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(Môi trường)
1. environment N Môi trường, môi sinh 2. ocean N Đại dương
-> environmental Adj Thuộc về môi trường 3. sewage N Nước thảy, chất thảy
4. dump N Bãi đổ, nơi chứa 5. to end up V Đạt tới, đi tới tình trạng
-> garbage dump N Bãi rác, nơi đổ rác 6. second-hand Adj (đồ vật) cũ, dùng rồi
7. deforestation N Sự tàn phá rừng, nạn phá 8. junk-yard N Bãi phế liệu
-> to deforest N Phá rừng, phát quang 9. treasure N Châu báu, kho báu
10. pollution N Sự ô nhiễm 11. to litter V Vứt bừa bãi, bày bừa bãi
-> air pollution N Sự ô nhiễm không khí -> litter N Sự bừa bộn
-> to pollute V Gây ô nhiễm, làm ô nhiễm 12. hedge N Hàng rào
13. dynamite N Thuốc nổ 14. wood N Gỗ
-> to dynamite V Phá huỷ bằng thuốc nổ -> the woods N Rừng
15. to spray V Phun, xịt 16. silly Adj Ngu ngốc, khờ dại, ngớ
17. pesticide N Thuốc trừ sâu 18. folk N Người (nói chung)
19. to conserve V Giữ gì, bảo tồn 20. unpolluted Adj Không bị ô nhiễm
-> conservation N Sự bảo tồn 21. to minimize V Giảm thiểu, giảm đến mức
thấp 1
-> conservationist N Người làm việc để bảo vệ 22. complaint N Lòi than phiền, lời phàn nàn
môi trường
23. shore N Bờ biển, bờ hồ, bờ sông -> to complaint V Phàn nàn, than phiền
24. to check V Kiểm tra, xem xét 25. to clear up V Thu dọn, làm sạch
-> check N Cuộc kiểm tra 26. trash N Rác rưởi
27. sand N Cát 28. refreshment N Đồ ăn thức uống, món ăn
29. disappointed Adj Thất vọng 30. smell N Mùi, mùi hôi, mùi khó chịu
To disappoint V Làm (ai) thất vọng, làm nãn -> to smell V Ngửi, ngửi thấy
31. to spoil V Làm hư, làm hỏng, phá hỏng 32. fly N Con ruồi
33. to give out V Phát, phân phối 34. to float V Nổi, trôi lềnh bềnh
35. to achieve V Đạt được, giành được 36. frog N Con ếch
-> achievement N Thành tựu 37. toad N Con cóc
38. to wrap V Gói, bọc lại 39. to prohibit V Cấm, ngăn cấm
40. to turn off V Tắt -> prohibition N Sự ngăn cấm
-> # to turn on V Mở 41. to fine V Phạt tiền
42. garbage = rubbish N Rác, rác thải -> fine N Tiền phạt
43. to protect V Bảo vệ, che chở
-> protection N Sự bảo vệ, sự che chở
44. to prevent V Ngăn cản, ngăn ngừa
-> prevention N Sự ngăn ngừa, sự cản trở
45. to save V Dành dụm, tiết kiệm
46. to reduce V Làm giảm, giảm
47. amount N Số lượng (+ DT không đếm
48. to recycle V Tái sinh, tái chế
1. forest (n): rừng 12. prohibit (v): cấm
forester (n): người trồng rừng prohibition (n): sự ngăn cấm, luật cấm
forestry (n): nghề làm rừng prohibitive (a): nhằm ngăn cấm, ngăn cản
forested (adj): bao phủ bởi rừng prohibitively (adv): có chiều hướng ngăn cản
deforestation (n): nạn phá rừng
13. polite (adj): lịch sự, lễ phép
2. pollute (v): làm ô nhiễm politely (adv): một cách lịch sự
pollution (n): sự ô nhiễm politeness (n): sự lịch sự
polluted (adj): bị ô nhiễm impolite (adj): bất lịch sự
unpolluted (adj): không ô nhiễm impolitely (adv): một cách bất lịch sự
pollutant (n): chất gây ô nhiễm (chemicals, factory impoliteness (n): sự bất lịch sự
polluter (n): tác nhân gây ô nhiễm (cars, factories, 14. volunteer (v, n): tình nguyện; người tình nguyện
companies, people…) voluntary (adj): tự nguyện
voluntarily (adv): một cách tự nguyện
3. conserve (v): bảo tồn, bảo quản
conservation (n): sự bảo tồn 15. provide (v): cung cấp
conservationist (n): người làm công tác bảo tồn provider (n): người cung cấp
thiên nhiên provision (n): sự cung cấp, đồ cung cấp, sự dự
4. environment (n): môi trường provisional (a): tạm thời, lầm thời
environmental (adj): thuộc môi trường provisionally (adv):tạm thời, lâm thời
environmentalist (n): người bảo vệ môi trường
environmentally (adv): về phương diện môi trường 16. achieve (v): đạt được, dành được
achievement (n): thành tích, thành tựu
5. kind (adj): tử tế, tốt bụng achiever (n): người đạt thành tựu
unkind (adj): không tử tế achievable (a): có thể đạt được, thực hiện được
kindly (adv): một cách tử tế
unkindly (adv): không tử tế 17. protect (v): bảo vệ
kindness (n): sự tử tế protection (n): sự bảo vệ
unkindness (n): không có lòng tốt protector (n): người bảo vệ, bảo hộ, giám hộ
protective (a): che chở
6. disappoint (v): làm thất vọng protected (a): được bảo vệ che chở
disappointment (n): nỗi thất vọng unprotected (a): không được bảo vệ, che chở
disappointed (adj): thất vọng protectively (adv): không được che chở, bảo vệ
disappointing (adj): đáng thất vọng
disappointingly (adv): 1 cách đáng thất vọng 18. complain (v): phàn nàn
complaint (n): sự phàn nàn
7. reduce (v): cắt giảm, làm giảm
reduction (n): sự cắt giảm 19. prevent (v): ngăn ngừa
prevention (n): sự ngăn ngừa, ngăn cản
8. direct (adj): trực tiếp preventive (a): ngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa
directly (adv)
indirect (adj): gián tiếp 20. care (n): sự chăm sóc
indirectly (adv) careful (a): cẩn thận
direct (v): hướng dẩn, chỉ dẫn care + for (v): chăm sóc, nuôi nấng
direction (n): lời hướng dẩn, sự chỉ dẩn careless (a): bất cẩn
director (n): nhà đạo diễn carefully (adv) > < carelessly (adv)

