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1. All atoms want 8 electrons in their outer shell

2. To achieve this, they will need to bond with other elements, sharing electrons,
accepting electrons from another atom or giving way electrons to another atom.
3. 1st shell can fit 2 electrons, 2nd shell can fit 8 electrons, 3rd shell can fit 8
4. Atomic mass is the total number of neutrons and protons in a nucleus of an
element. Atomic number is the number of protons of an element.
5. The number of protons will determine the element
6. Yes, you can
7. We will create isotopes

2. The mass number will increase as the proton number increases.
3. –same – same – equal – increases

4. I don’t understand ;-;
5. Same with this ;-;

1. You can’t change the atomic number because if so you will change the element.
2. Yes you can, If you change it, you will create isotopes.
3. Yes you can, If the element gets extra electrons, It will become negatively
charged and if it loses electrons, it will become positively charged.

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