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Crisnille Anne M.

Ruelo 11-Pluto

Title: "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business"

In this review, we will explore and evaluate "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do
in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg. Published in 2012, this book delves into the science
behind habits and their impact on our personal and professional lives.

A. Summary:

"The Power of Habit" explores the psychology and neuroscience behind habit formation,
providing numerous real-life examples and case studies. Duhigg explains the habit loop,
consisting of cue, routine, and reward, and how understanding this loop can help individuals and
organizations change their habits for the better. The book also delves into the role of willpower,
belief, and social influence in shaping our habits.

B. Evaluation:

 Comprehensive Research: Duhigg extensively researched the topic, drawing from

academic studies, interviews, and historical events. This provides a solid foundation for
his arguments and enhances the credibility of the book.

 Engaging Narrative: The author presents complex concepts in an engaging and

accessible manner, making it easy for readers to grasp the ideas and apply them to their
own lives.

 Practical Application: Duhigg provides practical strategies and techniques for readers to
identify and modify their habits, offering actionable steps to create positive change.

"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg offers valuable insights into the science of habit
formation and provides practical strategies for personal and professional growth. Despite some
weaknesses, such as occasional repetition and limited cultural diversity, the book's
comprehensive research, engaging narrative, and practical application make it a worthwhile
read for anyone interested in understanding and transforming their habits.

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