9. energy (n): năng lượng

energetic (adj): năng động, đầy năng lượng
energetically (adv)
energize (v): tiếp năng lượng
Energize Your World
(slogan của Windows 7)

10. recycle (v): tái chế

recycling (n): việc tái chế
recycled (adj): đã được tái chế

11. suggest (v): đề nghị

suggestion (n): lời đề nghị
I. Adjectives and adverbs (tính từ và trạng từ):
A. Adjectives (tính từ):
- Tính từ đứng trước một danh từ và sau một số động từ như: to be, seem, keep, look, feel, taste, sound,
smell, get, become …
- Tính từ bổ nghĩa danh từ và đại từ.
Ex: It is a white shirt. (while là tính từ đứng trước danh từ shirt và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ shirt )
Ex: - She is intelligent.
- He looks happy.
a. Adverbs(trạng từ):
Ex: He is a good student. He studies well.
=> Trạng từ có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho tất cả các từ loại ngoại trừ danh từ và đại từ.
Eg: - She spoke softly (trạng từ softly bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường speak).
- He runs fast (trạng từ fast bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường run).
- She answered me coldly
- It is terribly hot today. (trạng từ teriblly bổ nghĩa cho tính từ hot).
- The little girl was badly treated.
* Cách thành lập trạng từ chỉ thể cách: Tính từ + ly ® Trạng từ
bad + ly ® badly
slow + ly -> slowly
happy + ly ® happily
* Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: good ® well
early ® early
late ® late
hard ® hard
fast ® fast
* Một số tính từ tận cùng là "ly":
friendly: thân thiện, lovely: dễ thương, likely: chắc chắn, lonely: cô đơn, lively: sống động,
silly: ngốc, ngớ ngẫn, ugly: xấu xí

