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Narrator: Hello Everyone! Today students in Grade 9 will be

presenting a play on an important topic relevant to us all.
Afterwards, we will take your opinion on some of the ideas discussed
in the play. So without further ado let's begin...
Snehal: Dad, please sign this form for a Fine arts competition.
(Gives the form to Dad)
Dad: Snehal, you must stop wasting your time with these silly things.
You should focus on your studies.
Snehal: (Frustrated)Yes Dad, I am focusing on my studies I even got
the highest grade in my English and History classes.
Dad: And what about Maths and Science, you have to take more
interest in those subjects. As you will be taking a science stream, these
subjects will prove useful to you.
Snehal: I am doing well in both the subjects, but Dad I told you I want
to take an arts stream.
Dad: (Angry) Everyone in our family has come from a science
background, it will be a disgrace to our family name if you take arts
Snehal: Dad! But I have a passion for Arts, and am even and the top of
my History and English classes. Don’t you think I should take that
Dad: PASSION! Passion won’t help you make money.
Snehal: That's not true there are several jobs in the Arts Field, I am
particularly interested in becoming a Designer.
Dad:(Angry) Snehal, these dreams for little kids you are grown up
now and you have to be realistic YOU WILL TAKE SCIENCE!
Narrator: Do you think there is something wrong happening here? I
encourage you all to kindly raise your hand to share your opinion.
Yes, Parents should not influence their children to choose a certain
stream or even a profession. Children should choose a stream based
on their interests and performance across various subjects. Now let's
see how this situation would play out in a more conducive
environment. (REWIND SIGN)
Snehal: Dad, please sign this form for a Fine arts competition.
(GIves the form to Dad)
Dad: Yeah sure, how are things in school?
Snehal: Great! I have got the highest in my English and History
Dad: That’s good, and what stream are you planning to take?
Snehal: I am thinking of taking up arts and becoming a designer!
Dad: Okay! We will consult your teacher on what steps you can take to
achieve that goal.
Snehal: Yeah sure! The PTM is this Saturday you can discuss it then.
Dad: Great! I’ll keep myself free then.
(Dad signs the form and hands it back to Snehal)
Narrator: students! I hope you all enjoyed this play and were
impacted by the ideas discussed. I request all of you to give this issue
some more thought and spread awareness on the same.


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