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You are Aya and this is your journal where you will write about events that have

happened to you or others.

Chapitres 1-2 Explain your aspirations for your future and why.
Compare how these clash with your father’s and why
Compare how these also clash with your friends’ Bintou and Adjoua, who
prefer looking for boys and a potential husband.
Your feelings about all this.
Ce qui m’a rendu un peu triste, c’est que…..(Attention, NED)
Le poids des traditions
Une société patriarcale
faire une croix sur

Chapitres 5-6 What you found out from your conversation with Hervé and the advice you
gave him and why.
Your opinion of Moussa.
Adjoua’s predicament and your opinion about the market (use 2 statistics/
pieces of information from Notability p. 8
Ce qui m’a choqué, c’était que……………………………(Attention, NED)
Un dragueur
Une guérisseuse
Des contrefaçons
Ce n’est pas anodin
J'espère que……………

Chapitre 7 Hervé’s new development, how you feel about it and why.
How you heard about Moussa’s conversation with his parents and what
Félicité’s (the maid) situation and her meeting Hervé.
Ce qui m’a rendu le plus fière c’est que….(Attention, NED)
Une formation
L’éveil des consciences
La pression sociale
Gagner (un revenu)
La solidarité
Chapitre 9 The big day: The atmosphere, the Sissokos’ behavior, Hyacinte's behavior
and why.
What your parents said to you and your feelings about it.
Your hopes for Adjoua
The big plot twist 😱
La raison pour laquelle
Un oeil au beurre noir
L’esprit de communauté
Les attentes
La pression sociale
Les vicissitudes

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