EXECISE 1 .Choose the correct form:

1.- I heard Daniel isn’t very ………….(good/ well)
- Well, he fell and hurt himself quite ………..(badly/ bad)
2. – There was a ……….(terrible/ terribly) accident on this road two days ago, wasn’t there?
- Yes, two people were killed and the driver of the car was …………(serious/ seriously) injured.
3. - The weather was so ……….(awful/ awfully) yesterday.
- yes, it was raining quite ………..(heavy/ heavily) so we stayed at home all day.
4. You haven’t cleaned the floor ………….(proper/ properly). It’s still …………(dirty/ dirtily)
Oh,sorry. It is still…………..(dirty/ dirtily).
5. You didn’t look very ……….(happy/ happily) last night.
Well, I was disappointed that I did so ………..(bad/ badly) in the exam.
6. – Can you remember what happen?
- I can’t remember …….(clear/ clearly).It all happened so ………(sudden/ suddenly)
7. Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look ……….(safe/ safely)
- Don’t worry. I’ll climb …………(careful/ carefully).
8. Did you go to Sally’s birthday party?
- Yes, It was really a ………..(cheerful/ cheerfully) party. Everybody at the party was (colorful/ colorfully) dressed.
9. – Why do you look so …..(nervous/ nervously)?
- Oh, my! I’ve just got a mistake. I interrupted my boss while he was on the phone, and he looked at me (angry/
angrily) when I interrupted him.
10. – Have you seen Richard ………..(recent/ recently)?
- yes, I just met him at Rose’s party two days ago. He seemed very (unhappy/ unhappily). He smiled …..(sad/ sadly) at
me when he saw me.
11. I am staying in a very (comfortable/ comfortably) hotel in the South of France, near a (nicely/ nice) beach.
Unfortunately, it has been very (coldly/ cold) and the hotel itself is very (expensive/ expensively).
12. Another problem is that the chief cooks (badly/ bad). The food is not (delicious/ deliciously) and I have been
(hungry/ hungrily) most of the time because I have had (great/ greatly) difficulty in finding anything (suitable/
suitably) on the menu.
13. However, I have been very impressed by the (beautifully/ beautiful) surroundings and the (kind/ kindly) people. It
is true that I have suffered a bit from boredom but I always do when I’m not (fully/ full) occupied. Sometimes I feel
(sleepy/ sleepily) in the middle of the day and have a (shortly/ short) nap, which I am very (thankfully/ thankful)for.
Unfortunately, I sleep quite (bad/ badly) at night because the people in the room next to me snore (terribly/ terrible).
14. Anyway, I’m leaving this Friday. The driver will (probable/ probably) take me two or three days as long as the
traffic isn’t too (bad/ badly). I’ll get in touch (immediately/ immediate) as soon as I get home and maybe we can
arrange to meet up for the meal.
EXECISE 2. Put in the adverbs:
1. Emma’s toothache was terrible. Emma’s tooth ached …………………………..
2. Henry was angry. Henry shouted ……………………………..
3. I’m happy sitting here. I can sit here …………………………………………..
4. He was very thoughtful standing there. He stood there ………………………………………..
5. The children seemed cheerful. The children played …………………………………
6. The switch is automatic. The machine switches itself off …………………………………
7. James is very good at speaking English. James speaks English ……………………………..
8. The debate should be public. We need to debate the matter ……………………………..
9. She was charming. She walked ……………………. in front of the audience.
10. Everyone was enthusiastic. Everyone discussed the idea ……………………………
11. The man had a soft voice. The man spoke …………………………..
12. Claire wears expensive clothes. Claire dresses ………………………
13. The runners made a low start. They started the race ……………………….
14. The building has to be secure. Did you lock all the doors ………………
15. I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed …………………………………….

