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EMPOWER2ACQUIRE www.empower2acquire.

you need
to know.
What is Content Marke ng?
Content marke ng is the crea on and distribu on of media to consumers on the

It is a prac ce that aims to:

-Improve the quality of content available online
-Help audiences find the products, services, and exper se for which they are looking
-Help products, services, and exper se find their appropriate audiences
-Improve the visibility of websites in major search engines
-Content encompasses an astounding variety of consumable media, and dissemina ng
that media through marke ng requires knowledge of every digital marke ng channel

The Meaning of “Content”

Content is anything that is consumable on the internet.
Any complete piece of media that you find on the internet can be considered digital
content. There’s a long list of media that we call content, which means a content
creator’s job requires an unusual breadth of skills. Some of the most common content
pieces you’ll find include:
How to Get Started with Content Marke ng
You can’t begin marke ng content without first crea ng it. But to begin crea ng
valuable content, you have to have a brand that backs it.

Before you dive into content crea on, start with branding.

-Find out who your compe tors are targe ng and consider how you can appeal be er
to that audience and others.
-Think of adjec ves that describe your persona or that of your company and s ck to
those adjec ves when represen ng yourself or your organiza on.
-Record and use hard brand guidelines as a point from which you can jump off, but be
ready to allow your brand to evolve.
-Your brand guidelines will direct the topics your content covers, how those topics
appeal to consumers, and what channels you can use to distribute your content.

Crea on
Your branded business can begin content crea on with or without a dedicated
marke ng team, but it requires a significant me commitment to accomplish.

Some of the most common and effec ve content published regularly on today’s
websites includes:

Service & Product Pages – Pages that describe in detail a service or product offered by
you or your company.

Blogs – Ar cles wri en to share informa on that does not have a direct marke ng

Graphics – Visual media that shares informa on or acts as an adver sement for you or
your business.

As long as you have a computer available, content crea on is inherently free except for
the hours required to complete it. Start crea ng content today and publish it on your
website or social media channels to garner organic traffic and build your audience.
Any Quetions?

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