại cho ai
21. go for/on a picnic = go picnicking = picnic → ……HARMLESS……………………. TO Sb/Sth: vô hại
→ ……PICNICKER………………………..………. (n) 28. exhaust fume (n): khói thải
22. eat (v) 29. exhaust (v): làm ai mệt nhoài/sử dụng hết
→ edible (adj): có thể ăn được/ăn được vì không độc ≠ 🡪 …EXHAUSTED……. / …EXHAUSTING……………….
……INEDIBLE……………………. (adj) (adj) = tired / tiring
→ eatable(adj): good enough to eat ≠uneatable (adj) 🡪 …EXHAUSTION…………. (n): sự mệt mỏi, sự cạn kiệt
23. get started = begin 30. trash (n) = litter (n) = garbage (n)
24. wrap (v): gói ≠ ……UNWRAP……………………. (v): mở 31. to litter (v): xả rác
gói → be littered WITH Sth
25. use (v) 32. be covered IN/WITH Sth: được bao phủ
🡪 ……USEFUL……………………. (adj) FOR Sth / TO Sb bởi
(= be OF use) ≠ useless (adj) 33. avoid Sth/ doing Sth: tránh làm gì
→ …USED………………………. (adj): đã sử dụng, quen với 🡪 avoidable (adj) ≠ ……UNAVOIDABLE…………………….
≠ unused (adj): chưa sử dụng, không quen thuộc (adj)
🡪 S + used to + V.bare: đã từng làm gì 🡪 ……AVOIDANCE……………………. (n): sự tránh né
S + be used to + / Sth: quen làm gì 34. reduce (v): giảm = minimize (v) = cut down on Sth
S + get used to + / Sth: dần dần quen làm gì → ………REDUCTION…………..…………. (n)
🡪 S + be used to + V.bare: được dùng để (Passive) 35. prevent (v) Sb/Sth (FROM) doing Sth = stop Sb
S + be used for + được dùng để (Passive) (FROM) doing Sth: ngăn cản ai làm gì
e.g. → ……PREVENTION……………….…. (n)
a. We got used to (get up)……GETTING → ……PREVENTIVE………………. (adj): có tính ngăn
UP………………..early soon. ngừa
b. Newspapers and magazines are used to (transmit) 36. sewage (n): chất thải
……TRANSMIT………………………….news. 37. junk yard: bãi phế liệu
c. There used to (be)……BE……………a theater in my 38. treasure (n): kho báu
neighborhood. 39. stream (n): dòng suối
d. Is this tool used for (open) …… 40. oil spill (n): vết loang dầu
OPENING………………..bottles? 41. poem (n): bài thơ
e. Are you used to (work) ……WORKING………………late → ……POET……………………. (n): nhà thơ
at night? 🡪 ………POETIC…………………. (adj)
f. Helmets are used to (protect)…… → poetry (n): thơ ca (Uncountable Noun)
PROTECT………….our heads. 42. complain (v) …TO..... Sb …ABOUT…….. Sth: than
🡪 ……USER……………………. (n): người sử dụng phiền
🡪 user-friendly (adj): dễ sử dụng → ……COMPLAINT………………. (n): sự than phiền
26. recycle (v): tái chế → ……COMPLAINT……………………. letter (n): thư than
→ ……RECYCLING……………………. (n): việc tái chế phiền
→ recyclable (adj): có thể tái chế ≠ ……NON- → uncomplaining (adj): không phàn nàn
RECYCLABLE……………………. (adj) 43. suggest (v) → suggestion /səˈdʒestʃən/ (n)
🡪 ……RECYCLED……………………. (adj): đã được tái chế → S + suggest + Sth
27. do harm ……TO…. Sb: gây hại cho ai → S + suggest +
Le Hong Phong Highschool Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien
→ S + suggest + that + S + should + V.bare the number of + PLURAL Noun: số
44. respond (v) ……TO.….. Sb/Sth: trả lời lượng…, con số..
→ ……RESPONSE…………………..………. (n): câu trả a number of + PLURAL Noun: rất
lời nhiều…
45. refreshment (n): đồ ăn thức uống e.g. the amount of garbage is…
46. fly (n): con ruồi the number of visitors is…
47. electricity (n): điện a number of visitors are…
→ ……ELECTRIC…………………...... + Noun: đồ dùng 57. local authority: chính quyền địa phương
điện 58. surface (n): bề mặt
→ ……ELECTRICAL………………………. (adj): thuộc về 59. folk (plural) = people
điện 60. foam (n): bọt
➔ ……ELECTRONIC………………………. (adj): thuộc về 61. second-hand (adj) = old
điện tử 62. go on = continue
→ ……ELECTRICIAN…………….………. (n): thợ điện 63. end up: có kết cuộc là
→ electrify (v): điện khí hóa 64. hedge (n): hàng rào cây
➔ electrification (n): sự điện khí hóa 65. woods (n): rừng thưa
➔ electric shock: giựt điện 66. nonsense (n): sự vô nghĩa
48. float (v): nổi 67. right away = immediately
→ afloat (adj) 68. happen (v) TO Sb: xảy đến cho ai
49. toad (n): cóc 69. ump (v) Sth INTO Sth: bơm
50. prohibit (v) Sb FROM doing Sth= ban (v): cấm 70. persuade Sb to do Sth: thuyết phục ai làm gì
→ ……PROHIBITION…………. (n) 🡪 persuasive (adj): có sức thuyết phục
→ ……PROHIBITED……………………. (adj) 🡪 persuasion (n): sự thuyết phục
51. fine (v): phạt tiền 71. How come? = Why?
