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Envizi Access Level and Access

Role Explained
A user login in Envizi has two attributes that determines what the
user can see, and what the user can do in the platform - Access Level
and Access Role.

Access Level

Access Level determines what data a user is able to see. In general,

there are 4 access levels in Envizi - Organization, Group, Location and

Organization - highest level of user access in Envizi. User is able to

view and see data for the entire organization.

Group - in Envizi, Group is a collection of Locations. User with Group

level access is able to view and have access to data in all locations
that are part of a Group. A user may also be managing multiple
Groups at the same time, this means the user is able to see data in all
locations under any of user’s managed Groups. When it comes to
access control, different types of Groups - Classification, Portfolio or
Facility - are all being treated in the same way.

Location - location level user is able to view and access accounts,

meters, programs and issues data within a single location. Location
level user can only see data in one location. If a user requires to have
access to more than one location, the user should be set up as a
Group level user.

Tag - tag level user has access to all accounts and meters that have
been assigned a specific tag, within the entire organization. A tag
level user may have access to accounts and meters belonging to
different locations, as long as they all have the same tag. (Note: this
access level is coming soon)

Envizi also provides module specific user types, such as Value Chain
Users, or Portfolio Manager Users. For a full list of user types in Envizi
and where and how they can be used, please refer to this page.
Access Role

Access Role determines the ability of a user to make data changes in

Envizi. In general, there are 3 Access Roles in Envizi - System
Administrator, General User and View Only.

System Administrator - highest level of access role in Envizi. A

System Administrator user is able to make changes to any data in the
platform, set up new groups/locations/accounts/meters, create new
logins, update existing users' access role and level, change
organizational settings, create new programs, delete unwanted data,
and many more.

General User - the most common user access role. A General User is
able to capture new account records, answer survey questions,
loading data files, upload attachments, create new programs Actions
and any activities that are required for the upkeeping of data in the
platform. However, a General User is not able to change the main
structure and entities of reporting hierarchy, such as creating new
accounts, or set up new groups or locations.

View Only - as the name suggests, View Only user does not have the
right to change any data in the platform. A View Only user is only able
to view data in the platform, access dashboards, run reports and any
other activities that do not require change of data.

Tag Level user

A Tag level user can be either a General User, or a View Only user, but
cannot be a System Administrator user.

For how to set up a login with the appropriate Access Level and
Access Role, please refer to Create New Users.

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