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Assignment 16

Business etiquette

1. A professional handshake is a physical contact between two people, and it communicate

warmth, gentleness and strength. It is the most valuable business skill you can cultivate.

Factors that determine the massage which is communicated by a handshake:

 Degree of firmness: A handshake shouldn’t be painful because you don’t want to hurt
others, so your handshake should be firm rather weak or strong.
 Dryness of hands: It is unprofessional to have a handshake whilst your hands are wet, rather
dry your hand before you extend it to be shaken.
 Depth of grip: A handshake should be palm to palm, place your hand so that the web
between your thumb and forefinger meet the web of the other person you are having a
handshake with.
 Duration of grip: A handshake should be about 3 seconds. Remember, there might be more
people the other person wants to greet.
 Eye contact: Make an eye contact with the person you are having a handshake with. This is
seen as a way of showing respect.

2. The image you portray can help you meet your goals, therefore dress for the job you want not the
one you have. Before you start dressing up ask the management what kind of dressing is allowed at
your workplace so that you can dress accordingly and to impress because if you dress like you are
going to a club and your workplace allows formal clothes, no one is going to take you seriously
especially when it comes to promotions, you are unlikely to get one. Your dressing shows your
personality and if you are capable to do a certain job. Wear ironed clothes and clothes that are not
ripped to show a level of professionalism. Always clean your shoes because dusty shoes lessen your
credibility significantly by wearing a nice outfit and put on a poor pair of shoes. Don’t wear sneakers
because it is not appropriate to every business occasion.

3. Dinning etiquettes tips for a business meal:

Firstly, before you take people out or if you have people visiting, do your research about them to
avoid mistakes. Inviting your clients for lunch is an extension gratitude of your company to the
visitor, so take them out somewhere you have eaten before where you know that the service is
phenomenal and exquisite. When you are taking a table to sit, take the lead or allow the clients to
walk behind the person who is hosting you, by doing this your guests feel more comfortable and
welcomed. Once you sit down place your napkin on your lap until the food arrives. When ordering
the food, let your guest order first and if they are having some trouble ordering their food give them
you best recommendation. This will make them feel comfortable. When reaching out for food, for
example salad dressing, always offer your guest first before you use it yourself. When it's time to pay
the bill, tip your server adequately and treat him or her as your own employee. This is just a way to
appreciate the good service, personal attention and hopefully the contract that you have landed.

4. Tips for dealing with emails appropriately:

1) Make your electronic massage easy to read and easy to view

2) Declutter the inbox everyday
3) Include your contact details and your signature so that people won't struggle to look for it
4) Keep your emails short and understandable
5) Always respond to real massages
6) Schedule your emails every day and keep to your routine
7) Keep your emails sorted out
8) Check your emails before you send it. Wrong spellings and gramma make it difficult for the
other person to understand it.

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