→ fine (n): tiền phạt 72. fertilizer (n): phân bón
➔ fare (n): tiền vé tàu xe ➔ fertilize (v): bón phân
➔ fee (n): tiền phí (phí vào cổng, phí dịch vụ, học ➔ fertile (adj): màu mỡ ≠ infertile (adj)
phí) 73. respire (v): to breathe = thở
52. smell (n): mùi → smell (v) OF Sth: có mùi gì 🡪 → respiratory (adj)
smelly (adj): có mùi hôi → respiration (n): việc thở
53. neighbor (n): hàng xóm WORD FORM:
1. …PICNICKERS……(N)…….are requested not to
→ ……NEIGHBORHOOD…………. (n): khu vực lân cận
leave litter. (PICNIC)
🡪 ……NEIGHBORING……………………. (adj) = nearby 2. We’re doing our best to prevent ……
54. clear UP Sth: dọn dẹp DUMPING………(N)……… in our area. (DUMP)
55. volunteer (n) & (v) 3. …PRESERVATION…………(N)……………of natural
resources is everyone’s duty. (PRESERVE)
→ volunteer conservationist (compound noun)
4. Air…POLLUTION (N)…………………can make our
→ …VOLUNTARY…. (adj) ≠……INVOLUNTARY……. (adj) health worse and worse. (POLLUTE)
🡪 …VOLUNTARILY……. (adv) ≠ … 5. Farmers often …ENRICH ……(V)………………their soil
by adding fertilizers. (RICH)
6. The student looked ……DISAPPOINTEDLY………
56. the/an amount of + UNCOUNTABLE (ADV)…………. at his result. (DISAPPOINT)
Noun: số lượng… 7. The student looked ………DISAPPOINTED……(ADJ)
…..…. when he heard the result. (DISAPPOINT)
Le Hong Phong Highschool Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien
8. Don’t be afraid! That dog is……HARMLESS….… 30. How……DISAPPOINTED…………(ADJ)……....….the
(ADJ)……….(HARM) coach was when his team lost! (DISAPPOINT)
9. …ENVIRONMENTALIST………(N)………are doing 31. Asthma is a kind of……RESPIRATORY………(ADJ)....
their best to make people aware of the danger of …………..diseases. (RESPIRE) (asthma: bệnh
air pollution. (ENVIRONMENT) suyển)
10. …ENVIRONMENTAL…………(ADJ)……………pollution 32. She has one of the biggest book …
is being considered as a great global problem. COLLECTIONS……(N)…………. in our country.
11. We wear masks to protect ourselves against …… 33. The Red List is a list of ……ENDANGERED………….
POLLUTED………(ADJ)……..air. (POLLUTE) (ADJ).…...………….. species. (DANGEROUS)
12. Meat can be …PRESERVED…………(V)………….when 34. He did not do it ………VOLUNTARILY………(ADV)….
put in the freezer. (PRESERVATION) His mother made him do it. (VOLUNTEER)
13. The countryside is less ……POLLUTED…………(ADJ) 35. I had to check the wages in ……
……….than the city. (POLLUTION) ADDITION…………….. to my normal work. (ADD)
14. …REFRESHMENTS………(N)……are served during 36. Smoke from vehicles is considered one of the most
the breaks. (FRESH) dangerous ……POLLUTANTS………(N)………….. in
15. Volcanic ash is one of the……POLLUTANTS…….... the air. (POLLUTE)
(N)..…………….. that cause air pollution. (POLLUTE) 37. Our heavily ………POLLUTED….…(ADJ)…………
