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(AC-S02) Week 02 - Task: Week 02 - Task:

Assignment - My university class sessions: then and now




At the end of the lesson, you write a composition comparing your university class sessions
in the present and the past (before Covid 19) by using past simple and comparative

The day I started my face-to-face courses, I was lost because I didn’t

know the universityheadquarters and it was my first time.The courses I
took were very varied and from different cycles. At the end of the
semester Iwas surprised that I passed my courses, although they were
heavy, I did it. Currently myclasses are easier than the Due to the ease of
technology in the sessions, sometimes I hadInternet problems . Besides, I
reviewed and presented my activities to do them at the righttime. The
cycle courses are more Interesting than the previous ones, because the
contentswere reviewed step by step and group work helped me more to
learn each course. In Myself opinion, the use of technology during
virtual .classes is better, because the student improvesthe its level of
learning. Regarding materials, resources and rules, they are better
becauseeach week I receive important information about the course.
Finally, the pensions remain the same since It depends on the number of
courses and hours.

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