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Compleo Hybrid prerequisites:

Windows OS OS version Windows Server 2019 Standard edition

HW prerequisites for Memory – 16 GB

supervisor - Cpu – 2.5 Ghz Process
recommended Cores - 8
Disk space – 150+ GB Available

Database SQL Server 2019 [Enterprise or Express]

(Full text index feature should be installed)

.net framework 4.7.2+

Office tools Adobe Acrobat 8 or higher

Internet Explorer 11 or higher

1. License Manager Server: 445

2. Supervisor Server: 8785

4. SMTP Server [SSL/no SSL] * As per customer’s architecture

5. SQL Server: 1433

2. System preparation

Tasks Steps

Download Compleo Hybrid and To be provided by Symtrax Implementation team

license manager IIS will be setup by Symtrax Team.

Install Compleo Hybrid on windows Uninterrupted RDP access to windows server system hosting
server system license configuration Compleo supervisor automation module

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