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Welcome to our survey!

We appreciate your participation in helping us gather valuable insights to prove

that the imprudent behaviour of human has an impact to our environment. Your responses will be kept
confidential and will contribute to the development of how human behavior affects the environment
and also to examine the anthropogenic activity in our industry causing the environment to change.
Thank you for taking the time to participate.

1.Have you ever littered in a public space?



2.Do you regularly recycle materials that are recyclable?



3.Have you ever used single-use plastic products?



4. Do you use your car for short trips when walking or biking is an option?



5. Have you ever left the water running while brushing your teeth?



6. Do you purchase products made from sustainable materials?



7. Have you ever used pesticides or other harmful chemicals in your garden or lawn?



8. Do you regularly turn off lights and electronics when not in use?


9. Have you ever thrown away food that was still edible?



10. Do you support policies and regulations aimed at protecting the environment?



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