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LESSON 15: Qualities of a Good Reading and Text Comprehension Test

1. What is the main purpose of a reading and text comprehension test given at the end of a chapter or a


A. To measures learners' achievement of instructional objectives

B. To diagnose learners' strengths and weaknesses

C. To monitors learners' progress in learning

D. To determine readiness for instructional progress

2. Which type of test aims to identify learners' strenghts and weaknesses in mastering desired


A. Summative test

B. Diagnostic test

C. Formative test

D. Aptitude test

3. Which characteristic of a good test ensures that it measures what it intends to assess?

A. Reliability

B. Practicality

C. Objectivity

D. Validity

4. What is the process of determining learners' scores or performance on a reading comprehension


A. Measurement

B. Test

C. Evaluation

D. Assessment

5. What is the instrument used by a teacher to measure reading comprehension test?

A. Assessment

B. Measurement

C. Evaluation

D. Test
6. What is the process making a decision about a learners' performance based on their test score?

A. Measurement

B. Evaluation

C. Assessment

D. Test

7. What type of test provides feedback to the teacher on learners progress during the learning process?

A. Summative test

B. Diagnostic test

C. Placement test

D. Formative test

8. Which characteristics of a good test to provide consistent or stable information that thoroughly cover

the essential competencies and topics discuss in class?

A. Reliability

B. Split_half

C. Practicality

D. All of the above

9. Which type of test aims to predic learner's future performance in succeeding tasks ?

A. Summative test

B. Aptitude test

C. Diagnostic test

D. Formative test

10. What does practicality refer to in the context of reading and text comprehension tests?

A. The ability of test to provide consistent or stable information

B. The ease of constructing the test and administering it

C. The extent to which the test meaures what it intends to measure

D. To ascertain that test results are of educational value to the reading teachers

1. What is the main characteristic of an objective test?

A. It allows for subjective interpretation by the test taker

B. It requires only one correct answer and all other answers are categorized as wrong

C. It measures multiple competencies simultaneously

D. All of the above

2. Which types of objective tests are commonly used to measure the ability of the reader to determine

the truth or falsity of the statement presented?

A. Multople-choice

B. Fill-in-the-blank

C. Matching type

D. True or false/ Yes or No

3. What is the main purpose of a multiple-choice test item?

A. To measure learner's ability to generate their own answer

B. To provide distractors that confuse the learner

C. To check the knowledge of the learner

D. To ask the learner to recognized the best or correct answer from a set of choices

4. What is the correct term for the best or correct answer in a multiple-choice test item?

A. Matching type

B. Keyed answer

C. Distractor

D. Alternative

5. What is the main purpose of a matching type test?

A. To cover more content in one test

B. To measure the learners' ability to recognized relationships among homogenous pairs

C. To check the knowledge of the learner

D. To provide an efficient and objective assessment

6. How should the diatractors in a multiple-choice test item be constructed?

A. They should be unrelated to the question and randoml generated

B. They should always be shorter in length than the correct answer

C. To provide additional options for the learner to choose from

D. They should plausible answers that may confuse the learner

7. What are distractors in a multiple- choice test item?

A. The correct answer to the question

B. Plausible answers that may confuse the learner

C. Irrelevant options that are not related to the question

D. To measure the learner's ability to generate their own answer

8. Fill-in-the-blank tests measure the learners' ability to______?

A. Provide the correct answer in specific situations.

B. Recognize relationships among homogenous pairs.

C. Determine the truth or falsity of a statement.

D. Math items from two columns.

9. Matching types tests measure the learners' ability to recognize relationships among_____?

A. Multiple-choice options.

B. Homogenous pairs.

C. True or false statements.

D. Essay response .

10. When constructing a matching type test , it is recommended to include_____ responses in column

B than premises in column A?

A. Varied

B. Equal

C. Fewer

D. More

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