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(Tiết kiệm năng lượng)

1. energy N Năng lượng 2. to label V Dán nhãn
3. recent Adj Gần đây -> label N Nhãn, nhãn hiệu
-> recently Adv Gần đây, mới đây 4. tumble N Máy sấy quần áo
5. bill N Hóa đơn thanh toán 6. efficient Adj Có năng suất, có hiệu quả
7. enormous Adj Rất, vô cùng -> efficiency N Tính hiệu quả
-> enormously Adv Rất, vô cùng -> efficiently Adv Một cách hiệu quả
8. plumber N Thợ sửa ống nước 9. to compare V So sánh
10. crack N Vết nứt, vết rạn -> comparison N Sự so sánh
-> to crack V Làm nứt 11. category N Loại, hạng
12. pipe N Ong nước 13. ultimately Adv Cuối cùng, rốt cục
14. to drip V Nhỏ giọt, chảy nhỏ giọt -> ultimate Adj Cuối cùng, sau cùng
-> dripping N Vòi rỉ nước 15. innovation N Sự đổi mới, sự cách tân
16. to waste V Lãng phí, uổng phí 17. to sum up V Tóm tắt, tổng kết
18. solar Adj Thuộc mặt trời 19. solid Adj Rắn, ở thể rắn
-> solar energy N Năng lượng mặt trời 20. separate Adj Riêng, riêng biệt, khác nhau
21. nuclear Adj Thuộc hạt nhân -> to separate V Tách ra, chia ra
-> nuclear power N Năng lượng hạt nhân 22. to draft V Viết nháp, vẽ phát thảo
23. source N Nguồn -> draft N Bản nháp, bản phát thảo
-> a source of power Ngồn năng lượng 24. to label V Dán nhãn
-> a power source Nguồn năng lượng -> label N Nhãn, nhãn hiệu
25. to install V Lắp đặt, cài đặt 26. tumble N Máy sấy quần áo
-> installation N Việc lắp đặt
27. resource N Nguồn, nguồn lực
-> resources N Tài nguyên
-> natural resources N Tài nguyên thiên nhiên
28. luxury N Vật xa xỉ, đồ xa xỉ
29. consumer N Người tiêu thụ, người tiêu
-> to consume V Dùng, tiêu thụ
30. effectively Adv Một cách có hiệu quả
-> effective Adj Có hiệu quả
31. household N Hộ gia đình
32. account for st V Chiếm, là nguyên nhân của
33. bulb N Bóng đèn tròn
34. standard Adj Chuẩn, phù hợp với tiêu
-> standard N Chuẩn, tiêu chuẩn
35. scheme N Kế hoạch, âm mưu
-> to scheme V Lập kế hoạch, âm mưu
36. standard Adj Chuẩn, phù hợp với tiêu
1. electric (adj): có điện innovative (adj): sáng tạo
electrical (adj): thuộc về điện innovation (n): sáng kiến
electricity (n): điện innovator (n): người cải cách
electrician (n): thợ điện
16. conclude (v): kết luận
2. power (n): năng lượng, sức mạnh conclusion (n): cái kết, kết luận
powerful (adj): hùng mạnh In conclusion: kết luận lại
powerfully (adv)
empower (v): ủy quyền 17. regular (adj): thường xuyên
regularly (adv) = usually: thường xuyên
3. cloud (n): mây → cloudy (adj): có mây
cloudless (adj.): không mây 18. conserve: giữ gìn, bảo tồn
conservation (n):sự bảo tồn, bảo toàn
4. sun (n): mặt trời conservationist (n): người ủng hộ bảo tồn
sunny (adj): có nắng
sun (n): mặt trời 19. profit (n):lợi nhuận, tiền lãi
solar (adj): thuộc mặt trời profitable (a): có lãi, có lợi ích, lợi nhuận
profit (v): thu lợi, làm có lợi
5. fog (n): sương mù profitably (adv):1 cách có lợi nhuận, sinh lãi
foggy (adj): có sương mù
6. wind (n): gió 20. suggest(v): gợi ý
windy (adj): có gió suggestion (n): sự gợi ý
7. snow (n): tuyết suggestive (a): có tính gợi ý, gợi nhớ
snowy (adj): có tuyết suggestively (adv): 1 cách gợi ý, gợi nhớ đến
8. rain (n,v): mưa
rainy (adj): có mưa 21. receive (v): nhận được, thu được
receipt (n): công thức, giấy biên nhận, biên lai
9. install (v): lắp đặt, cài đặt receiver (n): người nhận, người thu lĩnh
installation (n): sự lắp đặt reception (n): sự đón nhận, tiếp đón , tiếp nhận
receptive (a): có tính đón nhận, lĩnh hội
10. necessary (adj): cần thiết
necessarily (adv): nhất thiết 22. connection (n); sự kết nối
necessity (n): thứ thiết yếu connect (v): kết nối
unnecessary (adj): không cần thiết disconnect (v): mất kết nối
unnecessarily (adv): không nhất thiết connected (a): đã kết nối, được kết nối, nối kết

11. produce (v): sản xuất 23. understanding (n): sự hiểu biết, trí tuệ, am hiểu
producer (n): nhà sản xuất understandable (a): có thể hiểu được
production (n): sự sản xuất understanding (a): có thể thông cảm với..