B. Thành phần theo sau tính từ:

1. Adjective + to + Vo (Tính từ được theo sau bởi động từ nguyên mẫu có to):
Form: S + be chia + adj + to + Vo
Ví dụ: It is interesting to learn English.
S be adj to + Vo
2. Adjective + that-clause:
Form: S + be chia + Adjective + That – clause (that + S + V)
Trong đó “that-clause” bổ sung nghĩa cho adjective; mang nghĩa “rằng, là, mà”.
Ex: I am pleased that you are working hard.
adj that-clause
Mệnh đề that (that- clause) thường đứng sau tính từ diễn tả cảm xúc, sự chắc chắn: sad, pleased, excited, disappointed,
delighted, glad, afraid, sorry, thankful, certain, sure, ...

EXECISE 1. Combine these sentences using Adj + that clause :

0. He is worried. His business is not going well.
-> He is worried that his business is not going well.
1. We were disappointed. She didn’t keep her promise.............................................................................................................
2. I’m sorry. I came late.............................................................................................................................................................
3. The boss was angry. I misplaced all the documents..............................................................................................................
4. I am happy. The article has been very well received.............................................................................................................
5. We are glad. You come..........................................................................................................................................................
6. His parents are pleased. He won the best prize......................................................................................................................
7. It is important. She should accept the offer............................................................................................................................
8. We are afraid. The goods won’t be delivered on time...........................................................................................................
9. I’m sure. They will never give him a refund..........................................................................................................................
10. It is necessary. You are prudent...........................................................................................................................................
EXECISE 2. Make sentences with the words suggested:
0. I / pleased / work hard. -> I am pleased that you are working hard.
1. We / grateful / you / take / interest / us.............................................................................................................................
2. You / sure / her child / disappeared?.................................................................................................................................
3. No one / sorry / our manager / resigned............................................................................................................................
4. Everybody / not surprised / they / divorce........................................................................................................................
5. I / disappointed / you / not / see / me / yesterday..............................................................................................................
6. We / thankful / she / nit tell / truth....................................................................................................................................
7. Children / excited / go / zoo / last Sunday........................................................................................................................
8. We amuse / you / love / him.............................................................................................................................................
9. I / glad / they / come / here ...............................................................................................................................................
10. I / proud / my team / win / the first award of the competition........................................................................................
II. Adverb clauses of reason (mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do):
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do bắt đầu bằng Because / Since / As nói lên lý do của sự việc được thể hiện qua mệnh đề
chính. Hai mệnh đề trong câu có thể đổi chổ cho nhau.
Ex: Ba is tired because / since / as he stayed up late watching TV.
Form: S + V … + because / since / as + S + V
1. Because/ As/ Since + Mệnh đề (S+V):
- We decided to leave early because/ as/ since the party was boring.
2. Because of + Danh từ/Cụm danh từ
- We cancelled our flight because the weather was bad.
-> We cancelled our flight because of the bad weather.
3. Cách chuyển các câu từ Because về Because of:

Quy tắc 1) Nếu chủ ngữ 2 mệnh đề giống nhau, cùng chỉ chung người hoặc vật
=> Bỏ chủ ngữ , động từ BE và V thêm ING .
Because Tom got up late, he didn’t get to school on time.
=> Because of getting up late, he didn’t get to school on time.
Quy tắc 2) Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ + be + tính từ
=> Đem tính từ đặt trước danh từ ,bỏ Động từ BE
Because the rain is heavy, we didn’t go to school
=> Because of the heavy rain, we didn’t go to school
Quy tắc 3) Nếu chủ ngữ là đại từ chỉ người + be + tính từ
=> Đổi đại từ thành sỡ hửu ,đổi tính từ thành danh từ ,bỏ động từ BE
Because He was sick, his mother took care of him
=> Because of his sickness; his mother took care of him
Quy tắc 4) Nếu câu có dạng : there be + (số lượng) + danh từ Hoặc : S + have + (số lượng) + N
=>-Thì bỏ there be , Because of + (số) + N
Because there was an accident, we can’t go to work on time
=> Because of an accident, we can’t go to work on time
Quy tắc 5) Nếu chủ ngữ là đại từ chỉ người + động từ + trạng từ
=> Đổi đại từ thành sở hữu, V thành danh từ ,trạng từ thành tính từ đặt trước danh từ
Because He behaved politely, many girls like him
=> Because of his polite behavior, many girls like him
4. Bài tập:

