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Academic English for Tertiary Studies: EAP 4 WK 1 WED F5 Migration to Australia STUDENT A You have no verbs in the text - your partner will tell you the missing verbs. **Your partner does not have the words in bold i.e. the time expressions. Task: Together with your partner start reading the text out aloud. When you reach the part of the text that has a gap, write in the missing word. Don’t show each other the answers; tell your partner which words are missing. There may be more than one word for each gap. ration to Australia Australia a tolerant and inclusive society which is made up of people from many different backgrounds. Their cultural diversity a central feature of the Australian national identity today. Since the first European settlement in Australia in 1788, many thousands of settlers a new life in Australia for a variety of reasons, They greatly to Australia’s culture and prosperity and so an important factor in shaping the nation. Transported criminals the basis of the first migration from Europe. Starting in 1788, some 160 000 convicts to the Australian colonies. From the early 1790s, free immigrants also __ to come to Australia. The rapid growth of the wool industry in the 1820s enormous demands for labour and an increase in the migration of free people from the United Kingdom. The social upheavals of industrialization in Britain also many people emigrating to escape widespread poverty and unemployment and during the 1840s a large number of Irish immigrants to Australia to escape famine in their homeland. Page 1 of 4 © UWSCollege Pty Ltd ‘Academic English for Tertiary Studies: EAP 4 WK 1 WED F5 During the Gold Rush era of 1851 to 1860, early migration at arrivals of around 50 000 people a year. During this period, Chinese immigrants the largest non-British group. The most ambitious part of Australia’s migration program the end of World War II when the resettlement of refugees a significant role in Australian immigration history. In the late 1940s, a system of free or assisted passages for United Kingdom residents and in the 1950s and 1960s, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia important migrant source countries. Since the 1970s, there echoes of post-war migration policies in Australia’s responses to people displaced by events in their homelands. These migration from Indo-China in the 1970s following the fall of Saigon, from East Timor in 1975 following the fall of Dili, and from the Balkans during the Yugoslav Wars from 1991 to 2001. In 1999, Australia also to people who by the conflict in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. In recent years the migration global, using one set of criteria for applicants anywhere in the world, with migrants originating from more than 185 countries. In 2006 to 2007, more than 148 000 migrants visas under the Skill and Family Streams of Australia’s Migration Program. Today, nearly one in four of Australia's more than 22 million overseas. While earlier migration largely from Europe, more recent migration patterns a predominance of new settlers from Asian countries. Migration to Australia's emergence as one of the most cosmopolitan and dynamic societies in the world today. Page 2 of 4 © UWSCollege Pty Lid

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