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Bicol University College of Education SHS - Grade 12 Science

Integrated Laboratory School

Projectile Motion

Name: __________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________ Date: ___________

A. Analysis. From the given picture, you can see the skateboarder jump off his board when he encounters a rod. He
manages to land on his board after he passes the rod.

1. What is the difference between the motion of the skateboard and the
motion of the man (the skateboarder)?

2. How does the man manages to keep the skateboard underneath him,
allowing him to land on it?

3. According to Newton’s first law of motion, the man should continue

flying in the air. Why does the man take a different path?


B. Problem Solving.

1. A striker kicks a ball at an angle of 𝜃 = 35.0° above the horizontal (ground). The initial speed of the
ball is 𝑉𝑜 = 22𝑚/𝑠.After some time, the ball landed on the ground. Ignore air resistance.

a. Sketch a diagram of the motion

b. Find the maximum height that the ball attains
c. Find the total time of flight from its launching position to its landing position
d. Find the horizontal displacement of the ball.

2. Refer to problem 1.

a. Suppose the launching angle is 𝜃 = 45.0°, what would be the range of the motion? Will the ball lands
farther? Why or why not?
b. If the launching angle is 𝜃 = 55.0°, what would be the range of the motion? Explain.

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