EXERCISE 1. Combine these sentences using BECAUSE/ AS/ SINCE:

0. I’m going to the post office. I have some postcards to send
-> I’m going to the post office because/ as/ since I have some postcards to send
1. Jane was worried. She stayed at home alone.
2. Tom couldn’t get the job. He was not confident during the interview.
3. I have to work extra hours. I want to help support my family.
4. We adore him. He is very talented.
5. She has to depend on us. She is an orphan.
6. I enjoy reading books. They help broaden my knowledge of the world.
7. Don’t believe him. He is always being a liar.
8. I haven’t finished my assignment yet. I don’t have enough materials.
9. You must do it right now. It’s very urgent.
10. I feel attracted to her. Her voice is very sweet.
1. It was difficult to deliver the letter …………………………..the wrong address.
2. We have to cut down on our driving ………………………….there is an oil shortage.
3. Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped …………………..the bad weather.
4. They visited their friends often ……………………….they enjoyed their company.
5. Paul could not go to the football game …………………………his illness.
6. Marcella was awarded a scholarship …………………………her superior ability.
7. Nobody ventured outdoors …………………………the hurricane warnings.
8. We plan to spen our vacation in the mountains………………….the air is purer there.
9. We have to drive around the bay …………………………the bridge was destroyed in the storm.
10. The chickens have died ………………………..the intense heat.
EXERCISE 13.Join the following pairs of sentences using because and because of:
1. He didn’t go to school. It was raining .
-> He didn’t go to school because it was raining.
-> He didn’t go to school because of the rain.
2. The student arrived late. There was a traffic jam.
3. We decided to leave early. The party was boring.
4. It was a public holiday. All the shops were shut.
5. I lost my job. I was ill.

III. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE I (câu điều kiện loại 1)

If + S + VHiện tại đơn, S + will + Vo
Chú ý:
1. V hiện tại đơn:
- V động từ BE: chia am/is/are Phủ định thêm NOT: am not, is not, are not
- V động từ thường: Vo/ Vs/ VesPhủ định : + do not + Vo
+ does not + Vo
2. Mệnh đề WILL: Có thể dung WILL, MAY, MIGHT, SHOULD
3. Unless = If not (nếu... không)

EXERCISE 1. Choose the correct:

