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Katherin Suarez was born in Cali on September 25, 2004 at the Farallones clinic,
her mother is Nancy Silva Muñoz and her stepfather is Fernando Dagua Trujillo,
she lives in Jamundi with her parents, to this day she studies at the University of
the Valley in the program in chemical technology, he is in the second semester, he
studied his high school at the Gimnasio Moderno del Valle school, graduating from
it. In her family they always instilled the sport in her since she was little, so
throughout her life she trained several sports, such as swimming, skating,
basketball, and volleyball. studying for some time in the afternoon which allowed
him to seek other sports, to this day he continues to train volleyball, it is a sport he
has always liked to do. She has also studied English at an academy in Jamundi,
however, she had to stop due to the pandemic. Finally, Katherin always liked
nature a lot, taking care of it and learning from it, watching documentaries learn
from it because in the future she would like to be able to help the conservation of
the environment, she likes quiet spaces, she likes to learn, she adopted two cats,
she likes to spend free time with her boyfriend and with her family

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