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I'm of the opinion with Andrew that taking a gap year creates more

advantageous. To be concise, taking a gap year allows students to explore

their future career path and set their goal. By working in business,
students are able to find whether they like the jobs they desire and also
get some experience of what they cannot learn in school, which boosts
their soft skills. They can know how to communicate with their bosses,
cooperate with their coworkers, and express their own opinions explicitly.
In addition, students can relax and explore themselves during the year.
Although I know Claire's point that the tuition fees might rise from year to
year, I still disagree that the difference of price would be too large to deal
with. Moreover, the government has lowered the rate of student loan, so
student can enter their university with lower pressure of financial
hardship. All in all, it is during gap year that students have a chance to
explore themselves.

I'm of the opinion with Andrew that taking a gap year creates more
advantages. To be concise, taking a gap year allows students to find out
which fields they are interested in and explore themselves. By working in
an office, they will learn to be a more responsible person and equip
themselves with soft skills such as communication, cooperation, and
interpersonal skills. In addition, students can relax during the gap year
after diligently studying for a decade, and at the same time broaden their
horizons by experiencing foreignexotic cultures and lifestyles. Although I
can see Claire's point that the tuition fees would rise every year, I still
disagree that the rise in prices will be too large to afford. Furthermore, the
government has lowered the rate of student loans so that students can
attend college with less financial burden. All in all, it is during the gap
years that students have a chance to explore the world and themselves to
prepare for their promising future.

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