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Candidate Name: Najae Piper

Centre #

Candidate #

Name of School: Cornwall College

Name of Teacher:

Year of Exam:

Theme: Video Gaming

Topic: How does gaming influence the holistic development of teens

Table of Content

Plan of Investigation

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

Reflection 3

Group Report

Oral Presentation Plan

Oral Presentation



How does gaming influence the holistic development of teens?

The impact on adolescents varies depending on factors such as content, time spent,
and individual traits. Positive impacts include improved cognitive abilities and social
skills, but excessive gaming might result in poor academic performance, aggressive
behavior, and disrupted sleep patterns.

The reason why I chose this topic was to further explore how online gaming can influence the
development of teens.

Ways in which this sba will benefit the student.

● Engage all language arts skills

● Improved vocabulary
● Improve my critical thinking skills
● Improve my ability to conduct my research
Reflection 1. How the Material I selected Shaped my Thinking on my Topic

The first article entitled,“Study shows gaming improves peer relationship, problem-solving,” by
Ivanhoe Newswire.It was published in Local News, on October 15, 2022 was enlightening. If
you are a parent of a teenager, you undoubtedly worry that they are living in a virtual world or
shooting things excessively. It's not all horrible, though.
A study from Saint Edward's University found that spending two hours a day playing video
games enhances sociality and peer interactions.
According to recent research, video games can help improve young people's problem-solving
Research has also shown that both school lessons that are specifically designed to increase this
skill and playing shooter games like Call of Duty help people think about objects in three
dimensions better.
The more youth improved in problem solving and grades the next year, the more they reported
pplaying strategic video games, such role-playing games. Additionally, children's creativity was
This article gives us a deeper understanding of positive and negative effects on teens.The impact
on teenagers varies depending on factors such as content, time spent, and individual traits.
Positive impacts include improved cognitive abilities and social skills, but excessive gaming
might result in poor academic performance, aggressive behavior, and disrupted sleep
patterns.Academic performance can suffer, as excessive gaming may lead to poor concentration
and reduced study time. Additionally, gaming can contribute to physical health problems like
obesity and sleep disturbances. social skills may be affected, as excessive gaming often leads to
withdrawal from face-to-face interactions.

The second article was entitled “Video games can help your team work smarter (no, seriously) “
by Lauren Parker. It was published in Teamwork on December 01, 2021 was informative.
According to research, playing video games with your coworkers can improve teamwork and
foster a sense of community.
Teams that had just spent forty-five minutes playing video games together were twenty percent
more productive than teams that had participated in more conventional team-building activities.
Matt Parker, a professor of game design, offers his suggestions for online games that you can
play with your group.
Video games have a terrible reputation, somewhere in the shifting cultural tide of the past few
decades. The common story is of pallid, pubescent sons and daughters deteriorating in dark
basements in front of flickering screens, their worried parents watching over them. When you
zoom out any farther, you can see that video games have succumbed to the same technopanic
that once befell books, radios, and even phones.
The study also demonstrated the value of video games as a means of teaching players how to be
resilient in the face of setbacks. The authors propose that youngsters can develop emotional
resilience that they can use in their daily lives by learning how to deal with continuous failures in
But bear in mind that researchers also discovered that children aged seven to eleven shouldn't
play video games for longer than nine hours a week since this may lead to behavioral and social

The final piece is a blog entitled “ How Video Games Affect Childhood Development “ by
Ashley Lauterbach, Published in Youtube on April 5, 2016 was highly informative.
Videgames can play a significant role in a child’s life, whether it's creating memories,
achievements, friendships and many more. So why deprive a child of amhappy childhood instead
engage in said video games along with them to help further build the bond you have with your
child or children

REFLECTION 2. Reflection on the Use of Language in the Articles

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