16. A high level of cholesterol may……..ENDANGER.. rivers, which are caused by such ……
………(V)…….. your health. (DANGEROUS) POLLUTANTS………(N)………….. as industrial wastes
17. Water vapor occurs…NATURALLY….(ADV)…… and garbage, are desperately asking for our help.
the air. (NATURE) (POLLUTE)
18. There’s nothing to worry about that … 38. Badly…POLLUTED….(ADJ)…………..air can cause
UNIMPORTANT…………(ADJ)…………….. thing. illness, and even death. (POLLUTE)
(IMPORTANCE) 39. The students are asked to …FILL……(V)… the
19. …CONSERVATIONISTS………(N)…………..are calling gap with one suitable word. (FULL)
for the new pesticide regulations to be strictly 40. …RECYCLING………(N)….. is important to help
enforced. (CONSERVE) protect our environment.(RECYCLE)
20. Farmers have……RECYCLED………(ADJ)………….. 41. Tom asked me to tell you how much he
(RECYCLING) their waste for thousands of years. appreciated your………KINDNESS…..(N)………….to
They grow food for their animals and use the dung him.(KIND)
for……FERTILIZING………(V)………………their fields. 42. A common ……COMPLAINT………(N)….…….. among
(FERTILE) air passengers is that not enough leg room is
21. Pollution along the coastline is … provided. (COMPLAIN)
THREATENING………(V)………… marine life. 43. Bill cancelled his trip to Vietnam, to the great…
(THREAT) DISAPPOINTMENT…………….(N)……….of his fans.
22. The best way to reduce garbage is to reuse and (DISAPPOINT)
……RECYCLE………(V)……………. things. (CYCLE) 44. We are looking forward to your immediate …
23. Do you know how to write a ……… RESPONSE………(N)…………..(RESPOND)
COMPLAINT………(N)…….. letter? (COMPLAIN) 45. …FISHING……(N)…….………is among his hobbies.
24. Land erosion is caused by widespread …… (FISH)
DEFORESTATION………(N).…..(FOREST)(erosion: xói 46. Is there a post office in your……
mòn) NEIGHBORHOOD…….…(N)……………..?
25. Luckily, the life-jacket kept him …AFLOAT……(ADJ) (NEIGHBOR)
………. (FLOAT) 47. Children should learn to get into the habit of
26. My wife is always………COMPLAIN………(V) putting …NON-RECYCLABLE……(ADJ)……………….
…………..about the noise from the nearby market. material into its own bag or box.(RECYCLE)
(COMPLAINT) 48. There is a growing concern about what we should
27. She put too much salt, so the fish was almost…… do to reduce……POLLUTANTS………(N)….
28. …RECYCLING……(N)………. also costs much. 🡪 concern (n): mối quan tâm
(RECYCLE) 49. Male mosquitoes are completely …HARMLESS……
29. He always uses envelopes made from … (ADJ)…………… - it's only the females that bite.
RECYCLED……(ADJ)………….. paper. (RECYCLE) (HARM)
Le Hong Phong Highschool Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien
50. Please tell me how to prevent …… 74. Do not eat the fruits; only the leaves are ……
LITTERING……………among teenagers? (LITTER) EDIBLE……………….. (EAT)
51. Children should learn about keeping the 75. These straws are made of flour; they are …
environment ……………………….? (POLLUTE) EDIBLE/EATABLE………(ADJ)……….. (EAT)
52. The problem is that fishermen are using … 76. She found it ……
ELECTRICITY………(N)………… to catch fish. DISAPPPOINTED……………………… only finish
53. …PREVENTION……(N)…………. is better than cure. 77. The show was cancelled and the singer promised
(PREVENT) to refund the ……
54. I didn’t have to ask them to leave; they leave… DISPPOINTMENT…………………………
55. Smoking is ...HARMFUL.......(ADJ) 78. It’s hard not to feel …
your health. (HARM) DISAPPOINTED………………………with such a bad
56. We received ……COMPLAINT………(N)….……from result. (DISAPPOINT)
the local residents about the noise from the night 79. It is said that colorful mushrooms are …………
club. (COMPLAIN) INEDIBLE……………………… (EAT)
57. Cinderella was treated ……UNKINDLY…………(ADV) 80. The region’s largest industrial ……
………… her step-mother and step-sisters. POLLUNTANT…………………. committed to reducing
(KIND) its emissions by a third. (POLLUTE)
58. …VOLUNTEERS………(N)……… teach illiterate
children and take care of the old. (VOLUNTARY)
59. After one crop, the soil needs to be……
60. ………ELECTRONIC……………….books are becoming
more and more popular. (ELECTRICITY)
61. She has an impressive ………
COLLECTION…………………..of Barbie dolls.
62. Have you received any……RESPONSE……from her?
63. The meat has been cooked for so long that it is
64. Few people live in this industrial zone because it
65. I was impressed by the……KINDNESS………..
…………..and ……FRIENDLINESS……………………of its
people. (KIND/FRIEND)
66. People should be fined heavily for irresponsible
67. Some………………………………fans even cried when
their football team lost the match. (DISAPPOINT)
68. It is ………SUGGESTED…………………..that cars
should pay entrance fee to the city center.
69. An …ELETRIC………………………cooker can be used
to cook porridge. (ELECTRICITY)
70. A wide range of ……
ELETRICAL………………………..goods are on sale
during Christmas season. (ELECTRICITY)
71. ……VOLUNTEER………………………… a rewarding
72. Employers often prefer ……UNCOMPLAINING………
(ADJ)..... employees. (COMPLAIN)
73. …POLLUTERS……(N)………….have to be heavily
fined. (POLLUTE)

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