product (n): sản phẩm understand (v): hiểu
productive (adj): có năng xuất understandably (adv): 1 cách có thể thông cảm

12. consume (v): tiêu thụ 24. luxury (n): sang trọng, xa hoa
consumption (n): sự tiêu thụ luxurious (a): lộng lẫy, xa hoa, sang trọng, xa xỉ
consumer (n): người tiêu dùng luxuriously (adv): 1 cách lộng lẫy, xa hoa
time-consuming (adj): tốn thời gian
25. standard (n): chuẩn, tiêu chuẩn, trình độ, mức
13. effect (n): hiệu ứng, hiệu quả standard (a): làm chuẩn, phù hợp tiêu chuẩn
effective (adj): có hiệu quả standardize (v): tiêu chuẩn hóa, chuẩn hóa
effectively (adv): có hiệu quả
ineffective (adj): không có hiệu quả 26. compare(v): so sánh, ví
ineffectively (adv) comparable (a): có thể so được
effectiveness (n): tính hiệu quả comparative (a):tương đối, so sánh
efficient (adj): hiệu quả, có năng xuất comparison (n):sự so sánh
inefficient (adj): không hiệu quả comparatively (adv): 1 cách tương đối
efficiently (adv): có hiệu quả
inefficiently (adv): không hiệu quả
efficiency (n): năng xuất, việc làm có hiệu quả
inefficiency (n): việc làm không có hiệu quả
14. ultimate (adj): cuối cùng
ultimately (adv)

15. innovate (v): có sáng kiến

I. Adjectives and adverbs (tính từ và trạng từ):
A. Adjectives (tính từ):
- Tính từ đứng trước một danh từ và sau một số động từ như: to be, seem, keep, look, feel, taste, sound,
smell, get, become …
- Tính từ bổ nghĩa danh từ và đại từ.
Ex: It is a white shirt. (while là tính từ đứng trước danh từ shirt và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ shirt )
Ex: - She is intelligent.
- He looks happy.
a. Adverbs(trạng từ):
Ex: He is a good student. He studies well.
=> Trạng từ có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho tất cả các từ loại ngoại trừ danh từ và đại từ.
Eg: - She spoke softly (trạng từ softly bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường speak).
- He runs fast (trạng từ fast bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường run).
- She answered me coldly
- It is terribly hot today. (trạng từ teriblly bổ nghĩa cho tính từ hot).
- The little girl was badly treated.
* Cách thành lập trạng từ chỉ thể cách: Tính từ + ly ® Trạng từ
bad + ly ® badly
slow + ly -> slowly
happy + ly ® happily
* Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: good ® well
early ® early
late ® late
hard ® hard
fast ® fast
* Một số tính từ tận cùng là "ly":
friendly: thân thiện, lovely: dễ thương, likely: chắc chắn, lonely: cô đơn, lively: sống động,
silly: ngốc, ngớ ngẫn, ugly: xấu xí
EXECISE 1 .Choose the correct form:
1.- I heard Daniel isn’t very ………….(good/ well)
- Well, he fell and hurt himself quite ………..(badly/ bad)
2. – There was a ……….(terrible/ terribly) accident on this road two days ago, wasn’t there?
