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Motion: Discuss QARMA 1

- ODS:8,9,10,17. Bc Cause Brain Drain. Then stablish self-reinforcing cycles and affect other SDG:
- On average, the level of brain drain that maximizes human capital accumulation in a
developing country is around 10%.
- In the 1970s, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a detailed 40-country study on the
magnitude and flow of the health professionals.5 According to this report, close to 90% of all
migrating physicians, were moving to just five countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, UK and
- From a global point of view, the average number of MDs per
1000 people is equal to 1.74 but with many disparities between
regions (see previous section). The average global medical brain
drain rate is 9.7%with the higher rate for Latin America.
Motion: the role of NSOs in reaching SDGs

Motion: Spillover index in human capital

Motion: Hydric management

Motion: Disaster prevention

Motion: Forest management

Motion: Incentivizing Knowledge Transfer Programs

- Acknowledging the responsibility of developed countries to contribute to capacity-
building in developing nations.
- Recognizing the potential of knowledge transfer programs in fostering collaboration
and skill development.
- Emphasizing the need for funding mechanisms and incentives to encourage companies
and research institutions to participate in capacity-building initiatives.
- Highlighting the positive impact of knowledge transfer on economic growth, innovation,
and sustainable development.

Motion: Enhancing Education and Research Infrastructure

- Acknowledging the crucial role of education, research, and innovation in promoting sustainable
- Emphasizing the need for prioritized investments in developing countries to create an enabling
environment for skilled individuals.
- Recognizing the potential of international aid and partnerships in supporting the development
of high-quality educational institutions, research centers, and innovation hubs.
- Highlighting the importance of knowledge-sharing through joint academic programs and
research collaborations.

Motion 6: Creating a Global Brain Drain Monitoring System

- Recognizing the lack of a comprehensive monitoring system for tracking the movement of
skilled labor.
- Acknowledging the importance of data-driven policymaking in addressing brain drain.
- Emphasizing the need for collaboration with international organizations, governments, and
research institutions to establish a global database.
- Highlighting the potential of a monitoring system in providing evidence-based insights for
formulating effective policies and interventions.

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