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1. Perbedaan bahasa formal dan informal

- Bahasa formal biasanya digunakan dalam situasi serius, contohnya interview kerja,
berpidato, pertemuan bisnis dll.
- Bahasa informal biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan sehari hari, contohnya berkirim
pesan dengan teman atau keluarga, menulis kartu pos dll.
2. Kalimat A merupakan Bahasa Informal Dan Kalimat B merupakan bahasa formal karena kalimat
A menggunakan kata “can’t” yang membuat bahasa tersebut tidak formal dan lebih
menggunakan bahasa yang lebih singkat, sedangkan kalimat B menggunakan bahasa formal
yang mana bahasa tersebut lebih komplek dalam penulisannya
3. Perbedaan antara Slangs dan Colloquialism
- Slangs merupakan bahasa formal remaja agar lebih akrab satu sama lainnya. Contohnya
where did you buy your clouthes? Very old
- Colloquialism merupakan bahasa informal yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan antara
teman, keluarga, tema sebanya bahkan orang yang lebih tua. Contohnya
a. How are you
b. I’m fine thank you, and you?
c. Very good


1. Which one from the expression below is a formal English language?

 I don’t believe that the results are accurate.

Should not have been checked.
 We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed.
C o r r e c t a n s w e r . Should have been checked.
 It was raining cats and dogs.
Should not have been checked.
 They’ve made fewer mistakes.

2. Which one from the expression below is an informal English language?

 I would be very grateful if you could assist me.

Should not have been checked.
 I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Should not have been checked.
 I’m sorry, but I can’t attend the meeting tomorrow.
C o r r e c t a n s w e r . Should have been checked.
 I am afraid your child is experiencing difficulty.
3. Which one from the expression below is a cliché?

 Win-win situation
Should not have been checked.
 You can’t judge a book by its cover.
C o r r e c t a n s w e r . Should have been checked.
 I'm getting tired of this junk.
Should not have been checked.
 Right wing

4. Which one from the expression below is a slang?

 Time will tell

Should not have been checked.
 Kick the bucket
Should not have been checked.
 Swag
C o r r e c t a n s w e r . Should have been checked.
 Happily, ever after
Should not have been checked.

5. Which one from the expression below is an abbreviation?

 Wanna
Should not have been checked.
 What's up?
Should not have been checked.
C o r r e c t a n s w e r . Should have been checked.
 Y’all

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