- Yes, two people were killed and the driver of the car was …………(serious/ seriously) injured.
3. - The weather was so ……….awful/ awfully) yesterday.
- yes, it was raining quite ………..(heavy/ heavily) so we stayed at home all day.
4. You haven’t cleaned the floor ………….(proper/ properly). It still …………(dirty/ dirtily)
Oh,sorry. I is still…………..(dirty/ dirtily).
5. You didn’t look very ……….(happy/ happily) last night.
Well, I was disappointed that I did so ………..(bad/ badly) in the exam.
6. – Can you remember what happen?
- I can’t remember …….(clear/ clearly).It all happened so ………(sudden/ suddenly)
7. Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look ……….(safe/ safely)
- Don’t worry. I’ll climb …………(careful/ carefully).
8. Did you go to Sally’s birthday party?
- Yes, It was really a ………..(cheerful/ cheerfully) party. Everybody at the party was. (colorful/ colorfully) dressed.
9. – Why do you look so …..(nervous/ nervously)?
- Oh, my! I’ve just got a mistake. I interrupted my boss while he was on the phone, and he looked at me (angry/
angrily) when I interrupted him.
10. – Have you seen Richard ………..(recent/ recently)?
- yes, I just met him at Rose’s party two days ago. He seemed very (unhappy/ unhappily). He smiled …..(sad/ sadly) at
me when he saw me.
11. I am staying in a very (comfortable/ comfortably) hotel in the South of France, near a (nicely/ nice) beach.
Unfortunately, it has been very (coldly/ cold) and the hotel itself is very (expensive/ expensively).
12. Another problem is that the chief cooks (badly/ bad). The food is not (delicious/ deliciously) and I have been
(hungry/ hungrily) most of the time because I have had (great/ greatly) difficulty in finding anything (suitable/
suitably) on the menu.
13. However, I have been very impressed by the (beautifully/ beautiful) surroundings and the (kind/ kindly) people. It
is true that I have suffered a bit from boredom but I always do when I’m not (fully/ full) occupied. Sometimes I feel
(sleepy/ sleepily) in the middle of the day and have a (shortly/ short) nap, which I am very (thankfully/ thankful )for.
Unfortunately, I sleep quite (bad/ badly) at night because the people in the room next to me snore (terribly/ terrible).
14. Anyway, I’m leaving this Friday. The driver will (probable/ probably) take me two or three days as long as the
traffic isn’t too (bad/ badly). I’ll get in touch (immediately/ immediate) as soon as I get home and maybe we can
arrange to meet up for the meal.
EXECISE 2. Put in the adverbs:
1. Emma’s toothache was terrible. Emma’s tooth ached …………………………..
2. Henry was angry. Henry shouted ……………………………..
3. I’m happy sitting here. I can sit here …………………………………………..
4. He was very thoughtful standing there. He stood there ………………………………………..
5. The chidren seemed cheerful. The children played …………………………………
6. The switch is automatic. The machine switches itself off …………………………………
7. james is very good at speaking English. James speaks English ……………………………..
8. The debate should be public. We need to debate the matter ……………………………..
9. She was charming. She walked ……………………. In front of the audience.
10. Everyone was enthusiastic. Everyonr discussef the idea ……………………………
11. The man had a soft voice. The man spoke …………………………..
12. Claire wears expensive clothes. Claire dresses ………………………
13. The runners made a low start. They started the race ……………………….
14. The building has to be secure. Did you lock all the doors ………………
15. I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed …………………………………….
B. Thành phần theo sau tính từ:
1. Adjective + to + Vo (Tính từ được theo sau bởi động từ nguyên mẫu có to):
Form: S + be chia + adj + to + Vo
Ví dụ: It is interesting to learn English.
S be adj to + Vo
2. Adjective + that-clause:
Form: S + be chia + Adjective + That – clause (that + S + V)
Trong đó “that-clause” bổ sung nghĩa cho adjective; mang nghĩa “rằng, là, mà”.
