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TITLE: Tardiness: A Common Issue that Affects Student Class Engagement

THESIS STATEMENT: Tardiness indicates students' habitual late arrivals to classes is a factor influencing
student engagement, such as interruptions of the class, missing learning opportunities, and a barrier for
active participation.

L Introduction

A. What is the topic about? Tardiness is a common problem of students. It is a barrier affecting students
capacity for learning efficiently. Arriving late to classes often may result negative impacts on students

B. What is the purpose of the essay?

The purpose of the essay is to convey the effects of tardiness on students class engagement As well as
exploring the consequences of being late to classes on students and to their learning environment.
Addressing the importance of arriving en time is included

C. What is the covered of the essay?

The cover of the essay is the consequences of tardiness and its effect on students class engagement,
mainly its negative effects.

D. What is the thesis statement of the essay?

Tardiness indicates students habitual late arrivals to classes is a factor influencing student engagement,
such as interruptions of the class missing learning opportunities, and a barrier for active participation


A. What is the first major topic of the essay?

Classroom tardiness causes class interruptbons

1. What is the first supporting idea?

Brooks et al. (2023) state that when students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or
discussion, distract other students, impede learning, ang generally erode class morale,

2. What is the second supporting idea?

Kraft (2020) aver that the most frequent type of interruption in middle schools and high schools was
students who arrived late to school or a class and entered the class in a way that interrupted instruction
and disrupted learning

What is the second major topic of the essay?

Missed discussions and instructions.

1. What is the first supporting idea? According to Smith and Johnson's (2018) research, students who
arrive late frequently miss essential instructions and disrupt the class discussion, which leads to reducing
their academic performance

2. What is the second supporting idea? In 2018, an article entitled "Attendance Matters: The Impact of
Tardiness en Student Success found that students who arrive late and leave early from school miss out
on key learning opportunities such as morning huddies, morning announcements, academic activities,
tests and quizzes, and social interactions with peers

C. What is the third major topic of the essay? Inhibits student active class participation

1. What is the first supporting idea? Robinson (2015) believes that tardiness disrupts the flow of creative
and collaborative processes in the classroom, limiting the potential for active engagement among

2. What is the second supporting idea? Vukovic (2017) believes that several studies have shown that
school tardiness has a negative impact on learning outcomes, it becomes barrier to students active class

III. Conclusion

A. What is the main point of the essay?

Addressing the effects of tardiness on students engagement, how it affects every student and the
learning environment. Its effects such as class disruption, missing discussions or learning opportunities
and being a hindrance for students active participation to classes.

B. What action may the reader can take?

Identifying the effects of tardiness can help the readers to gain and reflect to the ideas of the essay.
Understanding and realizing that tardiness can cause negative impact to people, especially students.
Applying the learning to themselves may be helpful as


A. What is the topic about? Atriving on time is essential, especially for students who need to attend
dasse Coming late to clauses indicates the individual neglects the teacher's or the other Students' time
and effort to attend on time. Discipline and reapest can be shown by arriving on time, for this reason
bring late can be considered disrespectful Student tardiness is a common problem that has been
identified by school administrators es one of their major concerns (Aculen et al., 2022), it is one of the
barters affectine their capacity for learning efficiently and a hindrance for their active class participation.
Tardiness is defined as the act of being late or delayed, an issue that pervades various spheres of life,
particularly among students (Manganh, 2023) Students active class engagement is being contracted due
to their tardiness. By not acriving on time students miss the beginning of the class discussion, and they
reduced their learning efficiency. This will be difficult for them to participate and to cope w with the
discussion if they will not arrive on time. However, students' tardiness ofte results from a combination
of factors, including poor time management. transportation issues, and overalteping due to irregular
sleep patterns (Smith & Johnson, 2018). The improper use of intermet and digital technologies can he
considered also as one of the causes of students tardiness. When this habit continu It can gradually
result a negative impact to students as well as their quality of learmint

8. What is the purpose of the essay?

The purpose of this is to address tardiness impact on students and to their class engagement. Defining
and exploring the consequences each student might face due to tardiness. The effects of tardiness are
mostly negative, realizing the significance of being punctual is a key to preventing this, Additionally, the
essential key is supplying potential solutions for the issue. Tandiness causes a negative impact on
student, their learning experience and to their learning environment. Addressing the effects of this issue
can deive a deeper understanding about the certain matter. As well as reminding every individual,
especially students, of the significance of ariving on time or the relevance of punctuality

C What is the covered of the essay? This delves into the effects of tardiness on students class
engagements, unraveling
the consequences of not arriving early on classes. The negative impacts that students

will face due to their tardiness as well as the solutions that will help in averting the


D. What is the thesis statement of the essay?

Tardiness indicates students' habitual late arrivals to classes, is a factor influencing

student engagement, such as interruptions of the class, missing sacoing

opportunities, and a barrier for active participation.

there is an example above on how to make topic outline, title, thesis statement and introduction

now make another by the information below.

In making the body you should cite some evidence from the previous study of scholars or researchers in
all supporting idea of major topics.

Title: "YES-O Bamboo Tree Planting: Promoting Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Practices
among Youth"

Thesis statement: The establishment of the YES-O Bamboo Tree Planting initiative aims to cultivate a
sense of environmental stewardship among the youth,encourage sustainable practices, and contribute
to the restoration and preservation of natural ecosystems through the widespread planting and
utilization of bamboo.

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