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It is stated that these days many young people worldwide hardly ever leave their homes instead of

doing outdoor activities. There are many reasons behind this trend, which I will discuss in this essay,

followed by some helpful solutions for the statement.

There are two possible reasons for the change. One reason is that youngsters nowadays are under

more pressure to study hard to ensure they successfully finish their school assignments on time.

This means that they hardly have time for outdoor leisure pursuits like riding bikes with friends and

taking part in team sports. More importantly, it cannot be denied many young people are glued to

their phones, computers, and videos. These personal electronic devices and their contents are so

addictive that the kids would refuse to put them down to go out. Many of them even report suffering

from eye strain, fatigue, and short attention spans as a result of long exposure to digital devices.

Indeed, those reasons hinder young children from being in the open air.

In my view, spending so much time indoors is a serious issue because it leads to physical and

mental ill health, and effective approaches must be found to address it. One strategy would be for

schools to give higher status to extracurricular activities. For example, field trips and club activities

where young students can collaborate to do projects should be organized. In this way, not only do

the students help each other to learn academic knowledge, but they also improve their

communication skills while moving around to interact. Besides, this unconventional way of learning

stands a golden chance to help students reduce their screen time.

In conclusion, with the pressure to fulfill different academic goals and the inability to resist tempting

online content, children tend to stay indoors studying and entertaining themselves with technology.

In my viewpoint, to effectively alleviate the situation requires schools to change their curricula.

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