Ex: I am pleased that you are working hard.
adj that-clause
Mệnh đề that (that- clause) thường đứng sau tính từ diễn tả cảm xúc, sự chắc chắn: sad, pleased, excited, disappointed,
delighted, glad, afraid, sorry, thankful, certain, sure, ...
EXECISE 1. Combine these sentences using Adj + that clause :
0. He is worried. His business is not going well.
-> He is worried that his business is not going well.
1. We were disappointed. She didn’t keep her promise.............................................................................................................
2. I’m sorry. I came late.............................................................................................................................................................
3. The boss was angry. I misplaced all the documents..............................................................................................................
4. I am happy. The article has been very well received.............................................................................................................
5. We are glad. You come..........................................................................................................................................................
6. His parents are pleased. He won the best prize......................................................................................................................
7. It is important. She should accept the offer............................................................................................................................
8. We are afraid. The goods won’t be delivered on time...........................................................................................................
9. I’m sure. They will never give him a refund..........................................................................................................................
10. It is necessary. You are prudent...........................................................................................................................................
EXECISE 2. Make sentences with the words suggested:
0. I / pleased / work hard. -> I am pleased that you are working hard.
1. We / grateful / you / take / interest / us.............................................................................................................................
2. You / sure / her child / disappeared?.................................................................................................................................
3. No one / sorry / our manager / resigned............................................................................................................................
4. Everybody / not surprised / they / divorce........................................................................................................................
5. I / disappointed / you / not / see / me / yesterday..............................................................................................................
6. We / thankful / she / nit tell / truth....................................................................................................................................
7. Children / excited / go / zoo / last Sunday........................................................................................................................
8. We amuse / you / love / him.............................................................................................................................................
9. I / glad / they / come / here ...............................................................................................................................................
10. I / proud / my team / win / the first award of the competition........................................................................................
II. Adverb clauses of reason (mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do):
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do bắt đầu bằng Because / Since / As nói lên lý do của sự việc được thể hiện qua mệnh đề
chính. Hai mệnh đề trong câu có thể đổi chổ cho nhau.
Ex: Ba is tired because / since / as he stayed up late watching TV.
Form: S + V … + because / since / as + S + V
1. Because/ As/ Since + Mệnh đề (S+V):
- We decided to leave early because/ as/ since the party was boring.
2. Because of + Danh từ/Cụm danh từ
- We cancelled our flight because the weather was bad.
-> We cancelled our flight because of the bad weather.
3. Cách chuyển các câu từ Because về Because of:

Quy tắc 1) Nếu chủ ngữ 2 mệnh đề giống nhau, cùng chỉ chung người hoặc vật
=> Bỏ chủ ngữ , động từ BE và V thêm ING .
Because Tom got up late, he didn’t get to school on time.
=> Because of getting up late, he didn’t get to school on time.
Quy tắc 2) Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ + be + tính từ
=> Đem tính từ đặt trước danh từ ,bỏ Động từ BE
Because the rain is heavy, we didn’t go to school
=> Because of the heavy rain, we didn’t go to school
Quy tắc 3) Nếu chủ ngữ là đại từ chỉ người + be + tính từ
=> Đổi đại từ thành sỡ hửu ,đổi tính từ thành danh từ ,bỏ động từ BE
Because He was sick, his mother took care of him
=> Because of his sickness; his mother took care of him
Quy tắc 4) Nếu câu có dạng : there be + (số lượng) + danh từ Hoặc : S + have + (số lượng) + N
=>-Thì bỏ there be , Because of + (số) + N
Because there was an accident, we can’t go to work on time
=> Because of an accident, we can’t go to work on time
Quy tắc 5) Nếu chủ ngữ là đại từ chỉ người + động từ + trạng từ
=> Đổi đại từ thành sở hữu, V thành danh từ ,trạng từ thành tính từ đặt trước danh từ
Because He behaved politely, many girls like him
=> Because of his polite behavior, many girls like him
EXERCISE 1. Combine these sentences using BECAUSE/ AS/ SINCE:
