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Personal Narratives

- are a form of writing in which the writer relates one event, incident, or experience from
his/her life.
- It allows you, the writer, to share your life with others, indirectly experiencing things you
Elements of Personal Narrative
1. Setting is where the story takes place. The writer must establish the setting in a way which
immerses the reader; by showing rather than telling.
- Telling gives the readers the bare facts, with little to no illustration.
- Showing gives the readers the details of a scene, including what the characters are seeing,
hearing, touching, tasting, smelling, thinking, and feeling emotionally.
2. Descriptive imagery is the way the writer paints a scene or an image in the mind of the reader
which involves descriptions of one or more of the five senses.
3. Figurative Language
4. Plot is one of the basic elements of every story. It refers to the actual events that take place
within the bounds of the narrative.
5. Character is a major requirement of any story because characters bring life to the story.

- A story about journey that can also be demonstrated as a motion picture (film), lecture, or
talk accompanied by photos or a presentation.

- A BLOG is an online journal and is also known as “web log”.
- This all started in 1994 as personal diary that was shared online.

Different Kinds of Blogs

1. Personal Blogs - This is the first blogging type that became popular when blogging started in
the late 90’s. Most of its content is about people’s daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings. In
this type of blog, rules were not necessary.
2. Business Blogs - If you are into business, this type of blog is your thing. In this kind of blog, a
blogger discusses a business venture or a company/industry in which he/she works. Its main
purpose is to make a business known to target clienteles.
3. Professional Blogs - Because of its popularity many make blogging as their career path. If
you wish to do so, this is the kind of blogging for you. The content for professional blogs is a
variety of monetization strategies to achieve this goal, including selling display ads, creating
information and digital products, promoting other people’s products for a commission, and the
4. Niche Blogs - If you wish to focus on a specific topic this blog fits you. Some of the niche
blog ideas might be plant tips, food blogging, fashion, training programs, writing poems, etc.
Since this blogging covers specific information on a chosen topic, a niche blogger does thorough
5. Reverse Blogs - This is also known as guest host blog. This is considered unique and modern.
It is mostly the public that creates a content rather than the owner. It has a group of people that
controls the posts, prevent undesirable activities, and promote slow topics for greater
interactivity. However, the owner should also constantly posts and open for discussion.
6. Affiliate Blogs - If you feel like endorsing a product and earn a commission at the same time,
this one is for you. The aim of this blog is to review and give feedbacks on existing products and
services online to encourage patronage.
7. Media Blogs - One of the most popular blogs in today’s generation. It is defined by the
content produced by the bloggers. If you are into making videos online, you are called a Vlogger.
If you are an artist who loves to publish your artwork, you are a photoblogger or an art blogger.
8. Freelance Blogs - This is a kind of blog where bloggers are paid on the services they provide.
The bloggers are hired to write content on the topics provided by their clients.

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