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Lucas: Hello everybody, we are Franco, Francisco, Isabella, Clara, Ramiro and me

lucas, we are going to present our project defense a social experiment, we hope
that you like it.
There are our avatars and how we organized ourselves. We divide some roles, for
example, time keeper, supply manager, communicator, writer, behavior manager, etc.
We chose each one decided which role they wanted to fulfill and felt comfortable.
Ramiro: Team contract
Should do: Produce ideas, collaborate all the time, respect others, help each other
Cannot do: Play, mingle with the other groups, look for unnecessary things, fight.
Solutions to possible problems: Talk peaceably with the people of the problems
Clari: This is the IB programme, you can find IB programme the central Idea, key
values, transdisciplinary theme and lines of inquiry.
The IB programme promotes the qualities of an international-minded, life-long
learner, who looks after the planet and creates a better and more peaceful world.
Franco: This is the transdisciplinary theme, that is, where we are in time and
space. Our Central idea is, the evolution of the planet is connected to different
factors. And our line of inquiry is, strategies to achieve a more peaceful society.
Franscisco: Peace, from the Latin pax, is the absence of war or hostilities when
referring to a country but also refers to agreements to cease war.
Situation or state in which there is no war or fighting between two or more
opposing parties. "Time of peace" Agreement to end a war. "Sign peace"
Lucas: This is the definition of peace for our group.
And what a peaceful community be like.
For all of us, a peaceful community is a happy community that has no problems. They
would also not have problems with food, shelter or other Peaceful coexistence is
when the way in which interactions with the people around us are set up and which
must be guided by values such as respect.
Clari: The girls from the first year of high school came to tell us about their
experience with their project defense. They tell us, that was difficult the
organization, and they said how we solve some problems
What did we learn?
Ramiro: During the meeting the students from Colombia told us about how they solve
their problems.
They work in groups and share ideas
Help the planet
Listen to their friends if they have some problems

Behavior meters
Respect cultures
Franco: What did we do with the kids of Ecuador?
We had a meeting with people of Ecuador. They told us about their projects and we
told them about our projects, too!
This is the calendar
Our project
Isabella: Process: At the beginning of the project, we had a lot of ideas. Our
main idea was: Focus more on the people that you have next to you, and not on
technology, but the idea we chose was difficult for us, so we decided to change it
to the one we currently have, which is, does technology promote peace?
Franco: What is this project about?
The good and bad points of technology. Does technology promote peace in our
Isabella: Why is this project a good strategy to achieve a peaceful society?
Yes Because: These are activities that promote values and IB attributes Make
stronger ties working in group Achieve peace in the society
What activities are we did and why have we selected them?
The Wednesday we:
With 6C grade we create a virtual robot in Scratch with Franco and Ramiro
5B grade is going to read 1 book on Myon
4B grade is going to play a virtual quizziz
Franscisco: The Thursday we:
With 6c grade we created a robot without technology
With 5b grade we played reflective letters
With 4b we created a history with a minimum of 50 words
Lucas: We have selected these activities because they are activities that promote
peace, the IB attributes and key values.
The activities that we have selected can be carried out with and without
We have done some researches to know more about robots
Clari: Do Robots Help Mental Health? They have benefits: robots can diagnose a
condition more accurately and quickly than many experts
Studies and statistics say that Robots help society

Our process in August and our feedback of August

Ramiro: What problems have we faced?
During the project we had some problems with some members because they did things
that they didn't have to do. We solved those problems talking with that person and
we came to an agreement
We present our product to another classes
Franco: Before holidays we went to the classes to explain our product so that we
could implement it after holidays
This is the table since we split up as a group to be able to implement the project
faster, so on Wednesday we did all the activities with technology and on Thursday
all the activities without technology
We implemented our product!!
With technology and without technology
How we felt
Isabella: How we felt
Clari: i felt more uncomfortable when we went to present the activities with
Francisco: I felt a bit nervous but I think that I do it well
Franco: I felt very good because is a very good because proyect
Lucas: I think that we didn´t organize very well but we did it well.
Ramiro: I feel a little nervous but it felt good to present the projects.
Isabella: I felt a bit nervous but later i felt more comfortable
Franscisco: Feedback
All the classes were given a return to complete and the return asked whether they
liked the activities with or without technology.
in 4th B said they liked the activities with technology the most.
in 5th B said they liked the technology activity the most.
and in 6°C they said they liked the activity with technology best.
Lucas: Teacher`s feedback
Your presentation is beautiful! For your next rehearsal, remember the importance of
devoting time to explain everything you have included there in much more detail.
There's no need to rush! Try to add the avatars in each slide. That will help you
organize your presentation and will give you more confidence! Also, remember that
helping each other is an excellent quality of team work I know you'll do it much
better next time!
Clari: Today you did an excellent job! Your Drive folder is better organized and
your Canva presentation looks beautiful! Thanks for your hard work!
The conclusion of the feedback
Well, the conclusion of the feedback is that, as far as we can see, technology can
promote peace, since we saw in the activities that they worked in groups, they had
fun and were able to work and do the activities that we set up.
Franco: Thanks for watching, you have questions?

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