0. I’m going to the post office. I have some postcards to send
-> I’m going to the post office because/ as/ since I have some postcards to send
1. Jane was worried. She stayed at home alone.
2. Tom couldn’t get the job. He was not confident during the interview.
3. I have to work extra hours. I want to help support my family.
4. We adore him. He is very talented.
5. She has to depend on us. She is an orphan.
6. I enjoy reading books. They help broaden my knowledge of the world.
7. Don’t believe him. He is always being a liar.
8. I haven’t finished my assignment yet. I don’t have enough materials.
9. You must do it right now. It’s very urgent.
10. I feel attracted to her. Her voice is very sweet.
1. It was difficult to deliver the letter …………………………..the wrong address.
2. We have to cut down on our driving ………………………….there is an oil shortage.
3. Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped …………………..the bad weather.
4. They visited their friends often ……………………….they enjoyed their company.
5. Paul could not go to the football game …………………………his illness.
6. Marcella was awarded a scholarship …………………………her superior ability.
7. Nobody ventured outdoors …………………………the hurricane warnings.
8. We plan to spen our vacation in the mountains………………….the air is purer there.
9. We have to drive around the bay …………………………the bridge was destroyed in the storm.
10. The chickens have died ………………………..the intense heat.
EXERCISE 13.Join the following pairs of sentences using because and because of:
1. He didn’t go to school. It was raining .
-> He didn’t go to school because it was raining.
-> He didn’t go to school because of the rain.
2. The student arrived late. There was a traffic jam.
3. We decided to leave early. The party was boring.
4. It was a public holiday. All the shops were shut.
5. I lost my job. I was ill.
III. Câu đề nghị, câu mời
1. S + suggest + (that ) + S2 + should + Vo (chỉ S2 làm)
2. S + suggest + Ving (S1 và S2 cùng làm)
3. Why don’t we + Vo (S1 và S2 cùng làm)
4. Why don’t you + Vo ( chỉ S2 làm)
5. Let’s + Vo (S1 và S2 cùng làm)
6. What about + Ving (S1 và S2 cùng làm)
7. How about + Ving (S1 và S2 cùng làm)
EXERCISE 1: Use the correct verb form :
1. Lan suggested ………………………… to the zoo on the weekend. (go)
2. The movie is not interesting. How about ……………………… to the concert ? (go)
3. You don’t like Chinese food. What about ……………………… English food ? (eat)
4. Our teacher suggests ……………………… a meeting to discuss the problem. (hold)
5. Her former leader suggested that she ………………………. harder for the exam. (train)
6. I suggest that fans ……………………… instead of air conditioners. (use)
7. Would you like ……………………… milk or water ? (drink)
8. What is the purpose of ………………………. energy-saving bulbs ? (use)
9. Tom suggested ………………………… to the zoo by his father. (take)
10. Our class suggested that the leader …………………….. very good and patient. (be)
EXERCISE 2: Rewrite these sentences :
1. Shall we use gas instead of burning coal ? I suggest ……………………………………………..
2. Shall we play badminton ? How ………………………………………………………………….
3. What about buying energy-saving bulbs ? Shall …………………………………………………
4. Let’s use electricity economically. Why don’t …………………………………………………..
5. Why don’t you ask her yourself ? I suggest you …………………………………………………
6. I suggest decorating our classroom again. →I suggest our …………………………………………………………
7. What about organizing a charity event to raise money ?
I suggest a charity …………………………………………………………………………………
8. I suggest that helmet should be used to protect our heads.
What ………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Let’s organize a cultural festival to celebrate Lunar New Year.
I suggest a …………………………………………………………………………………………
10. I suggest unused clothes should be collected for the victims. →What about ………………………………………
11. “Why not take the garbage to recycling centers ?” said the local authorities.
The local authorities suggested garbage …………………………………………………………
12. “Shall we go to the English speaking club ?” Andrew said.
Andrew suggested …………………………………………………………………………………
13. “Why don’t you put an advertisement in this local newspaper ?” they said to me.
They suggested that an advertisement ……………………………………………………………
14. “Why don’t you repair the electric fan, Nam” Ba asked. →Ba suggested …………………………………………
15. “Let’s not tell anyone until we are certain that the report is true”, said Tom.
Tom suggested ……………………………………………………………………………………

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