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Bài 1: In spectrophotometry, we measure the concentration of analyte by its absorbance of light.

A low-concentration sample was prepared, and nine replicate measurements gave absorbances of
0.0047, 0.0054, 0.0062, 0.0060, 0.0046, 0.0056, 0.0052, 0.0044, and 0.0058. Nine reagent blanks
gave values of 0.000 6, 0.0012, 0.0022, 0.0005, 0.0016, 0.0008, 0.0017, 0.0010, and 0.001 1.

(a) Find the absorbance detection limit with Equation 5-3.

(b) The calibration curve is a graph of absorbance versus concentration. Absorbance is a

dimensionless quantity. The slope of the

calibration curve is m=2.24 104 M-1. Find the concentration detection limit with Equation 5-5.

(c) Find the lower limit of quantitation with Equation 5-6.

BÀi 2:
Bài 3:

A solution was prepared by mixing 5.00 mL of unknown element X with 2.00 mL of solution
containing 4.13 g of standard element S per milliliter, and diluting to 10.0 mL. The signal ratio
in atomic absorption spectrometry was (signal from X)/ (signal from S) = 0.808. In a separate
experiment, with equal concentrations of X and S, (signal from X)/(signal from S) =1.31. Find
the concentration of X in the unknown

BÀi 4:
BÀi 5:

Đáp án chương 1

Bài 4:

a) s=0,00064; mean blank=0,00118


b) LOD=8,6.10-8 M
c) LOQ=2,9.10-7 M

Bài 5: F=1,31

[S]=0,826 (g/mL)

[X]f= 0,509 (g/mL)

[X]i= 1,02 (g/mL)

Bài 6:

a) [Ni2+]f=[Ni2+]i(25/25,5)=0,9804 [Ni2+]i

b) [S]f=0,000562 (M)

c) [Ni2+]i=9,00.10-4 (M)

Bài 7:

Y=3,136 + 27,36

y=0 suy ra [Sr]f=8,72 ppb (ng/mL)

Trong 10 mL chứa 87,2 ng
[Sr]=(8.72x10-9x106): (0,75.10-3)= 116 (ppm)

BÀi 8: ydl=129,6

m=1,752.109 (count/M)
LOD=4,8x10-8 M

Bài 1:

Pure hexane has negligible ultraviolet absorbance above a wavelength of 200 nm. A solution
prepared by dissolving 25.8 mg of benzene (C6H6, FM 78.11) in hexane and diluting to 250.0
mL had an absorption peak at 256 nm and an absorbance of 0.266 in a 1.000-cm cell. Find the
molar absorptivity of benzene at this wavelength

b) A sample of hexane contaminated with benzene had an absorbance of 0.070 at 256 nm in a

cuvet with a 5.000-cm pathlength. Find the concentration of benzene in mg/L

Bài 2:

(a) A compound with molecular mass 292.16 g/mol was dissolved in a 5-mL volumetric flask. A
1.00-mL aliquot was withdrawn, placed in a 10-mL volumetric flask, and diluted to the mark.
The absorbance at 340 nm was 0.427 in a 1.000-cm cuvet. The molar absorptivity at

340 nm is 340 = 6 130 M 1cm1

.(a) Calculate the concentration of compound in the cuvet.

(b)What was the concentration of compound in the 5-mL flask?

(c)How many milligrams of compound were used to make the 5-mL solution?

Bài 3: You have been sent to India to investigate the occurrence of goiter disease attributed to
iodine deficiency. As part of your investigation, you must make field measurements of traces of
iodide (I) in groundwater. The procedure is to oxidize I to I2 and convert the I2 into an intensely
colored complex with the dye brilliant green in the organic solvent toluene.

a) 3.15 10-6M solution of the colored complex exhibited an absorbance of 0.267 at 635 nm
in a 1.000-cm cuvet. A blank solution made from distilled water in place of groundwater
had an absorbance of 0.019. Find the molar absorptivity of the colored
b) The absorbance of an unknown solution prepared from groundwater was 0.175. Find the
concentration of the unknown.

Bài 3: When I was a boy, Uncle Wilbur let me watch as he analyzed the iron runoff content of
from his banana ranch. A 25.0-mL sample was acidified with nitric acid and treated with excess
KSCN to form a red complex. (KSCN itself is colorless.) The solution was then diluted to 100.0
mL and put in a variable-pathlength cell. For comparison, a 10.0-mL reference sample of 6.80
104M Fe3
was treated with HNO3 and KSCN and diluted to 50.0 mL. The reference was placed in a cell
with a 1.00-cm light path. The runoff sample exhibited the same absorbance as the reference
when the pathlength of the runoff cell was 2.48 cm. What was the concentration of iron in Uncle
Wilbur’s runoff?

BÀi 4
Đáp án: =201,5 (

[C6H6]=6,95x10-5 M

[C6H6]=5,4 (mg/L)

Bài 5:
CHương 3: UV-Vis
BÀi 2:
Đáp án: nồng độ Fe=2,220x10-4 M= 12,4 ppm

c) [Transferrin]=7,30x10-5M; [Desferrioxam]= 5,22x10-5 M

d) The fraction of iron in transferrin: 73,7%; The fraction of iron in desferrioxamine= 26,3%

Bài 1:
Bài tập chương 7

Commented [A1]:

Bài 1: VD7

Đáp án:
Bài 2:VD6

Đáp án:

Bài 3: 1
Cho pin điện hóa có ký hiệu như sau:

Đáp án:

Bài 4: 3

Đáp án:
Bài 5: 9

Đáp án:
Bài 6: 12

Đáp án:

Bài 1:

Đáp án:
Bài 2:

Đáp án:
BÀi 3:
Bài 4: Điện cực chọn lọc ion NO3- sử dụng xác định nồng độ NO3- trong nước sinh hoạt
theo phương pháp một điểm chuẩn. Đầu tiên, nhúng điện cực vào 1,00 mL dung dịch
chuẩn NO3- 200,0 ppm, điện thế đo được là +0,089 V. Tiếp theo, nhúng điện cực vào 1
beaker chứa 25,00 mL mẫu nước sinh hoạt, giá trị thế đo được là +0,102 V. Tính nồng độ
NO3- (ppm).

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