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6/2/23, 22:09 L1AP7_ A Narrative (Writing): Revisió de l'intent

La meva pàgina inicial / Els meus cursos / Llengua estrangera Anglès II / Unit 1 / L1AP7_ A Narrative (Writing)

Començat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 22:06

Estat Acabat
Completat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 22:08
Temps emprat 2 minuts 23 segons
Punts 1,00/1,00
Qualificació 10,00 sobre 10,00 (100%)


This section focuses on writing a narrative and provides practice of connectors of sequence and time expressions.

First, you will read the model narrative.

Activity Next, you will point out the structure of the model narrative: Title, Opening, Body, Closing.

Activity In this part of the section, you will review different verb tenses which are normally used in a narrative model by matching the
tenses to their uses.

Activity You will use connectors of sequence to complete the story A Hungry Bear.

The knowledge gained in this section will be applied to write the text for the assignment.

is a series of related events. The objective of a Narrative Text is to entertain the reader with a story.

Generic Structure of a Narrative Text:

- Title
- Paragraph 1: set the scene: where and when the story happened and introduce the participants of the story: who (describe the main

- Paragraph 2: how and what: Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax).
- Paragraph 3: resolution. The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a sad (tragic) one. 1/4
6/2/23, 22:09 L1AP7_ A Narrative (Writing): Revisió de l'intent

Drag the words into the correct boxes

The Not-that-Terrible Day

My best friend Mary loves traveling and she is keen on Photography. For me, she is a very good photograph

artist. One afternoon, Mary and I stopped at a café on the way home form school. She had had a difficult day. she had been la
failed a test and argued with her school seatmate.

As we were leaving. She reached into her bag for her phone, but it wasn't there! She ran back inside the caf

was nothing on the table. Mary asked the waitress, but she hadn't seen it.

Suddenly, a man approached her: 'You dropped this as you were leaving your table,' he said, handing her her phone. What a
said he'd noticed her escreensaver picture; it's a picture of the beach near where I live, and I'd taken it myself. She explained
amateur photographer. She couldn't belive it when he said he was an editor of a photography maganize and that he wanted to

She was thrilled! In the end, her bad day wasn't so bad after all. In fact, it turned out to be lucky!


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6/2/23, 22:09 L1AP7_ A Narrative (Writing): Revisió de l'intent

Drag the words into the correct boxes

In the Narrative text you are going to mainly use Present and Past tenses. Match the different tenses to their uses.

is used to talk about, habits likes and dislikes. In the 3rd persons of the singular form
(he, she, it) -s or -es is added at the end of the verb and negative forms are made with does not/doesn't.

often describes the scene at a particular time in the past.

are used for actions in progress at a particular time or when another (shorter) action
are used for completed actions that happened before the main events.
is used with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions
were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.
Remember you can't use the continuous tense with



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6/2/23, 22:09 L1AP7_ A Narrative (Writing): Revisió de l'intent

1 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Connectors of sequence and time expressions

We use connectors of sequence to help make the order of events clear. Time expressions describe when things happen.

Look at the connectors of sequence and time expressions below:

Beginning the story: in the beginning / at first

Continuing the story: before / after / next / later / when / then / as soon as

New elements to the story: suddenly / all of a sudden

Events occurring at the same time: while / as / during

Ending: eventually / at last / in the end / finally

Activity Use the connectors of sequence to complete the story. There may be more than one suitable answer.


Two years ago, we went camping in the mountains. One afternoon, 1. while  we were preparing dinner over a campfire, we
saw a bear watching us from about a hundred metres away. We ignored it, hoping it would go away, but it began to walk towards us! 2.

As soon as  we realised that we were in danger, we tried to remember what the park ranger had told us. 3. First

 , we shouted and waved our arms in the air so the bear would think we were large animals. 4. Then  , we began to back

away slowly. Fortunately, the bear didn't follow us - he was too interested in our dinner! 5. When  we returned, we found

there was no food left for us. 6 In the end  , it was worth missing a meal for the experience of being so near a bear!


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