1. If you stand on the table, it (will collapse/ would collapse)
2. Unless I (have/ had) …………..a quiet room, I won’t be able to work.
3. If I find your passport, I (will phone/ could phone) …….you at once.
4. Someone (will steal/ would steal)……………….your car if you leave it unlocked.
5. If she needs a radio, she (can borrow / could borrow) ………….mine.
6. If he (read/ reads)……… bad light, he will ruin his eyes.
7. I’ll get angry if you (make/ will make) ………more mistake.
8. If you don’t believe what I said, (ask/ will ask ) ……..your mother.
9. If I’m late, he (will be/ would be) ……………….disappointed .
10. What will happen if (parachute (doesn’t open / do not open)………?
EXERCISE 2. Write conditional sentences Type 1 :
1. We (go out ) …………………later if it (stop) ……………………raining.
2. Do you want to watch TV? I (switch) ……………… on if you (do)……………….
3. If we (leave) …………………now, we (not be ) ………………………….late.
4. If Tam (not apologize)………………………to me, I (not speak) ……………….to him anymore.
5. ………………you …………..(phone)me tomorrow if you (have)………………………….. time?
6. If I (not be)……………………..too busy tomorrow, I (visit)…………………you.
7. If you (not water)……………..the tree everyday, it (die)………………………
8. If she (not pass) …………..the exam, her parents (be) ………………………very worried.
9. If he (agreed) ………………to help us with the housework, we (finish)……………everything.
10. If you (sit)……………… the back row, you (not see) …………..anything on the blackboard.
11. I (drop in )………………to see him if I (finish)……………work before 5 pm.
12. If your schoolwork (not improve)…………………., your parents (be)………….very disappointed.
13. If you (find)……………this light bulb too weak, I (get)……………a stronger for you.
14. If you (press)………….this key, the computer (start)………………..without the usual beep.
15. If he (miss)…………….the train, he (get ) ……………………..the next one.
EXERCISE 3. Choose and underline the correct answers:
1. If you know where she lives, please let me ………….(know/ knew/ known/ to know)
2. Unless you understand, I ………..(a/ was/ will/ would) explain it again to you.
3. The air in the city is very ……….(pollute/ pollution/ polluted/ pollutant)
4. The accident happened because of driving………………(careful/ carefully/ careless/ carelessly)
5. he is going to ………………..(collect/ collection/ collective/ collector) all the bags.
6. If they …………….(are/ were/ have/ had) pupils, they must wear uniform.
7. She was …………(happy/ happily/ unhappy/ unhappily) because of her bad result.
8. She has …………..(kind/ kindly/ kindness/ unkind) provided a picnic lunch for us.
9. We ……………(won’t buy/ wouldn’t buy/ haven’t bought/ didn’t buy) this car if it is expensive.
10. if he careful, he ……………..(will/ would/ could/ must) get good marks.
11. This newspaper is..(publishing/ published/ to publish/ publish)everyday. It’s a daily newspaper.
12. he shouted and looked ………(angry/ angrier/ angrily/ anger) at me when I broke the vase.
13. he is tired now ……….(so/ because/ but/ and) he stayed up late watching TV.
14. We are talking about the preservation of …………(natural/ naturally/ nature/ naturalize) resources.
15. We’ll make this beach clean and ………..(beauty/ beautify/ beautiful/ beautifully) again.
16. She sings very ……………..(beauty/ beautify/ beautiful/ beautifully).
17. If the …………(pollution/ pollute/ polluted/ pollute) continues, what will happen?
18. If it …………(doesn’t rain/ didn’t rain/ hadn’t rain/ won’t rain), we’ll go to the movies.
19. A large number of inhabitants have made ……………(suggest/ suggestion/ suggested/ to suggest) on how to
protect the environment.
20. Be ……….(care/ careful/ carefully/ carelessly)! He is looking at you.
21. it is our policy to ……………..(protect/ protecting/ to protect/ protected) forest and environment.
22. Everyone must take part in ……..(prevent/ preventing/ to prevent/ prevented) deforestation.
23. I suggest ……………..(go/ to go/ going/ went) to the movies.
24. They made their living by ……….(catch/ catching/ to catch/ caught) fish in the ocean every day.
25. If you like this book, I will give it ……..(for/ from/ at/ to) you as my present.
26. I was very ………….(amaze/ amazed/ amazing/ amazement) that you won the first prize.
27. If you have …………(a lot of/ many/ lot of/ a lots) money, you can travel abroad this summer.
28. If you are a student, you can get a discount ………….(on/ in/ at/ for) books.
29. I won’t go unless you ……….(to pay/ paid/ paying/ pay) me the money back.
30. We stayed at home ……………(because/ and/ but/ so) it rained heavily.
31. ……….(Pure/ Polluted/ Dust/ Pleasant) air is one of the many problems we have to solve.
32. I’ll be in trouble if I ………(lose/ will lose/ lost/ would lose) my passport.
33. We can eat at home or, ………..(when/ whether/ if/ which) you prefer, we can go to a restaurant.
34. If it is raining this evening, I …………(will go out/ don’t go out/ go out/ won’t go out).
35. Minh’s English is excellent. He speaks …….(perfectly English/ English perfectly/ perfect English/ English perfect)
36. I’m disappointed …….(that/ when/ if/ how) people have spoiled this area.
37. He ………(hardly tried/ tried hardly/ hard tried/ tried hard) to find a job but he had no luck.
38. We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned ……..(however/ but/ because/ so) it was raining hard.

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